**IMPORTANT NOTE:** If you were using the Lua version of MumbleDJ previously, you will need to follow the installation guide once more to install new dependencies.
All parameters are optional, the example above shows the default values for each field.
Installation for v2 of MumbleDJ is much easier than it was before, due to the reduced dependency list and a `Makefile` which automates some of the process.
**NOTE:** This bot was designed for use on Linux machines. If you wish to run the bot on another OS, it will require tweaking and is not something I will be able to help with.
**1)** Install and correctly configure [`Go`](https://golang.org/). Specifically, make sure to follow [this guide](https://golang.org/doc/code.html) and set the `GOPATH` environment variable properly.
**2)** Install [`ffmpeg`](https://www.ffmpeg.org/) if it is not already installed on your system.
**5)** Edit `~/.mumbledj/config/mumbledj.gcfg` to your liking. This file will be overwritten if the config file structure is changed in a commit, but a backup is always stored at `~/.mumbledj/config/mumbledj_backup.gcfg`.
**6)** Execute the command shown at the top of this `README` document with your credentials, and the bot should be up and running!