/* * MumbleDJ * By Matthieu Grieger * bot/queue.go * Copyright (c) 2016 Matthieu Grieger (MIT License) */ package bot import ( "errors" "fmt" "math/rand" "os" "sync" "time" "github.com/layeh/gumble/gumbleffmpeg" _ "github.com/layeh/gumble/opus" "github.com/matthieugrieger/mumbledj/interfaces" "github.com/spf13/viper" ) // Queue holds the audio queue itself along with useful methods for // performing actions on the queue. type Queue struct { Queue []interfaces.Track mutex sync.RWMutex } func init() { rand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) } // NewQueue initializes a new queue and returns it. func NewQueue() *Queue { return &Queue{ Queue: make([]interfaces.Track, 0), } } // Length returns the length of the queue. func (q *Queue) Length() int { q.mutex.RLock() length := len(q.Queue) q.mutex.RUnlock() return length } // Reset removes all tracks from the queue. func (q *Queue) Reset() { q.mutex.Lock() q.Queue = q.Queue[:0] q.mutex.Unlock() } // AppendTrack adds a track to the back of the queue. func (q *Queue) AppendTrack(t interfaces.Track) error { q.mutex.Lock() beforeLen := len(q.Queue) // An error should never occur here since maxTrackDuration is restricted to // ints. Any error in the configuration will be caught during yaml load. maxTrackDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%ds", viper.GetInt("queue.max_track_duration"))) if viper.GetInt("queue.max_track_duration") == 0 || t.GetDuration() <= maxTrackDuration { q.Queue = append(q.Queue, t) } else { q.mutex.Unlock() return errors.New("The track is too long to add to the queue") } if len(q.Queue) == beforeLen+1 { q.mutex.Unlock() q.playIfNeeded() return nil } q.mutex.Unlock() return errors.New("Could not add track to queue") } // InsertTrack inserts track `t` at position `i` in the queue. func (q *Queue) InsertTrack(i int, t interfaces.Track) error { q.mutex.Lock() beforeLen := len(q.Queue) // An error should never occur here since maxTrackDuration is restricted to // ints. Any error in the configuration will be caught during yaml load. maxTrackDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%ds", viper.GetInt("queue.max_track_duration"))) if viper.GetInt("queue.max_track_duration") == 0 || t.GetDuration() <= maxTrackDuration { q.Queue = append(q.Queue, Track{}) copy(q.Queue[i+1:], q.Queue[i:]) q.Queue[i] = t } else { q.mutex.Unlock() return errors.New("The track is too long to add to the queue") } if len(q.Queue) == beforeLen+1 { q.mutex.Unlock() q.playIfNeeded() return nil } q.mutex.Unlock() return errors.New("Could not add track to queue") } // CurrentTrack returns the current Track. func (q *Queue) CurrentTrack() (interfaces.Track, error) { q.mutex.RLock() if len(q.Queue) != 0 { current := q.Queue[0] q.mutex.RUnlock() return current, nil } q.mutex.RUnlock() return nil, errors.New("There are no tracks currently in the queue") } // GetTrack takes an `index` argument to determine which track to return. // If the track in position `index` exists, it is returned. Otherwise, // nil is returned. func (q *Queue) GetTrack(index int) interfaces.Track { q.mutex.RLock() if index >= len(q.Queue) { q.mutex.RUnlock() return nil } track := q.Queue[index] q.mutex.RUnlock() return track } // PeekNextTrack peeks at the next track and returns it. func (q *Queue) PeekNextTrack() (interfaces.Track, error) { q.mutex.RLock() if len(q.Queue) > 1 { if viper.GetBool("queue.automatic_shuffle_on") { q.RandomNextTrack(false) } next := q.Queue[1] q.mutex.RUnlock() return next, nil } q.mutex.RUnlock() return nil, errors.New("There is no track coming up next") } // Traverse is a traversal function for Queue. Allows a visit function to // be passed in which performs the specified action on each queue item. func (q *Queue) Traverse(visit func(i int, t interfaces.Track)) { q.mutex.RLock() if len(q.Queue) > 0 { for queueIndex, queueTrack := range q.Queue { visit(queueIndex, queueTrack) } } q.mutex.RUnlock() } // ShuffleTracks shuffles the queue using an inside-out algorithm. func (q *Queue) ShuffleTracks() { q.mutex.Lock() // Skip the first track, as it is likely playing. for i := range q.Queue[1:] { j := rand.Intn(i + 1) q.Queue[i+1], q.Queue[j+1] = q.Queue[j+1], q.Queue[i+1] } q.mutex.Unlock() } // RandomNextTrack sets a random track as the next track to be played. func (q *Queue) RandomNextTrack(queueWasEmpty bool) { q.mutex.Lock() if len(q.Queue) > 1 { nextTrackIndex := 1 if queueWasEmpty { nextTrackIndex = 0 } swapIndex := nextTrackIndex + rand.Intn(len(q.Queue)-1) q.Queue[nextTrackIndex], q.Queue[swapIndex] = q.Queue[swapIndex], q.Queue[nextTrackIndex] } q.mutex.Unlock() } // Skip performs the necessary actions that take place when a track is skipped // via a command. func (q *Queue) Skip() { // Set AudioStream to nil if it isn't already. if DJ.AudioStream != nil { DJ.AudioStream = nil } // Remove all track skips. DJ.Skips.ResetTrackSkips() q.mutex.Lock() // If caching is disabled, delete the track from disk. if q.Length() != 0 && !viper.GetBool("cache.enabled") { DJ.YouTubeDL.Delete(q.Queue[0]) } // If automatic track shuffling is enabled, assign a random track in the queue to be the next track. if viper.GetBool("queue.automatic_shuffle_on") { q.mutex.Unlock() q.RandomNextTrack(false) q.mutex.Lock() } // Remove all playlist skips if this is the last track of the playlist still in the queue. if playlist := q.Queue[0].GetPlaylist(); playlist != nil { id := playlist.GetID() playlistIsFinished := true q.mutex.Unlock() q.Traverse(func(i int, t interfaces.Track) { if i != 0 && t.GetPlaylist() != nil { if t.GetPlaylist().GetID() == id { playlistIsFinished = false } } }) q.mutex.Lock() if playlistIsFinished { DJ.Skips.ResetPlaylistSkips() } } // Skip the track. length := len(q.Queue) if length > 1 { q.Queue = q.Queue[1:] } else { q.Queue = make([]interfaces.Track, 0) } q.mutex.Unlock() if err := q.playIfNeeded(); err != nil { q.Skip() } } // SkipPlaylist performs the necessary actions that take place when a playlist // is skipped via a command. func (q *Queue) SkipPlaylist() { q.mutex.Lock() if playlist := q.Queue[0].GetPlaylist(); playlist != nil { currentPlaylistID := playlist.GetID() // We must loop backwards to prevent missing any elements after deletion. // NOTE: We do not remove the first track of the playlist quite yet as that // is removed properly with the following Skip() call. for i := len(q.Queue) - 1; i >= 1; i-- { if otherTrackPlaylist := q.Queue[i].GetPlaylist(); otherTrackPlaylist != nil { if otherTrackPlaylist.GetID() == currentPlaylistID { q.Queue = append(q.Queue[:i], q.Queue[i+1:]...) } } } } q.mutex.Unlock() q.StopCurrent() } // PlayCurrent creates a new audio stream and begins playing the current track. func (q *Queue) PlayCurrent() error { currentTrack := q.GetTrack(0) filepath := os.ExpandEnv(viper.GetString("cache.directory") + "/" + currentTrack.GetFilename()) if _, err := os.Stat(filepath); os.IsNotExist(err) { if err := DJ.YouTubeDL.Download(q.GetTrack(0)); err != nil { return err } } source := gumbleffmpeg.SourceFile(filepath) DJ.AudioStream = gumbleffmpeg.New(DJ.Client, source) DJ.AudioStream.Offset = currentTrack.GetPlaybackOffset() DJ.AudioStream.Volume = DJ.Volume if viper.GetString("defaults.player_command") == "avconv" { DJ.AudioStream.Command = "avconv" } if viper.GetBool("queue.announce_new_tracks") { message := ` ` message = fmt.Sprintf(message, currentTrack.GetThumbnailURL(), currentTrack.GetURL(), currentTrack.GetTitle(), currentTrack.GetDuration().String(), currentTrack.GetSubmitter()) if currentTrack.GetPlaylist() != nil { message = fmt.Sprintf(message+``, currentTrack.GetPlaylist().GetTitle()) } message += `
%s (%s)
Added by %s
From playlist "%s"
` DJ.Client.Self.Channel.Send(message, false) } DJ.AudioStream.Play() go func() { DJ.AudioStream.Wait() q.Skip() }() return nil } // PauseCurrent pauses the current audio stream if it exists and is not already paused. func (q *Queue) PauseCurrent() error { if DJ.AudioStream == nil { return errors.New("There is no track to pause") } if DJ.AudioStream.State() == gumbleffmpeg.StatePaused { return errors.New("The track is already paused") } DJ.AudioStream.Pause() return nil } // ResumeCurrent resumes playback of the current audio stream if it exists and is paused. func (q *Queue) ResumeCurrent() error { if DJ.AudioStream == nil { return errors.New("There is no track to resume") } if DJ.AudioStream.State() == gumbleffmpeg.StatePlaying { return errors.New("The track is already playing") } DJ.AudioStream.Play() return nil } // StopCurrent stops the playback of the current audio stream if it exists. func (q *Queue) StopCurrent() error { if DJ.AudioStream == nil { return errors.New("The audio stream is nil") } DJ.AudioStream.Stop() return nil } func (q *Queue) playIfNeeded() error { if DJ.AudioStream == nil && q.Length() > 0 { if err := DJ.YouTubeDL.Download(q.GetTrack(0)); err != nil { return err } if err := q.PlayCurrent(); err != nil { return err } } return nil }