base_url = "" compile_sass = true default_language = "de" feed_filename = "rss.xml" # source opus files and chapter data are not published ignored_content = ["tpc???-*.opus", "tpc???-*.txt"] title = "Test-Podcast" description = "Ein Podcast mit dem Test als einziges Ziel." taxonomies = [ { name = "formats", feed = true }, ] [extra] author = "Test-Podcast-Team" subtitle = "Neues aus der Testwelt." acronym = "TPC" # to what length the episode number should be padded pad_to = 3 [extra.itunes] category = "News" [extra.theme] main = "#5f8806" [[extra.navbar.links]] title = "Startseite" target = "/" [[extra.navbar.links]] title = "Abonnieren" target = "subscribe" [[extra.navbar.links]] title = "Impressum & Datenschutz" target = "imprint" [[extra.formats]] codec = "opus" ext = "opus" name = "Opus Audio" mime_type = "audio/ogg" [[extra.formats]] codec = "aac" ext = "m4a" name = "MPEG-4 AAC Audio" mime_type = "audio/mp4" [[extra.formats]] codec = "vorbis" ext = "oga" name = "Ogg Vorbis Audio" mime_type = "audio/ogg" [[extra.formats]] codec = "mp3" ext = "mp3" name = "MP3 Audio" mime_type = "audio/mpeg"