/* * MumbleDJ * By Matthieu Grieger * bot/startup.go * Copyright (c) 2016 Matthieu Grieger (MIT License) */ package bot import ( "errors" "fmt" "os/exec" "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/spf13/viper" ) // PerformStartupChecks executes the suite of startup checks that are run before the bot // connects to the server. func PerformStartupChecks() { logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{ "num_services": fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(DJ.AvailableServices)), }).Infoln("Checking for availability of services...") for i := len(DJ.AvailableServices) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { if err := DJ.AvailableServices[i].CheckAPIKey(); err != nil { name := DJ.AvailableServices[i].GetReadableName() logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{ "service": name, "error": err.Error(), }).Warnln("A startup check discovered an issue. The service will be disabled.") // Remove service from enabled services. DJ.AvailableServices = append(DJ.AvailableServices[:i], DJ.AvailableServices[i+1:]...) } } if len(DJ.AvailableServices) == 0 { logrus.Fatalln("The bot cannot continue as no services are enabled.") } if err := checkYouTubeDLInstallation(); err != nil { logrus.Fatalln("youtube-dl is either not installed or is not discoverable in $PATH. youtube-dl is required to download audio.") } if viper.GetString("defaults.player_command") == "ffmpeg" { if err := checkFfmpegInstallation(); err != nil { logrus.Fatalln("ffmpeg is either not installed or is not discoverable in $PATH. If you would like to use avconv instead, change the defaults.player_command value in the configuration file.") } } else if viper.GetString("defaults.player_command") == "avconv" { if err := checkAvconvInstallation(); err != nil { logrus.Fatalln("avconv is either not installed or is not discoverable in $PATH. If you would like to use ffmpeg instead, change the defaults.player_command value in the configuration file.") } } else { logrus.Fatalln("The player command provided in the configuration file is invalid. Valid choices are: \"ffmpeg\", \"avconv\".") } if err := checkAria2Installation(); err != nil { logrus.Warnln("aria2 is not installed or is not discoverable in $PATH. The bot will still partially work, but some services will not work properly.") } if err := checkOpenSSLInstallation(); err != nil { logrus.Warnln("openssl is not installed or is not discoverable in $PATH. p12 certificate files will not work.") } } func checkYouTubeDLInstallation() error { logrus.Infoln("Checking YouTubeDL installation...") command := exec.Command("youtube-dl", "--version") if err := command.Run(); err != nil { return errors.New("youtube-dl is not properly installed") } return nil } func checkFfmpegInstallation() error { logrus.Infoln("Checking ffmpeg installation...") command := exec.Command("ffmpeg", "-version") if err := command.Run(); err != nil { return errors.New("ffmpeg is not properly installed") } return nil } func checkAvconvInstallation() error { logrus.Infoln("Checking avconv installation...") command := exec.Command("avconv", "-version") if err := command.Run(); err != nil { return errors.New("avconv is not properly installed") } return nil } func checkAria2Installation() error { logrus.Infoln("Checking aria2c installation...") command := exec.Command("aria2c", "-v") if err := command.Run(); err != nil { return errors.New("aria2c is not properly installed") } return nil } func checkOpenSSLInstallation() error { logrus.Infoln("Checking openssl installation...") command := exec.Command("openssl", "version") if err := command.Run(); err != nil { return errors.New("openssl is not properly installed") } return nil }