Format: Upstream-Name: swt23w23 Upstream-Contact: Simon Bruder Source: # Binary files from maven wrapper Files: .mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar .mvn/wrapper/ mvnw mvnw.cmd Copyright: 2013-2022 The Apache Software Foundation License: Apache-2.0 # Image from interim presentation Files: src/main/tex/interim-presentation/images/catering.jpg Copyright: 2011 Rusty Clark License: CC-BY-2.0 Source: # Image files, attribution there is not easily possible Files: src/main/asciidoc/models/analysis/*.svg src/main/asciidoc/models/design/*.svg src/main/asciidoc/models/mockups/*.svg src/main/resources/banner.txt Copyright: 2023-2024 swt23w23 License: AGPL-3.0-or-later # Small and/or autogenenerated files that can’t be copyrighted Files: AUTHORS.txt flake.lock Copyright: 2023 swt23w23 License: CC0-1.0