Mumble Music Bot ================ A Mumble bot that plays music fetched from YouTube videos. There are ways to play music with a bot on Mumble already, but I wasn't really satisfied with them. Many of them require the Windows client to be opened along with other applications which is not ideal. My goal with this project is to make a Linux-friendly Mumble bot that can run on a webserver instead of a personal computer. ## Planned Features These are features that I would like to complete before I consider the project "finished." * Play YouTube audio through Mumble to be heard by others. * Commands for adding/queueing YouTube audio by linking to the URL. * Current song updates in the chat. * Commands to play, pause, and raise/lower volume. * Commands to allow users to move the bot from one channel to another. * Admin commands to completely shut down the bot and perform other admin actions. * Automatically turn on/off music when a certain number of users are inside the channel. ## Hopeful Features These are features that would be cool to have, but might not ever make it into the bot. * Ability to control music using voice commands instead of text commands. * Ability to enable text-to-speech for the bot to announce the name of the next track over voice chat. * A search command where the bot searches for a song and then plays it. Basically the add/queue command but without the URL. * Statistics tracking. ## Setup This section will be updated when the project is near completion. ## Author [Matthieu Grieger]( ## License Copyright (c) Matthieu Grieger 2014 [This project is licensed under the GPLv3 license.]( ## Thanks All those who contribute to [Mumble]( [Robert904]( for [pymumble](