/* * MumbleDJ * By Matthieu Grieger * service_youtube.go * Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 Matthieu Grieger (MIT License) */ package main import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "os/exec" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/jmoiron/jsonq" "github.com/layeh/gumble/gumble_ffmpeg" ) // ------------ // YOUTUBE SONG // ------------ // YouTubeSong holds the metadata for a song extracted from a YouTube video. type YouTubeSong struct { submitter string title string id string offset int filename string duration string thumbnail string skippers []string playlist Playlist dontSkip bool } // NewYouTubeSong gathers the metadata for a song extracted from a YouTube video, and returns // the song. func NewYouTubeSong(user, id, offset string, playlist *YouTubePlaylist) (*YouTubeSong, error) { var apiResponse *jsonq.JsonQuery var err error url := fmt.Sprintf("https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet,contentDetails&id=%s&key=%s", id, os.Getenv("YOUTUBE_API_KEY")) if apiResponse, err = PerformGetRequest(url); err != nil { return nil, err } var offsetDays, offsetHours, offsetMinutes, offsetSeconds int64 if offset != "" { offsetExp := regexp.MustCompile(`t\=(?P\d+d)?(?P\d+h)?(?P\d+m)?(?P\d+s)?`) offsetMatch := offsetExp.FindStringSubmatch(offset) offsetResult := make(map[string]string) for i, name := range offsetExp.SubexpNames() { offsetResult[name] = offsetMatch[i] } if offsetResult["days"] != "" { offsetDays, _ = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSuffix(offsetResult["days"], "d"), 10, 32) } if offsetResult["hours"] != "" { offsetHours, _ = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSuffix(offsetResult["hours"], "h"), 10, 32) } if offsetResult["minutes"] != "" { offsetMinutes, _ = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSuffix(offsetResult["minutes"], "m"), 10, 32) } if offsetResult["seconds"] != "" { offsetSeconds, _ = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSuffix(offsetResult["seconds"], "s"), 10, 32) } } title, _ := apiResponse.String("items", "0", "snippet", "title") thumbnail, _ := apiResponse.String("items", "0", "snippet", "thumbnails", "high", "url") duration, _ := apiResponse.String("items", "0", "contentDetails", "duration") var days, hours, minutes, seconds int64 timestampExp := regexp.MustCompile(`P(?P\d+D)?T(?P\d+H)?(?P\d+M)?(?P\d+S)?`) timestampMatch := timestampExp.FindStringSubmatch(duration) timestampResult := make(map[string]string) for i, name := range timestampExp.SubexpNames() { timestampResult[name] = timestampMatch[i] } if timestampResult["days"] != "" { days, _ = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSuffix(timestampResult["days"], "D"), 10, 32) } if timestampResult["hours"] != "" { hours, _ = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSuffix(timestampResult["hours"], "H"), 10, 32) } if timestampResult["minutes"] != "" { minutes, _ = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSuffix(timestampResult["minutes"], "M"), 10, 32) } if timestampResult["seconds"] != "" { seconds, _ = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSuffix(timestampResult["seconds"], "S"), 10, 32) } totalSeconds := int((days * 86400) + (hours * 3600) + (minutes * 60) + seconds) var durationString string if hours != 0 { if days != 0 { durationString = fmt.Sprintf("%d:%02d:%02d:%02d", days, hours, minutes, seconds) } else { durationString = fmt.Sprintf("%d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds) } } else { durationString = fmt.Sprintf("%d:%02d", minutes, seconds) } if dj.conf.General.MaxSongDuration == 0 || totalSeconds <= dj.conf.General.MaxSongDuration { song := &YouTubeSong{ submitter: user, title: title, id: id, offset: int((offsetDays * 86400) + (offsetHours * 3600) + (offsetMinutes * 60) + offsetSeconds), filename: id + ".m4a", duration: durationString, thumbnail: thumbnail, skippers: make([]string, 0), playlist: nil, dontSkip: false, } dj.queue.AddSong(song) return song, nil } return nil, errors.New("Song exceeds the maximum allowed duration.") } // Download downloads the song via youtube-dl if it does not already exist on disk. // All downloaded songs are stored in ~/.mumbledj/songs and should be automatically cleaned. func (s *YouTubeSong) Download() error { if _, err := os.Stat(fmt.Sprintf("%s/.mumbledj/songs/%s", dj.homeDir, s.Filename())); os.IsNotExist(err) { cmd := exec.Command("youtube-dl", "--output", fmt.Sprintf(`~/.mumbledj/songs/%s`, s.Filename()), "--format", "m4a", "--", s.ID()) if err := cmd.Run(); err == nil { if dj.conf.Cache.Enabled { dj.cache.CheckMaximumDirectorySize() } return nil } return errors.New("Song download failed.") } return nil } // Play plays the song. Once the song is playing, a notification is displayed in a text message that features the video // thumbnail, URL, title, duration, and submitter. func (s *YouTubeSong) Play() { if s.offset != 0 { offsetDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%ds", s.offset)) dj.audioStream.Offset = offsetDuration } dj.audioStream.Source = gumble_ffmpeg.SourceFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/.mumbledj/songs/%s", dj.homeDir, s.Filename())) if err := dj.audioStream.Play(); err != nil { panic(err) } else { if s.Playlist() == nil { message := `
%s (%s)
Added by %s
` dj.client.Self.Channel.Send(fmt.Sprintf(message, s.Thumbnail(), s.ID(), s.Title(), s.Duration(), s.Submitter()), false) } else { message := `
%s (%s)
Added by %s
From playlist "%s"
` dj.client.Self.Channel.Send(fmt.Sprintf(message, s.Thumbnail(), s.ID(), s.Title(), s.Duration(), s.Submitter(), s.Playlist().Title()), false) } go func() { dj.audioStream.Wait() dj.queue.OnSongFinished() }() } } // Delete deletes the song from ~/.mumbledj/songs if the cache is disabled. func (s *YouTubeSong) Delete() error { if dj.conf.Cache.Enabled == false { filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/.mumbledj/songs/%s.m4a", dj.homeDir, s.ID()) if _, err := os.Stat(filePath); err == nil { if err := os.Remove(filePath); err == nil { return nil } return errors.New("Error occurred while deleting audio file.") } return nil } return nil } // AddSkip adds a skip to the skippers slice. If the user is already in the slice, AddSkip // returns an error and does not add a duplicate skip. func (s *YouTubeSong) AddSkip(username string) error { for _, user := range s.skippers { if username == user { return errors.New("This user has already skipped the current song.") } } s.skippers = append(s.skippers, username) return nil } // RemoveSkip removes a skip from the skippers slice. If username is not in slice, an error is // returned. func (s *YouTubeSong) RemoveSkip(username string) error { for i, user := range s.skippers { if username == user { s.skippers = append(s.skippers[:i], s.skippers[i+1:]...) return nil } } return errors.New("This user has not skipped the song.") } // SkipReached calculates the current skip ratio based on the number of users within MumbleDJ's // channel and the number of usernames in the skippers slice. If the value is greater than or equal // to the skip ratio defined in the config, the function returns true, and returns false otherwise. func (s *YouTubeSong) SkipReached(channelUsers int) bool { if float32(len(s.skippers))/float32(channelUsers) >= dj.conf.General.SkipRatio { return true } return false } // Submitter returns the name of the submitter of the YouTubeSong. func (s *YouTubeSong) Submitter() string { return s.submitter } // Title returns the title of the YouTubeSong. func (s *YouTubeSong) Title() string { return s.title } // ID returns the id of the YouTubeSong. func (s *YouTubeSong) ID() string { return s.id } // Filename returns the filename of the YouTubeSong. func (s *YouTubeSong) Filename() string { return s.filename } // Duration returns the duration of the YouTubeSong. func (s *YouTubeSong) Duration() string { return s.duration } // Thumbnail returns the thumbnail URL for the YouTubeSong. func (s *YouTubeSong) Thumbnail() string { return s.thumbnail } // Playlist returns the playlist type for the YouTubeSong (may be nil). func (s *YouTubeSong) Playlist() Playlist { return s.playlist } // DontSkip returns the DontSkip boolean value for the YouTubeSong. func (s *YouTubeSong) DontSkip() bool { return s.dontSkip } // SetDontSkip sets the DontSkip boolean value for the YouTubeSong. func (s *YouTubeSong) SetDontSkip(value bool) { s.dontSkip = value } // ---------------- // YOUTUBE PLAYLIST // ---------------- // YouTubePlaylist holds the metadata for a YouTube playlist. type YouTubePlaylist struct { id string title string } // NewYouTubePlaylist gathers the metadata for a YouTube playlist and returns it. func NewYouTubePlaylist(user, id string) (*YouTubePlaylist, error) { var apiResponse *jsonq.JsonQuery var err error // Retrieve title of playlist url := fmt.Sprintf("https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlists?part=snippet&id=%s&key=%s", id, os.Getenv("YOUTUBE_API_KEY")) if apiResponse, err = PerformGetRequest(url); err != nil { return nil, err } title, _ := apiResponse.String("items", "0", "snippet", "title") playlist := &YouTubePlaylist{ id: id, title: title, } // Retrieve items in playlist url = fmt.Sprintf("https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?part=snippet&maxResults=25&playlistId=%s&key=%s", id, os.Getenv("YOUTUBE_API_KEY")) if apiResponse, err = PerformGetRequest(url); err != nil { return nil, err } numVideos, _ := apiResponse.Int("pageInfo", "totalResults") if numVideos > 25 { numVideos = 25 } for i := 0; i < numVideos; i++ { index := strconv.Itoa(i) videoTitle, err := apiResponse.String("items", index, "snippet", "title") videoID, _ := apiResponse.String("items", index, "snippet", "resourceId", "videoId") videoThumbnail, _ := apiResponse.String("items", index, "snippet", "thumbnails", "high", "url") // A completely separate API call just to get the duration of a video in a // playlist? WHY GOOGLE, WHY?! var durationResponse *jsonq.JsonQuery url = fmt.Sprintf("https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=contentDetails&id=%s&key=%s", videoID, os.Getenv("YOUTUBE_API_KEY")) if durationResponse, err = PerformGetRequest(url); err != nil { return nil, err } videoDuration, _ := durationResponse.String("items", "0", "contentDetails", "duration") var days, hours, minutes, seconds int64 timestampExp := regexp.MustCompile(`P(?P\d+D)?T(?P\d+H)?(?P\d+M)?(?P\d+S)?`) timestampMatch := timestampExp.FindStringSubmatch(videoDuration) timestampResult := make(map[string]string) for i, name := range timestampExp.SubexpNames() { timestampResult[name] = timestampMatch[i] } if timestampResult["days"] != "" { days, _ = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSuffix(timestampResult["days"], "D"), 10, 32) } if timestampResult["hours"] != "" { hours, _ = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSuffix(timestampResult["hours"], "H"), 10, 32) } if timestampResult["minutes"] != "" { minutes, _ = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSuffix(timestampResult["minutes"], "M"), 10, 32) } if timestampResult["seconds"] != "" { seconds, _ = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSuffix(timestampResult["seconds"], "S"), 10, 32) } totalSeconds := int((days * 86400) + (hours * 3600) + (minutes * 60) + seconds) var durationString string if hours != 0 { if days != 0 { durationString = fmt.Sprintf("%d:%02d:%02d:%02d", days, hours, minutes, seconds) } else { durationString = fmt.Sprintf("%d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds) } } else { durationString = fmt.Sprintf("%d:%02d", minutes, seconds) } if dj.conf.General.MaxSongDuration == 0 || totalSeconds <= dj.conf.General.MaxSongDuration { playlistSong := &YouTubeSong{ submitter: user, title: videoTitle, id: videoID, filename: videoID + ".m4a", duration: durationString, thumbnail: videoThumbnail, skippers: make([]string, 0), playlist: playlist, dontSkip: false, } dj.queue.AddSong(playlistSong) } } return playlist, nil } // AddSkip adds a skip to the playlist's skippers slice. func (p *YouTubePlaylist) AddSkip(username string) error { for _, user := range dj.playlistSkips[p.ID()] { if username == user { return errors.New("This user has already skipped the current song.") } } dj.playlistSkips[p.ID()] = append(dj.playlistSkips[p.ID()], username) return nil } // RemoveSkip removes a skip from the playlist's skippers slice. If username is not in the slice // an error is returned. func (p *YouTubePlaylist) RemoveSkip(username string) error { for i, user := range dj.playlistSkips[p.ID()] { if username == user { dj.playlistSkips[p.ID()] = append(dj.playlistSkips[p.ID()][:i], dj.playlistSkips[p.ID()][i+1:]...) return nil } } return errors.New("This user has not skipped the song.") } // DeleteSkippers removes the skippers entry in dj.playlistSkips. func (p *YouTubePlaylist) DeleteSkippers() { delete(dj.playlistSkips, p.ID()) } // SkipReached calculates the current skip ratio based on the number of users within MumbleDJ's // channel and the number of usernames in the skippers slice. If the value is greater than or equal // to the skip ratio defined in the config, the function returns true, and returns false otherwise. func (p *YouTubePlaylist) SkipReached(channelUsers int) bool { if float32(len(dj.playlistSkips[p.ID()]))/float32(channelUsers) >= dj.conf.General.PlaylistSkipRatio { return true } return false } // ID returns the id of the YouTubePlaylist. func (p *YouTubePlaylist) ID() string { return p.id } // Title returns the title of the YouTubePlaylist. func (p *YouTubePlaylist) Title() string { return p.title } // ----------- // YOUTUBE API // ----------- // PerformGetRequest does all the grunt work for a YouTube HTTPS GET request. func PerformGetRequest(url string) (*jsonq.JsonQuery, error) { jsonString := "" if response, err := http.Get(url); err == nil { defer response.Body.Close() if response.StatusCode == 200 { if body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body); err == nil { jsonString = string(body) } } else { if response.StatusCode == 403 { return nil, errors.New("Invalid API key supplied.") } return nil, errors.New("Invalid YouTube ID supplied.") } } else { return nil, errors.New("An error occurred while receiving HTTP GET response.") } jsonData := map[string]interface{}{} decoder := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(jsonString)) decoder.Decode(&jsonData) jq := jsonq.NewQuery(jsonData) return jq, nil }