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2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
* Copyright (C) 2023 Simon Bruder
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package catering.inventory;
import org.salespointframework.catalog.Product;
import org.salespointframework.inventory.UniqueInventory;
import org.salespointframework.inventory.UniqueInventoryItem;
import org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize;
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
2023-11-20 23:26:47 +01:00
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute;
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import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
import catering.catalog.CateringCatalog;
import catering.catalog.Consumable;
import catering.catalog.Rentable;
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
import jakarta.validation.Valid;
* TODO TL;DR: Use HandlerMethodArgumentResolver
* This class currently has many confusing methods that do a variety of things,
* but mostly work around polymorphic restrictions of Spring.
* Ideally, spring would allow a form to be polymorphic
* based on its attributes, if they are unique,
* or based on another parameter.
* From what I could find,
* this is not possible without implementing a custom HandlerMethodArgumentResolver.
* If there is time, the controller should be changed to use this,
* which should vastly simplify it.
* Adding will always require a type parameter,
* as the type is not known at first.
* However, currently there are two (or even three) POST handlers,
* as there are two different form types it must support
* (and an infinite amount of invalid types that it should ignore).
* Editing should not require passing any additional type parameter around
* as the type can be inferred from the product.
* Changing the type of a product should not be possible.
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
class InventoryController {
private final UniqueInventory<UniqueInventoryItem> inventory;
private final CateringCatalog cateringCatalog;
InventoryController(UniqueInventory<UniqueInventoryItem> inventory, CateringCatalog cateringCatalog) {
Assert.notNull(inventory, "Inventory must not be null!");
Assert.notNull(inventory, "CateringCatalog must not be null!");
this.inventory = inventory;
this.cateringCatalog = cateringCatalog;
2023-12-07 20:47:30 +01:00
* Lists all inventory products.
* @param model an instance of {@link Model}
* @return the inventory template
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
String list(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("inventory", inventory.findAll());
return "inventory";
2023-12-07 20:47:30 +01:00
* Returns the edit page for an inventory product.
* @param model an instance of {@link Model}
* @param pid the {@link Product} to edit
* @return the inventory-mutate template with the {@link Product} data prefilled
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
String edit(Model model, @PathVariable Product pid) {
UniqueInventoryItem item = inventory.findByProduct(pid).get();
final InventoryMutateForm form = InventoryMutateForm.of(pid, item);
return edit(model, form);
2023-12-07 20:47:30 +01:00
* Returns the edit page for an inventory product.
* This method is not mapped,
* but is used by other methods to generalise the display of the edit page.
* @param model an instance of {@link Model}
* @param form an already filled or empty {@link InventoryMutateForm}
* @return the inventory-mutate template with the {@link InventoryMutateForm}
* data prefilled
String edit(Model model, InventoryMutateForm form) {
model.addAttribute("actionIsAdd", false);
model.addAttribute("form", form);
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
return "inventory-mutate";
2023-12-07 20:47:30 +01:00
* Edits a consumable.
* @param form a user-filled {@link ConsumableMutateForm}
* @param errors an {@link Errors} object including validation errors
* @param pid the {@link Product} to edit
* @param model an instance of {@link Model}
* @return a redirect on success, otherwise the filled form with all errors
* highlighted
@PostMapping(path = "/inventory/edit/{pid}", params = "type=Consumable")
String editConsumable(@Valid @ModelAttribute("form") ConsumableMutateForm form, Errors result,
@PathVariable Consumable pid, Model model) {
return edit(form, result, pid, model);
2023-12-07 20:47:30 +01:00
* Edits a rentable.
* @param form a user-filled {@link RentableMutateForm}
* @param errors an {@link Errors} object including validation errors
* @param pid the {@link Product} to edit
* @param model an instance of {@link Model}
* @return a redirect on success, otherwise the filled form with all errors
* highlighted
@PostMapping(path = "/inventory/edit/{pid}", params = "type=Rentable")
String editRentable(@Valid @ModelAttribute("form") RentableMutateForm form, Errors result,
@PathVariable Rentable pid, Model model) {
return edit(form, result, pid, model);
2023-12-07 20:47:30 +01:00
* Edits an inventory product.
* This method is not mapped,
* but is used by
* {@link #editConsumable(ConsumableMutateForm, Errors, Consumable, Model)}
* and {@link #editRentable(RentableMutateForm, Errors, Rentable, Model)}
* to generalise the editing of products.
* @param form a user-filled {@link RentableMutateForm}
* @param errors an {@link Errors} object including validation errors
* @param product the {@link Product} to edit
* @param model an instance of {@link Model}
* @return a redirect on success, otherwise the filled form with all errors
* highlighted
String edit(InventoryMutateForm form, Errors result, Product product, Model model) {
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
if (result.hasErrors()) {
return edit(model, form);
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
product = cateringCatalog.save(product);
UniqueInventoryItem item = inventory.findByProduct(product).get();
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
// no setQuantity in enterprise java
// (though returing a modified object is actually nice)
return "redirect:/inventory";
2023-12-07 20:47:30 +01:00
* Returns the add page for a new inventory product.
* @param model an instance of {@link org.springframework.ui.Model}
* @param type string representation of a {@link Product} subclass supported by
* {@link InventoryMutateForm}
* @return the inventory-mutate template with no data prefilled
@GetMapping(path = "/inventory/add")
String add(Model model, @RequestParam String type) {
switch (type) {
case "Consumable":
return add(model, new ConsumableMutateForm());
case "Rentable":
return add(model, new RentableMutateForm());
// TODO better error handling
return "redirect:/inventory";
2023-11-20 23:26:47 +01:00
2023-12-07 20:47:30 +01:00
* Returns the add page for a new inventory product.
* This method is not mapped,
* but is used by other methods to generalise the display of the add page.
* @param model an instance of {@link Model}
* @param form an already filled or empty {@link InventoryMutateForm}
* @return the inventory-mutate template with the {@link InventoryMutateForm}
* data prefilled
2023-11-20 23:26:47 +01:00
String add(Model model, InventoryMutateForm form) {
model.addAttribute("actionIsAdd", true);
model.addAttribute("form", form);
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
return "inventory-mutate";
2023-12-07 20:47:30 +01:00
* Adds a consumable.
* @param form a user-filled {@link ConsumableMutateForm}
* @param errors an {@link Errors} object including validation errors
* @param model an instance of {@link Model}
* @return a redirect on success, otherwise the filled form with all errors
* highlighted
@PostMapping(path = "/inventory/add", params = "type=Consumable")
String addConsumable(@Valid @ModelAttribute("form") ConsumableMutateForm form, Errors result, Model model) {
return add(form, result, model);
2023-12-07 20:47:30 +01:00
* Adds a rentable.
* @param form a user-filled {@link RentableMutateForm}
* @param errors an {@link Errors} object including validation errors
* @param model an instance of {@link Model}
* @return a redirect on success, otherwise the filled form with all errors
* highlighted
@PostMapping(path = "/inventory/add", params = "type=Rentable")
String addRentable(@Valid @ModelAttribute("form") RentableMutateForm form, Errors result, Model model) {
return add(form, result, model);
2023-12-07 20:47:30 +01:00
* Adds an inventory product.
* @param form a user-filled {@link InventoryMutateForm}
* @param errors an {@link Errors} object including validation errors
* @param model an instance of {@link Model}
* @return a redirect on success, otherwise the filled form with all errors
* highlighted
String add(@Valid InventoryMutateForm form, Errors result, Model model) {
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
if (result.hasErrors()) {
2023-11-20 23:26:47 +01:00
return add(model, form);
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
inventory.save(new UniqueInventoryItem(cateringCatalog.save(form.toProduct()), form.getQuantity()));
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
return "redirect:/inventory";
2023-12-07 20:47:30 +01:00
* Deletes an inventory product.
* @param pid the {@link Product} to delete
* @return a redirect to the inventory overview
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
String delete(@PathVariable Product pid) {
UniqueInventoryItem item = inventory.findByProduct(pid).get();
2023-11-05 16:11:36 +01:00
return "redirect:/inventory";