#### Before submitting this issue, please acknowledge that you have done the following: - [ ] I've at least skimmed through the [README](https://github.com/matthieugrieger/mumbledj/blob/master/README.md) - [ ] I have checked that I am running the latest version of MumbleDJ (use `mumbledj --version` when starting the bot or use the MumbleDJ version command in Mumble) - [ ] I have [searched through the existing issues](https://github.com/matthieugrieger/mumbledj/issues) to see if my issue has been answered already --- #### What type of issue is this? - [ ] Bug report (encountered problems with MumbleDJ) - [ ] Feature request (request for a new functionality) - [ ] Question - [ ] Other: --- #### Log output of bot with `--debug` flag (likely only for bug reports): --- #### Description of your issue: