/* * MumbleDJ * By Matthieu Grieger * commands.go * Copyright (c) 2014 Matthieu Grieger (MIT License) */ package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "github.com/kennygrant/sanitize" "github.com/layeh/gumble/gumble" "os" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" ) // Called on text message event. Checks the message for a command string, and processes it accordingly if // it contains a command. func parseCommand(user *gumble.User, username, command string) { var com, argument string if strings.Contains(command, " ") { sanitizedCommand := sanitize.HTML(command) parsedCommand := strings.Split(sanitizedCommand, " ") com, argument = parsedCommand[0], parsedCommand[1] } else { com = command argument = "" } switch com { // Add command case dj.conf.Aliases.AddAlias: if dj.HasPermission(username, dj.conf.Permissions.AdminAdd) { if argument == "" { user.Send(NO_ARGUMENT_MSG) } else { if songTitle, err := add(username, argument); err == nil { dj.client.Self().Channel().Send(fmt.Sprintf(SONG_ADDED_HTML, username, songTitle), false) if dj.queue.Len() == 1 && !dj.audioStream.IsPlaying() { dj.currentSong = dj.queue.NextSong() if err := dj.currentSong.Download(); err == nil { dj.currentSong.Play() } else { panic(err) } } } else { user.Send(INVALID_URL_MSG) } } } else { user.Send(NO_PERMISSION_MSG) } // Skip command case dj.conf.Aliases.SkipAlias: if dj.HasPermission(username, dj.conf.Permissions.AdminSkip) { if err := skip(username, false); err == nil { dj.client.Self().Channel().Send(fmt.Sprintf(SKIP_ADDED_HTML, username), false) } } else { user.Send(NO_PERMISSION_MSG) } // Forceskip command case dj.conf.Aliases.AdminSkipAlias: if dj.HasPermission(username, true) { if err := skip(username, true); err == nil { dj.client.Self().Channel().Send(ADMIN_SONG_SKIP_MSG, false) } } else { user.Send(NO_PERMISSION_MSG) } // Volume command case dj.conf.Aliases.VolumeAlias: if dj.HasPermission(username, dj.conf.Permissions.AdminVolume) { if argument == "" { dj.client.Self().Channel().Send(fmt.Sprintf(CUR_VOLUME_HTML, dj.audioStream.Volume()), false) } else { if err := volume(username, argument); err == nil { dj.client.Self().Channel().Send(fmt.Sprintf(VOLUME_SUCCESS_HTML, username, argument), false) } else { user.Send(fmt.Sprintf(NOT_IN_VOLUME_RANGE_MSG, dj.conf.Volume.LowestVolume, dj.conf.Volume.HighestVolume)) } } } else { user.Send(NO_PERMISSION_MSG) } // Move command case dj.conf.Aliases.MoveAlias: if dj.HasPermission(username, dj.conf.Permissions.AdminMove) { if argument == "" { user.Send(NO_ARGUMENT_MSG) } else { if err := move(argument); err == nil { fmt.Printf("%s has been moved to %s.", dj.client.Self().Name(), argument) } else { user.Send(CHANNEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MSG) } } } else { user.Send(NO_PERMISSION_MSG) } // Reload command case dj.conf.Aliases.ReloadAlias: if dj.HasPermission(username, dj.conf.Permissions.AdminReload) { err := loadConfiguration() if err == nil { user.Send(CONFIG_RELOAD_SUCCESS_MSG) } else { panic(err) } } else { user.Send(NO_PERMISSION_MSG) } // Kill command case dj.conf.Aliases.KillAlias: if dj.HasPermission(username, dj.conf.Permissions.AdminKill) { if err := kill(); err == nil { fmt.Println("Kill successful. Goodbye!") os.Exit(0) } else { user.Send(KILL_ERROR_MSG) } } else { user.Send(NO_PERMISSION_MSG) } default: user.Send(COMMAND_DOESNT_EXIST_MSG) } } // Performs add functionality. Checks input URL for YouTube format, and adds // the URL to the queue if the format matches. func add(user, url string) (string, error) { youtubePatterns := []string{ `https?:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?v=([\w-]+)`, `https?:\/\/youtube\.com\/watch\?v=([\w-]+)`, `https?:\/\/youtu.be\/([\w-]+)`, `https?:\/\/youtube.com\/v\/([\w-]+)`, `https?:\/\/www.youtube.com\/v\/([\w-]+)`, } matchFound := false for _, pattern := range youtubePatterns { if re, err := regexp.Compile(pattern); err == nil { if re.MatchString(url) { matchFound = true break } } } if matchFound { urlMatch := strings.Split(url, "=") shortUrl := urlMatch[1] newSong := NewSong(user, shortUrl) if err := dj.queue.AddSong(newSong); err == nil { return newSong.title, nil } else { return "", errors.New("Could not add the Song to the queue.") } } else { return "", errors.New("The URL provided did not match a YouTube URL.") } } // Performs skip functionality. Adds a skip to the skippers slice for the current song, and then // evaluates if a skip should be performed. Both skip and forceskip are implemented here. func skip(user string, admin bool) error { if err := dj.currentSong.AddSkip(user); err == nil { if dj.currentSong.SkipReached(len(dj.client.Self().Channel().Users())) || admin { if err := dj.audioStream.Stop(); err == nil { dj.OnSongFinished() return nil } else { return errors.New("An error occurred while stopping the current song.") } } else { return nil } } else { return errors.New("An error occurred while adding a skip to the current song.") } } // Performs volume functionality. Checks input value against LowestVolume and HighestVolume from // config to determine if the volume should be applied. If in the correct range, the new volume // is applied and is immediately in effect. func volume(user, value string) error { if parsedVolume, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 32); err == nil { newVolume := float32(parsedVolume) if newVolume >= dj.conf.Volume.LowestVolume && newVolume <= dj.conf.Volume.HighestVolume { dj.audioStream.SetVolume(newVolume) return nil } else { return errors.New("The volume supplied was not in the allowed range.") } } else { return errors.New("An error occurred while parsing the volume string.") } } // Performs move functionality. Determines if the supplied channel is valid and moves the bot // to the channel if it is. func move(channel string) error { if dj.client.Channels().Find(channel) != nil { dj.client.Self().Move(dj.client.Channels().Find(channel)) return nil } else { return errors.New("The channel provided does not exist.") } } // Performs kill functionality. First cleans the ~/.mumbledj/songs directory to get rid of any // excess m4a files. The bot then safely disconnects from the server. func kill() error { songsDir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/.mumbledj/songs", dj.homeDir) if err := os.RemoveAll(songsDir); err != nil { return errors.New("An error occurred while deleting the audio files.") } else { if err := os.Mkdir(songsDir, 0777); err != nil { return errors.New("An error occurred while recreating the songs directory.") } } if err := dj.client.Disconnect(); err == nil { return nil } else { return errors.New("An error occurred while disconnecting from the server.") } }