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* MumbleDJ
* By Matthieu Grieger
* bot/mumbledj.go
* Copyright (c) 2016 Matthieu Grieger (MIT License)
package bot
import (
// MumbleDJ is a struct that keeps track of all aspects of the bot's state.
type MumbleDJ struct {
AvailableServices []interfaces.Service
Client *gumble.Client
GumbleConfig *gumble.Config
TLSConfig *tls.Config
AudioStream *gumbleffmpeg.Stream
Queue interfaces.Queue
Cache *Cache
Skips interfaces.SkipTracker
Commands []interfaces.Command
Version string
Volume float32
YouTubeDL *YouTubeDL
KeepAlive chan bool
// DJ is a struct that keeps track of all aspects of MumbleDJ's environment.
var DJ *MumbleDJ
// NewMumbleDJ initializes and returns a MumbleDJ type.
func NewMumbleDJ() *MumbleDJ {
return &MumbleDJ{
AvailableServices: make([]interfaces.Service, 0),
TLSConfig: new(tls.Config),
Queue: NewQueue(),
Cache: NewCache(),
Skips: NewSkipTracker(),
Commands: make([]interfaces.Command, 0),
YouTubeDL: new(YouTubeDL),
KeepAlive: make(chan bool),
// OnConnect event. First moves MumbleDJ into the default channel if one exists.
// The configuration is loaded and the audio stream is initialized.
func (dj *MumbleDJ) OnConnect(e *gumble.ConnectEvent) {
dj.AudioStream = nil
"volume": fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", viper.GetFloat64("volume.default")),
}).Infoln("Setting default volume...")
dj.Volume = float32(viper.GetFloat64("volume.default"))
if viper.GetBool("cache.enabled") {
logrus.Infoln("Caching enabled.")
go dj.Cache.CleanPeriodically()
} else {
logrus.Infoln("Caching disabled.")
// OnDisconnect event. Terminates MumbleDJ process or retries connection if
// automatic connection retries are enabled.
func (dj *MumbleDJ) OnDisconnect(e *gumble.DisconnectEvent) {
if viper.GetBool("connection.retry_enabled") &&
(e.Type == gumble.DisconnectError || e.Type == gumble.DisconnectKicked) {
"interval_secs": fmt.Sprintf("%d", viper.GetInt("connection.retry_interval")),
"attempts": fmt.Sprintf("%d", viper.GetInt("connection.retry_attempts")),
}).Warnln("Disconnected from server. Retrying connection...")
success := false
for retries := 0; retries < viper.GetInt("connection.retry_attempts"); retries++ {
logrus.Infoln("Retrying connection...")
if client, err := gumble.DialWithDialer(new(net.Dialer), viper.GetString("connection.address")+":"+viper.GetString("connection.port"), dj.GumbleConfig, dj.TLSConfig); err == nil {
dj.Client = client
logrus.Infoln("Successfully reconnected to the server!")
success = true
time.Sleep(time.Duration(viper.GetInt("connection.retry_interval")) * time.Second)
if !success {
dj.KeepAlive <- true
logrus.Fatalln("Could not reconnect to server. Exiting...")
} else {
dj.KeepAlive <- true
logrus.Fatalln("Disconnected from server. No reconnect attempts will be made.")
// OnTextMessage event. Checks for command prefix and passes it to the Commander
// if it exists. Ignores the incoming message otherwise.
func (dj *MumbleDJ) OnTextMessage(e *gumble.TextMessageEvent) {
plainMessage := gumbleutil.PlainText(&e.TextMessage)
if len(plainMessage) != 0 {
if plainMessage[0] == viper.GetString("commands.prefix")[0] &&
plainMessage != viper.GetString("commands.prefix") {
go func() {
message, isPrivateMessage, err := dj.FindAndExecuteCommand(e.Sender, plainMessage[1:])
if err != nil {
"user": e.Sender.Name,
"message": err.Error(),
}).Warnln("Sending an error message...")
dj.SendPrivateMessage(e.Sender, fmt.Sprintf("<b>Error:</b> %s.", err.Error()))
} else {
if isPrivateMessage {
"user": e.Sender.Name,
"message": message,
}).Infoln("Sending a private message...")
dj.SendPrivateMessage(e.Sender, message)
} else {
"channel": dj.Client.Self.Channel.Name,
"message": message,
}).Infoln("Sending a message to channel...")
dj.Client.Self.Channel.Send(message, false)
// OnUserChange event. Checks UserChange type and adjusts skip trackers to
// reflect the current status of the users on the server.
func (dj *MumbleDJ) OnUserChange(e *gumble.UserChangeEvent) {
if e.Type.Has(gumble.UserChangeDisconnected) || e.Type.Has(gumble.UserChangeChannel) {
"user": e.User.Name,
}).Infoln("A user has disconnected or changed channels, updating skip trackers...")
// SendPrivateMessage sends a private message to the specified user. This method
// verifies that the targeted user is still present in the server before attempting
// to send the message.
func (dj *MumbleDJ) SendPrivateMessage(user *gumble.User, message string) {
dj.Client.Do(func() {
if targetUser := dj.Client.Self.Channel.Users.Find(user.Name); targetUser != nil {
// IsAdmin checks whether a particular Mumble user is a MumbleDJ admin.
// Returns true if the user is an admin, and false otherwise.
func (dj *MumbleDJ) IsAdmin(user *gumble.User) bool {
for _, admin := range viper.GetStringSlice("admins.names") {
if user.Name == admin {
return true
return false
// Connect starts the process for connecting to a Mumble server.
func (dj *MumbleDJ) Connect() error {
// Perform startup checks before connecting.
logrus.Infoln("Performing startup checks...")
// Create Gumble config.
dj.GumbleConfig = gumble.NewConfig()
dj.GumbleConfig.Username = viper.GetString("connection.username")
dj.GumbleConfig.Password = viper.GetString("connection.password")
dj.GumbleConfig.Tokens = strings.Split(viper.GetString("connection.access_tokens"), ",")
// Initialize key pair if needed.
if viper.GetBool("connection.insecure") {
dj.TLSConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = true
if viper.GetString("connection.cert") != "" {
if viper.GetString("connection.key") != "" {
viper.Set("connection.key", viper.GetString("connection.cert"))
if certificate, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(viper.GetString("connection.cert"), viper.GetString("connection.key")); err == nil {
dj.TLSConfig.Certificates = append(dj.TLSConfig.Certificates, certificate)
} else {
return err
Connect: dj.OnConnect,
Disconnect: dj.OnDisconnect,
TextMessage: dj.OnTextMessage,
UserChange: dj.OnUserChange,
var connErr error
"address": viper.GetString("connection.address"),
"port": viper.GetString("connection.port"),
}).Infoln("Attempting connection to server...")
if dj.Client, connErr = gumble.DialWithDialer(new(net.Dialer), viper.GetString("connection.address")+":"+viper.GetString("connection.port"), dj.GumbleConfig, dj.TLSConfig); connErr != nil {
return connErr
return nil
// FindAndExecuteCommand attempts to find a reference to a command in an
// incoming message. If found, the command is executed and the resulting
// message/error is returned.
func (dj *MumbleDJ) FindAndExecuteCommand(user *gumble.User, message string) (string, bool, error) {
command, err := dj.findCommand(message)
if err != nil {
return "", true, errors.New("No command was found in this message")
return dj.executeCommand(user, message, command)
// GetService loops through the available services and determines if a URL
// matches a particular service. If a match is found, the service object is
// returned.
func (dj *MumbleDJ) GetService(url string) (interfaces.Service, error) {
for _, service := range dj.AvailableServices {
if service.CheckURL(url) {
return service, nil
return nil, errors.New("The provided URL does not match an enabled service")
func (dj *MumbleDJ) findCommand(message string) (interfaces.Command, error) {
var possibleCommand string
if strings.Contains(message, " ") {
possibleCommand = strings.ToLower(message[:strings.Index(message, " ")])
} else {
possibleCommand = strings.ToLower(message)
for _, command := range dj.Commands {
for _, alias := range command.Aliases() {
if possibleCommand == alias {
return command, nil
return nil, errors.New("No command was found in this message")
func (dj *MumbleDJ) executeCommand(user *gumble.User, message string, command interfaces.Command) (string, bool, error) {
canExecute := false
if viper.GetBool("admins.enabled") && command.IsAdminCommand() {
canExecute = dj.IsAdmin(user)
} else {
canExecute = true
if canExecute {
return command.Execute(user, strings.Split(message, " ")[1:]...)
return "", true, errors.New("You do not have permission to execute this command")