Added command alias options to config

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Matthieu Grieger 2014-09-18 11:57:15 -07:00
parent 60f4a3a2df
commit a5ef9b6826

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@ -46,6 +46,39 @@ config.HIGHEST_VOLUME = 512
config.SKIP_RATIO = 0.5
-- Alias used for play command.
-- DEFAULT VALUE: "play"
config.PLAY_ALIAS = "play"
-- Alias used for pause command.
-- DEFAULT VALUE: "pause"
config.PAUSE_ALIAS = "pause"
-- Alias used for add command.
config.ADD_ALIAS = "add"
-- Alias used for skip command.
-- DEFAULT VALUE: "skip"
config.SKIP_ALIAS = "skip"
-- Alias used for volume command.
-- DEFAULT VALUE: "volume"
config.VOLUME_ALIAS = "volume"
-- Alias used for move command.
-- DEFAULT VALUE: "move"
config.MOVE_ALIAS = "move"
-- Alias used for kill command.
-- DEFAULT VALUE: "kill"
config.KILL_ALIAS = "kill"
@ -104,35 +137,27 @@ config.SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS = true
-- Message shown to users when they do not have permission to execute a command.
-- DEFAULT VALUE: "You do not have permission to execute that command."
config.NO_PERMISSION_MSG = "You do not have permission to execute that command."
-- Message shown to users when they try to move the bot to a non-existant channel.
-- DEFAULT VALUE: "The channel you specified does not exist."
config.CHANNEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MSG = "The channel you specified does not exist."
-- Message shown to users when they attempt to add an invalid URL to the queue.
-- DEFAULT VALUE: "The URL you submitted does not match the required format. Please submit a valid YouTube URL."
config.INVALID_URL_MSG = "The URL you submitted does not match the required format. Please submit a valid YouTube URL."
-- Message shown to users when they attempt to execute the play command when music is already playing.
-- DEFAULT VALUE: "A music track is already playing!"
config.MUSIC_PLAYING_MSG = "A music track is already playing!"
-- Message shown to users when they attempt to use the stop command when no music is playing.
-- DEFAULT VALUE: "There is no music playing at the moment."
config.NO_MUSIC_PLAYING_MSG = "There is no music playing at the moment."
-- Message shown to users when they attempt to use the play command when there are no songs in the queue.
-- DEFAULT VALUE: "There are no songs currently in the queue. Use " .. config.COMMAND_PREFIX .. "add to add a song to the queue."
config.NO_SONGS_AVAILABLE = "There are no songs currently in the queue. Use " .. config.COMMAND_PREFIX .. "add to add a song to the queue."
-- Message shown to users when they issue a command that requires an argument and one was not supplied.
-- DEFAULT VALUE: "The command you issued requires an argument and you did not provide one. Make sure a space exists between the command and argument."
config.NO_ARGUMENT = "The command you issued requires an argument and you did not provide one. Make sure a space exists between the command and the argument."
-- Message shown to users when they try to change the volume to a value outside the volume range.
-- DEFAULT VALUE: "The volume you tried to supply is not in the allowed volume range. The value must be between " .. config.LOWEST_VOLUME .. " and " .. config.HIGHEST_VOLUME .. "."
config.NOT_IN_VOLUME_RANGE = "The volume you tried to supply is not in the allowed volume range. The value must be between " .. config.LOWEST_VOLUME .. " and " .. config.HIGHEST_VOLUME .. "."
@ -170,4 +195,14 @@ config.SONG_PAUSED_HTML = [[
<b>%s</b> has paused the song.
-- Message shown to channel when a user votes to skip a song.
config.USER_SKIP_HTML = [[
<b>%s</b> has voted to skip this song.
-- Message shown to channel when a song has been skipped.
The number of votes required for a skip has been met. <b>Skipping song!</b>
return config