#----------------------# # Mumble Music Bot # # By Matthieu Grieger # #----------------------#---------------------------# # musicbot.py # # Contains definitions of musicbot class & methods # #--------------------------------------------------# #import pymumble here from config import * class MusicBot: # Since all the configuration is set in config.py, we don't really need to do anything here. def __init__(self): print('Starting up ' + SERVER_USERNAME + '...') # Connects to the Mumble server with the credentials specified upon object creation. def connect_to_server(self): self.mumble = pymumble.Mumble(SERVER_ADDRESS, SERVER_PORT, SERVER_USERNAME, SERVER_PASSWORD, debug = DEBUG) self.mumble.start() self.mumble.is_ready() self.mumble.channels.find_by_name(DEFAULT_CHANNEL).move_in() self.mumble.users.myself.mute() # Starts to play the first song in the queue when called. If no songs exist in the queue, it will wait until # a song is added. def start_music(self): pass # Resumes music when called. def play_music(self): pass # Pauses music until told to resume. def pause_music(self): pass # Adds a YouTube link to the queue along with its metadata. def add_to_queue(self): pass # Sends a message to the chat when a new song starts playing. def announce_new_song(self): pass # Raises the volume by the increment decided by the user. def raise_volume(self, increment): pass # Lowers the volume by the increment decided by the user. def lower_volume(self, increment): pass # Moves bot from the current channel to the specified channel. def move_bot(self, channel): pass # Completely stops the bot if a person on the approved list of admins # issues the stop command. def stop_bot(self): pass