image:["CI Build", link=""] image:["SonarQube status", link=""] // Hi there! We've already included some generally useful information in here. // Feel free to edit the first section to add a short description of your task and your project. = Kickstart The kickstart module is a template project to bootstrap the Java project in the Software Engineering lab. Each group's repository is initialized with this template. It contains the following features: * a skeleton Java 17 web application based on Spring Boot and Salespoint framework (see `src/main/java` and `src/test/java`) * Asciidoc documentation templates in `src/main/asciidoc` == Important documents in this repo * link:src/main/asciidoc/protocols[Meeting Protocols] * link:src/main/asciidoc/time_recording.adoc[Time recording (Zeiterfassung)] * link:src/main/asciidoc/pflichtenheft.adoc[Requirements specification (Pflichtenheft)] * link:src/main/asciidoc/developer_documentation.adoc[Developer documentation (Entwicklerdokumentation)] == The repository layout The repository follows the standard Maven project layout. Nearly all artifacts are stored in a subdirectory of `src/`: src/ ├── main/ │   ├── asciidoc/ -- Documentation of the development process and application (Asciidoc format) │   ├── java/ -- Main source code of the application, separated into packages │   └── resources/ -- Static assets (images, stylesheets), Thymeleaf templates, etc. └── test/ └── java/ -- Source code of JUnit tests is stored separately **Pro tip:** In GitHub, press *t* and a "fuzzy file finder" will appear, making it easy to navigate to a file. == How to run the application? * In the IDE: find ``, right-click project, select "Run As > Java Application" * From the command line: run `./mvnw spring-boot:run` == How to package the application? * Run `./mvnw clean package`. The packaged application (a JAR in `target/`) can be run with `java -jar $jarName`.