// These tests verify the test running logic. package check_test import ( . "github.com/magiconair/properties/_third_party/gopkg.in/check.v1" "time" ) var benchmarkS = Suite(&BenchmarkS{}) type BenchmarkS struct{} func (s *BenchmarkS) TestCountSuite(c *C) { suitesRun += 1 } func (s *BenchmarkS) TestBasicTestTiming(c *C) { helper := FixtureHelper{sleepOn: "Test1", sleep: 1000000 * time.Nanosecond} output := String{} runConf := RunConf{Output: &output, Verbose: true} Run(&helper, &runConf) expected := "PASS: check_test\\.go:[0-9]+: FixtureHelper\\.Test1\t0\\.001s\n" + "PASS: check_test\\.go:[0-9]+: FixtureHelper\\.Test2\t0\\.000s\n" c.Assert(output.value, Matches, expected) } func (s *BenchmarkS) TestStreamTestTiming(c *C) { helper := FixtureHelper{sleepOn: "SetUpSuite", sleep: 1000000 * time.Nanosecond} output := String{} runConf := RunConf{Output: &output, Stream: true} Run(&helper, &runConf) expected := "(?s).*\nPASS: check_test\\.go:[0-9]+: FixtureHelper\\.SetUpSuite\t *0\\.001s\n.*" c.Assert(output.value, Matches, expected) } func (s *BenchmarkS) TestBenchmark(c *C) { helper := FixtureHelper{sleep: 100000} output := String{} runConf := RunConf{ Output: &output, Benchmark: true, BenchmarkTime: 10000000, Filter: "Benchmark1", } Run(&helper, &runConf) c.Check(helper.calls[0], Equals, "SetUpSuite") c.Check(helper.calls[1], Equals, "SetUpTest") c.Check(helper.calls[2], Equals, "Benchmark1") c.Check(helper.calls[3], Equals, "TearDownTest") c.Check(helper.calls[4], Equals, "SetUpTest") c.Check(helper.calls[5], Equals, "Benchmark1") c.Check(helper.calls[6], Equals, "TearDownTest") // ... and more. expected := "PASS: check_test\\.go:[0-9]+: FixtureHelper\\.Benchmark1\t *100\t *[12][0-9]{5} ns/op\n" c.Assert(output.value, Matches, expected) } func (s *BenchmarkS) TestBenchmarkBytes(c *C) { helper := FixtureHelper{sleep: 100000} output := String{} runConf := RunConf{ Output: &output, Benchmark: true, BenchmarkTime: 10000000, Filter: "Benchmark2", } Run(&helper, &runConf) expected := "PASS: check_test\\.go:[0-9]+: FixtureHelper\\.Benchmark2\t *100\t *[12][0-9]{5} ns/op\t *[4-9]\\.[0-9]{2} MB/s\n" c.Assert(output.value, Matches, expected) } func (s *BenchmarkS) TestBenchmarkMem(c *C) { helper := FixtureHelper{sleep: 100000} output := String{} runConf := RunConf{ Output: &output, Benchmark: true, BenchmarkMem: true, BenchmarkTime: 10000000, Filter: "Benchmark3", } Run(&helper, &runConf) expected := "PASS: check_test\\.go:[0-9]+: FixtureHelper\\.Benchmark3\t *100\t *[12][0-9]{5} ns/op\t *[0-9]+ B/op\t *[1-9] allocs/op\n" c.Assert(output.value, Matches, expected) }