translate advanced settings

MaysWind 2016-06-09 23:45:53 +08:00
parent b6db2954f4
commit 063fe1a01e
3 changed files with 157 additions and 155 deletions

View File

@ -169,6 +169,7 @@
"": "最大尝试次数",
"max-tries.description": "设置最大尝试次数. 0 表示不限制.",
"": "最小文件分片大小",
"min-split-size.description": "aria2 不会分割小于 2*SIZE 字节的文件. 例如, 文件大小为 20MB, 如果 SIZE 为 10M, aria2 会把文件分成 2 段 [0-10MB) 和 [10MB-20MB), 并且使用 2 个源进行下载 (如果 --split >= 2). 如果 SIZE 为 15M, 由于 2*15M > 20MB, 因此 aria2 不会分割文件并使用 1 个源进行下载. 您可以增加数值的单位 K 或 M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). 可以设置的值为: 1M-1024M.",
"": ".netrc 文件路径",
"netrc-path.description": "",
"": "禁用 netrc",
@ -248,10 +249,11 @@
"": "连接复用",
"ftp-reuse-connection.description": "",
"": "SSH 公钥校验和",
"ssh-host-key-md.description": "设置 SSH 主机公钥的校验和. TYPE 为哈希类型. 支持的哈希类型为 sha-1 和 md5. DIGEST 是十六进制摘要. 例如: sha-1=b030503d4de4539dc7885e6f0f5e256704edf4c3. 此选项可以在使用 SFTP 时用来验证服务器的公钥. 如果此选项不设置, 即保留默认, 不会进行任何验证。",
"": "分离仅做种任务",
"bt-detach-seed-only.description": "统计当前活动下载任务(见 -j 选项) 时排除仅做种的任务. 这意味着, 如果参数设置为 -j3, 此选项打开并且当前有 3 个正在活动的任务, 并且其中有 1 个进入做种模式, 那么其会从正在下载的数量中排除(即数量会变为 2), 在队列中等待的下一个任务将会开始执行. 但要知道, 在 RPC 方法中, 做种的任务仍然被认为是活动的下载任务.",
"bt-detach-seed-only.description": "统计当前活动下载任务(见 -j 选项) 时排除仅做种的任务. 这意味着, 如果参数设置为 -j3, 此选项打开并且当前有 3 个正在活动的任务, 并且其中有 1 个进入做种模式, 那么其会从正在下载的数量中排除(即数量会变为 2), 在队列中等待的下一个任务将会开始执行. 但要知道, 在 RPC 方法中, 做种的任务仍然被认为是活动的下载任务.",
"": "启用哈希检查完成事件",
"bt-enable-hook-after-hash-check.description": "允许 BT 下载哈希检查(见 -V 选项) 完成后调用命令. 默认情况下, 当哈希检查成功后, 通过 --on-bt-download-complete 设置的命令将会被执行. 如果要禁用此行为, 请设置为\"否\".",
"bt-enable-hook-after-hash-check.description": "允许 BT 下载哈希检查(见 -V 选项) 完成后调用命令. 默认情况下, 当哈希检查成功后, 通过 --on-bt-download-complete 设置的命令将会被执行. 如果要禁用此行为, 请设置为\"否\".",
"": "启用本地节点发现 (LPD)",
"bt-enable-lpd.description": "",
"": "BT 排除服务器地址",
@ -283,7 +285,7 @@
"": "不检查已经下载的文件",
"bt-seed-unverified.description": "不检查之前下载文件中每个分片的哈希值.",
"": "无速度时自动停止时间",
"bt-stop-timeout.description": "当 BT 任务F下载速度持续为 0, 达到本选项设置的时间后停止下载. 如果设置为 0, 本功能将禁用",
"bt-stop-timeout.description": "当 BT 任务F下载速度持续为 0, 达到本选项设置的时间后停止下载. 如果设置为 0, 此功能将禁用.",
"": "BT 服务器地址",
"bt-tracker.description": "逗号分隔的 BT 服务器地址. 如果服务器地址在 --bt-exclude-tracker 选项中, 其将不会生效.",
"": "BT 服务器连接超时时间",
@ -352,95 +354,95 @@
"rpc-save-upload-metadata.description": "在 dir 选项设置的目录中保存上传的种子文件或 Metalink 文件. 文件名包括 SHA-1 哈希后的元数据和扩展名两部分. 对于种子文件, 扩展名为 '.torrent'. 对于 Metalink 为 '.meta4'. 如果此选项设置为\"否\", 通过 aria2.addTorrent() 或 aria2.addMetalink() 方法添加的下载将无法通过 --save-session 选项保存.",
"": "启用 SSL/TLS",
"rpc-secure.description": "RPC 将通过 SSL/TLS 加密传输. RPC 客户端需要使用 https 协议连接服务器. 对于 WebSocket 客户端, 使用 wss 协议. 使用 --rpc-certificate 和 --rpc-private-key 选项设置服务器的证书和私钥.",
"": "",
"allow-overwrite.description": "",
"": "",
"allow-piece-length-change.description": "",
"": "",
"always-resume.description": "",
"": "",
"": "允许覆盖",
"allow-overwrite.description": "如果相应的控制文件不存在时从头重新下载文件. 参见 --auto-file-renaming 选项.",
"": "允许分片大小变化",
"allow-piece-length-change.description": "如果设置为\"否\", 当分片长度与控制文件中的不同时, aria2 将会中止下载. 如果设置为\"是\", 您可以继续, 但部分下载进度将会丢失.",
"": "始终断点续传",
"always-resume.description": "始终断点续传. 如果设置为\"是\", aria2 始终尝试断点续传, 如果无法恢复, 则中止下载. 如果设置为\"否\", 对于不支持断点续传的 URI 或 aria2 遇到 N 个不支持断点续传的 URI (N 为 --max-resume-failure-tries 选项设置的值), aria2 会从头下载文件. 参见 --max-resume-failure-tries 参数.",
"": "异步 DNS",
"async-dns.description": "",
"": "",
"auto-file-renaming.description": "",
"": "",
"auto-save-interval.description": "",
"": "",
"conditional-get.description": "",
"": "",
"": "文件自动重命名",
"auto-file-renaming.description": "重新命名已经存在的文件. 此选项仅对 HTTP(S)/FTP 下载有效. 新的文件名后会追加句点和数字(1..9999).",
"": "自动保存间隔",
"auto-save-interval.description": "每隔设置的秒数自动保存控制文件(*.aria2). 如果设置为 0, 下载期间控制文件不会自动保存. 不论设置的值为多少, aria2 会在任务结束时保存控制文件. 可以设置的值为 0 到 600.",
"": "条件下载",
"conditional-get.description": "仅当本地文件比远程文件旧时才进行下载. 此功能仅适用于 HTTP(S) 下载. 如果在 Metalink 中文件大小已经被指定则功能无法生效. 同时此功能还将忽略 Content-Disposition 响应头. 如果存在控制文件, 此选项将被忽略. 此功能通过 If-Modified-Since 请求头获取较新的文件. 当获取到本地文件的修改时间时, 此功能将使用用户提供的文件名 (参见 --out 选项), 如果没有指定 --out 选项则使用 URI 中的文件名. 为了覆盖已经存在的文件, 需要使用 --allow-overwrite 参数.",
"": "配置文件路径",
"conf-path.description": "",
"": "",
"": "控制台日志级别",
"console-log-level.description": "",
"": "",
"": "启用后台进程",
"daemon.description": "",
"": "",
"deferred-input.description": "",
"": "",
"": "延迟加载",
"deferred-input.description": "如果设置为\"是\", aria2 在启动时不会读取 --input-file 选项设置的文件中的所有 URI 地址, 而是会在之后需要时按需读取. 如果输入文件中包含大量要下载的 URI, 此选项可以减少内存的使用. 如果设置为\"否\", aria2 会在启动时读取所有的 URI. 当 -save-session 使用时将会禁用 --deferred-input 选项.",
"": "禁用 IPv6",
"disable-ipv6.description": "",
"": "",
"disk-cache.description": "",
"": "",
"download-result.description": "",
"": "",
"dscp.description": "",
"": "",
"rlimit-nofile.description": "",
"": "",
"": "磁盘缓存",
"disk-cache.description": "启用磁盘缓存. 如果设置为 0, 将禁用磁盘缓存. 此功能将下载的数据缓存在内存中, 最多占用此选项设置的字节数. 缓存存储由 aria2 实例创建并对所有下载共享. 由于数据以较大的单位写入并按文件的偏移重新排序, 所以磁盘缓存的一个优点是减少磁盘的 I/O. 如果调用哈希检查时并且数据缓存在内存中时, 将不需要从磁盘中读取. 大小可以包含 K 或 M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).",
"": "下载结果",
"download-result.description": "此选项将修改下载结果的格式. 如果设置为\"默认\", 将打印 GID, 状态, 平均下载速度和路径/URI. 如果涉及多个文件, 仅打印第一个请求文件的路径/URI, 其余的将被忽略. 如果设置为\"完整\", 将打印 GID, 状态, 平均下载速度, 下载进度和路径/URI. 其中, 下载进度和路径/URI 将会每个文件打印一行. 如果设置为\"隐藏\", 下载结果将会隐藏.",
"": "DSCP",
"dscp.description": "为 QoS 设置 BT 上行 IP 包的 DSCP 值. 此参数仅设置 IP 包中 TOS 字段的 DSCP 位, 而不是整个字段. 如果您从 /usr/include/netinet/ip.h 得到的值, 需要除以 4 (否则值将不正确, 例如您的 CS1 类将会转为 CS4). 如果您从 RFC, 网络供应商的文档, 维基百科或其他来源采取常用的值, 可以直接使用.",
"": "最多打开的文件描述符",
"rlimit-nofile.description": "设置打开的文件描述符的软限制 (soft limit). 此选项仅当满足如下条件时开放: a. 系统支持它 (posix). b. 限制没有超过硬限制 (hard limit). c. 指定的限制比当前的软限制高. 这相当于设置 ulimit, 除了其不能降低限制. 此选项仅当系统支持 rlimit API 时有效.",
"": "终端输出使用颜色",
"enable-color.description": "",
"": "",
"enable-mmap.description": "",
"": "",
"event-poll.description": "",
"": "",
"file-allocation.description": "",
"": "启用 MMap",
"enable-mmap.description": "内存中存放映射文件. 当文件空间没有预先分配至, 此选项无效. 参见 --file-allocation.",
"": "事件轮询方法",
"event-poll.description": "设置事件轮训的方法. 可选的值包括 epoll, kqueue, port, poll 和 select. 对于 epoll, kqueue, port 和 poll, 只有系统支持时才可用. 最新的 Linux 支持 epoll. 各种 *BSD 系统包括 Mac OS X 支持 kqueue. Open Solaris 支持 port. 默认值根据您使用的操作系统不同而不同.",
"": "文件分配方法",
"file-allocation.description": "指定文件分配方法. \"无\" 不会预先分配文件空间. \"prealloc\"会在下载开始前预先分配空间. 这将会根据文件的大小需要一定的时间. 如果您使用的是较新的文件系统, 例如 ext4 (带扩展支持), btrfs, xfs 或 NTFS (仅 MinGW 构建), \"falloc\" 是最好的选择. 其几乎可以瞬间分配大(数 GiB)文件. 不要在旧的文件系统, 例如 ext3 和 FAT32 上使用 falloc, 因为与 prealloc 花费的时间相同, 并且其会阻塞 aria2 知道分配完成. 当您的系统不支持 posix_fallocate(3) 函数时, falloc 可能无法使用. \"trunc\" 使用 ftruncate(2) 系统调用或平台特定的实现将文件截取到特定的长度.",
"": "强制保存",
"force-save.description": "即使任务完成或删除时使用 --save-session 选项时也保存该任务. 此选项在这种情况下还会保存控制文件. 此选项可以保存被认为已经完成但正在做种的 BT 任务.",
"": "",
"hash-check-only.description": "",
"": "",
"human-readable.description": "",
"": "",
"max-download-result.description": "",
"": "",
"max-mmap-limit.description": "",
"": "",
"max-resume-failure-tries.description": "",
"": "",
"min-tls-version.description": "",
"": "",
"": "仅哈希检查",
"hash-check-only.description": "如果设置为\"是\", 哈希检查完使用 --check-integrity 选项, 根据是否下载完成决定是否终止下载.",
"": "控制台可读输出",
"human-readable.description": "在控制台输出可读格式的大小和速度 (例如, 1.2Ki, 3.4Mi).",
"": "最多下载结果",
"max-download-result.description": "设置内存中存储的最大下载结果. 下载结果包括已完成/错误/已删除的下载. 下载结果存储在一个先进先出的队列中, 因此其可以存储最多指定的下载结果的数量. 当队列已满且有新的下载结果创建时, 最老的下载结果将从队列的最前部移除, 新的将放在最后. 此选项设置较大的数字后如果经过几千次的下载将导致较高的内存消耗. 设置为 0 表示不存储下载结果.",
"": "MMap 最大限制",
"max-mmap-limit.description": "设置启用 MMap (参见 --enable-mmap 选项) 最大的文件大小. 文件大小由一个下载任务中所有文件大小的和决定. 例如, 如果一个下载包含 5 个文件, 那么文件大小就是这些文件的总大小. 如果文件大小超过此选项设置的大小时, MMap 将会禁用.",
"": "最大断点续传尝试次数",
"max-resume-failure-tries.description": "当 --always-resume 选项设置为\"否\"时, 如果 aria2 检测到有 N 个 URI 不支持断点续传时, 将从头开始下载文件. 如果 N 设置为 0, 当所有 URI 都不支持断点续传时才会从头下载文件. 参见 --always-resume 选项.",
"": "最低 TLS 版本",
"min-tls-version.description": "指定启用的最低 SSL/TLS 版本.",
"": "日志级别",
"log-level.description": "",
"": "",
"piece-length.description": "",
"": "",
"optimize-concurrent-downloads.description": "",
"": "",
"": "优化并发下载",
"optimize-concurrent-downloads.description": "根据可用带宽优化并发下载的数量. aria2 使用之前观测到的下载速度通过规则 N = A + B Log10 (速度单位为 Mbps) 得到并发下载的数量. 其中系数 A 和 B 可以在参数中以冒号分隔自定义. 默认值 (A=5, B=25) 可以在 1Mbps 网络上使用通常 5 个并发下载, 在 100Mbps 网络上为 50 个. 并发下载的数量保持在 --max-concurrent-downloads 参数定义的最大之下.",
"": "文件分片大小",
"piece-length.description": "设置 HTTP/FTP 下载的分配大小. aria2 根据这个边界分割文件. 所有的分割都是这个长度的倍数. 此选项不适用于 BitTorrent 下载. 如果 Metalink 文件中包含分片哈希的结果此选项也不适用.",
"": "显示控制台输出",
"show-console-readout.description": "",
"": "",
"summary-interval.description": "",
"": "下载摘要输出间隔",
"summary-interval.description": "设置下载进度摘要的输出间隔(秒). 设置为 0 禁止输出.",
"": "全局最大下载速度",
"max-overall-download-limit.description": "设置全局最大下载速度 (字节/秒). 0 表示不限制. 您可以增加数值的单位 K 或 M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).",
"": "最大下载速度",
"max-download-limit.description": "设置每个任务的最大下载速度 (字节/秒). 0 表示不限制. 您可以增加数值的单位 K 或 M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).",
"": "",
"": "禁用配置文件",
"no-conf.description": "",
"": "",
"no-file-allocation-limit.description": "",
"": "",
"parameterized-uri.description": "",
"": "",
"": "文件分配限制",
"no-file-allocation-limit.description": "不对比此参数设置大小小的分配文件. 您可以增加数值的单位 K 或 M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).",
"": "启用参数化 URI 支持",
"parameterized-uri.description": "启用参数化 URI 支持. 您可以指定部分的集合: http://{sv1,sv2,sv3}/foo.iso. 同时您也可以使用步进计数器指定数字化的序列: http://host/image[000-100:2].img. 步进计数器可以省略. 如果所有 URI 地址不指向同样的文件, 例如上述第二个示例, 需要使用 -Z 选项.",
"": "禁用控制台输出",
"quiet.description": "",
"": "",
"realtime-chunk-checksum.description": "",
"": "",
"remove-control-file.description": "",
"": "",
"save-session.description": "",
"": "",
"save-session-interval.description": "",
"": "",
"socket-recv-buffer-size.description": "",
"": "",
"stop.description": "",
"": "",
"truncate-console-readout.description": ""
"": "实时数据块验证",
"realtime-chunk-checksum.description": "如果提供了数据块的校验和, 将在下载过程中通过校验和验证数据块.",
"": "删除控制文件",
"remove-control-file.description": "在下载前删除控制文件. 使用 --allow-overwrite=true 选项时, 总是从头开始下载文件. 此选项将有助于使用不支持断点续传代理服务器的用户.",
"": "保存状态",
"save-session.description": "当退出时保存错误及未完成的任务到指定的文件中. 您可以在重启 aria2 时使用 --input-file 选项重新加载. 如果您希望输出的内容使用 GZip 压缩, 您可以在文件名后增加 .gz 扩展名. 请注意, 通过 aria2.addTorrent() 和 aria2.addMetalink() RPC 方法添加的下载, 其元数据没有保存到文件的将不会保存. 通过 aria2.remove() 和 aria2.forceRemove() 删除的下载将不会保存.",
"": "保存状态间隔",
"save-session-interval.description": "每隔此选项设置的时间(秒)后会保存错误或未完成的任务到 --save-session 选项指定的文件中. 如果设置为 0, 仅当 aria2 退出时才会保存.",
"": "Socket 接收缓冲区大小",
"socket-recv-buffer-size.description": "设置 Socket 接收缓冲区最大的字节数. 指定为 0 时将禁用此选项. 当使用 SO_RCVBUF 选项调用 setsockopt() 时此选项的值将设置到 Socket 的文件描述符中.",
"": "自动关闭时间",
"stop.description": "在此选项设置的时间(秒)后关闭应用. 如果设置为 0, 此功能将禁用.",
"": "缩短控制台输出内容",
"truncate-console-readout.description": "缩短控制台输出的内容在一行中."

View File

@ -483,12 +483,12 @@
type: 'option',
options: ['debug', 'info', 'notice', 'warn', 'error']
'piece-length': {
type: 'integer'
'optimize-concurrent-downloads': {
type: 'string'
'piece-length': {
type: 'integer'
'show-console-readout': {
type: 'boolean',
readonly: true
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
btOptions: ['bt-detach-seed-only', 'bt-enable-hook-after-hash-check', 'bt-enable-lpd', 'bt-exclude-tracker', 'bt-external-ip', 'bt-force-encryption', 'bt-hash-check-seed', 'bt-max-open-files', 'bt-max-peers', 'bt-metadata-only', 'bt-min-crypto-level', 'bt-prioritize-piece', 'bt-remove-unselected-file', 'bt-require-crypto', 'bt-request-peer-speed-limit', 'bt-save-metadata', 'bt-seed-unverified', 'bt-stop-timeout', 'bt-tracker', 'bt-tracker-connect-timeout', 'bt-tracker-interval', 'bt-tracker-timeout', 'dht-file-path', 'dht-file-path6', 'dht-listen-port', 'dht-message-timeout', 'enable-dht', 'enable-dht6', 'enable-peer-exchange', 'follow-torrent', 'listen-port', 'max-overall-upload-limit', 'max-upload-limit', 'peer-id-prefix', 'seed-ratio', 'seed-time'],
metalinkOptions: ['follow-metalink', 'metalink-base-uri', 'metalink-language', 'metalink-location', 'metalink-os', 'metalink-version', 'metalink-preferred-protocol', 'metalink-enable-unique-protocol'],
rpcOptions: ['enable-rpc', 'pause-metadata', 'rpc-allow-origin-all', 'rpc-listen-all', 'rpc-listen-port', 'rpc-max-request-size', 'rpc-save-upload-metadata', 'rpc-secure'],
advancedOptions: ['allow-overwrite', 'allow-piece-length-change', 'always-resume', 'async-dns', 'auto-file-renaming', 'auto-save-interval', 'conditional-get', 'conf-path', 'console-log-level', 'daemon', 'deferred-input', 'disable-ipv6', 'disk-cache', 'download-result', 'dscp', 'rlimit-nofile', 'enable-color', 'enable-mmap', 'event-poll', 'file-allocation', 'force-save', 'hash-check-only', 'human-readable', 'max-download-result', 'max-mmap-limit', 'max-resume-failure-tries', 'min-tls-version', 'log-level', 'piece-length', 'optimize-concurrent-downloads', 'show-console-readout', 'summary-interval', 'max-overall-download-limit', 'max-download-limit', 'no-conf', 'no-file-allocation-limit', 'parameterized-uri', 'quiet', 'realtime-chunk-checksum', 'remove-control-file', 'save-session', 'save-session-interval', 'socket-recv-buffer-size', 'stop', 'truncate-console-readout']
advancedOptions: ['allow-overwrite', 'allow-piece-length-change', 'always-resume', 'async-dns', 'auto-file-renaming', 'auto-save-interval', 'conditional-get', 'conf-path', 'console-log-level', 'daemon', 'deferred-input', 'disable-ipv6', 'disk-cache', 'download-result', 'dscp', 'rlimit-nofile', 'enable-color', 'enable-mmap', 'event-poll', 'file-allocation', 'force-save', 'hash-check-only', 'human-readable', 'max-download-result', 'max-mmap-limit', 'max-resume-failure-tries', 'min-tls-version', 'log-level', 'optimize-concurrent-downloads', 'piece-length', 'show-console-readout', 'summary-interval', 'max-overall-download-limit', 'max-download-limit', 'no-conf', 'no-file-allocation-limit', 'parameterized-uri', 'quiet', 'realtime-chunk-checksum', 'remove-control-file', 'save-session', 'save-session-interval', 'socket-recv-buffer-size', 'stop', 'truncate-console-readout']
}).constant('aria2TaskAvailableOptions', {
activeNormalTaskOptions: ['max-download-limit', 'max-upload-limit', 'force-save'],
activeBtTaskOptions: ['max-download-limit', 'max-upload-limit', 'bt-max-peers', 'bt-request-peer-speed-limit', 'bt-remove-unselected-file', 'force-save'],

View File

@ -379,96 +379,96 @@
'rpc-save-upload-metadata.description': 'Save the uploaded torrent or metalink meta data in the directory specified by --dir option. The file name consists of SHA-1 hash hex string of meta data plus extension. For torrent, the extension is \'.torrent\'. For metalink, it is \'.meta4\'. If false is given to this option, the downloads added by aria2.addTorrent() or aria2.addMetalink() will not be saved by --save-session option.',
'': 'Enable SSL/TLS',
'rpc-secure.description': 'RPC transport will be encrypted by SSL/TLS. The RPC clients must use https scheme to access the server. For WebSocket client, use wss scheme. Use --rpc-certificate and --rpc-private-key options to specify the server certificate and private key.',
'': '',
'allow-overwrite.description': '',
'': '',
'allow-piece-length-change.description': '',
'': '',
'always-resume.description': '',
'': '',
'': 'Allow Overwrite',
'allow-overwrite.description': 'Restart download from scratch if the corresponding control file doesn\'t exist. See also --auto-file-renaming option.',
'': 'Allow Piece Length Change',
'allow-piece-length-change.description': 'If false is given, aria2 aborts download when a piece length is different from one in a control file. If true is given, you can proceed but some download progress will be lost.',
'': 'Always Resume Download',
'always-resume.description': 'Always resume download. If true is given, aria2 always tries to resume download and if resume is not possible, aborts download. If false is given, when all given URIs do not support resume or aria2 encounters N URIs which does not support resume (N is the value specified using --max-resume-failure-tries option), aria2 downloads file from scratch. See --max-resume-failure-tries option.',
'': 'Asynchronous DNS',
'async-dns.description': '',
'': '',
'auto-file-renaming.description': '',
'': '',
'auto-save-interval.description': '',
'': '',
'conditional-get.description': '',
'': '',
'': 'Auto File Renaming',
'auto-file-renaming.description': 'Rename file name if the same file already exists. This option works only in HTTP(S)/FTP download. The new file name has a dot and a number(1..9999) appended.',
'': 'Auto Save Interval',
'auto-save-interval.description': 'Save a control file(*.aria2) every SEC seconds. If 0 is given, a control file is not saved during download. aria2 saves a control file when it stops regardless of the value. The possible values are between 0 to 600.',
'': 'Conditional Download',
'conditional-get.description': 'Download file only when the local file is older than remote file. This function only works with HTTP(S) downloads only. It does not work if file size is specified in Metalink. It also ignores Content-Disposition header. If a control file exists, this option will be ignored. This function uses If-Modified-Since header to get only newer file conditionally. When getting modification time of local file, it uses user supplied file name (see --out option) or file name part in URI if --out is not specified. To overwrite existing file, --allow-overwrite is required.',
'': 'Configuration File',
'conf-path.description': '',
'': '',
'': 'Console Log Level',
'console-log-level.description': '',
'': '',
'': 'Enable Daemon',
'daemon.description': '',
'': '',
'deferred-input.description': '',
'': '',
'': 'Deferred Load',
'deferred-input.description': 'If true is given, aria2 does not read all URIs and options from file specified by --input-file option at startup, but it reads one by one when it needs later. This may reduce memory usage if input file contains a lot of URIs to download. If false is given, aria2 reads all URIs and options at startup. --deferred-input option will be disabled when --save-session is used together.',
'': 'Disable IPv6',
'disable-ipv6.description': '',
'': '',
'disk-cache.description': '',
'': '',
'download-result.description': '',
'': '',
'dscp.description': '',
'': '',
'rlimit-nofile.description': '',
'': '',
'': 'Disk Cache',
'disk-cache.description': 'Enable disk cache. If SIZE is 0, the disk cache is disabled. This feature caches the downloaded data in memory, which grows to at most SIZE bytes. The cache storage is created for aria2 instance and shared by all downloads. The one advantage of the disk cache is reduce the disk I/O because the data are written in larger unit and it is reordered by the offset of the file. If hash checking is involved and the data are cached in memory, we don\'t need to read them from the disk. SIZE can include K or M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).',
'': 'Download Result',
'download-result.description': 'This option changes the way Download Results is formatted. If OPT is default, print GID, status, average download speed and path/URI. If multiple files are involved, path/URI of first requested file is printed and remaining ones are omitted. If OPT is full, print GID, status, average download speed, percentage of progress and path/URI. The percentage of progress and path/URI are printed for each requested file in each row. If OPT is hide, Download Results is hidden.',
'': 'DSCP',
'dscp.description': 'Set DSCP value in outgoing IP packets of BitTorrent traffic for QoS. This parameter sets only DSCP bits in TOS field of IP packets, not the whole field. If you take values from /usr/include/netinet/ip.h divide them by 4 (otherwise values would be incorrect, e.g. your CS1 class would turn into CS4). If you take commonly used values from RFC, network vendors\' documentation, Wikipedia or any other source, use them as they are.',
'': 'Soft Limit of Open File Descriptors',
'rlimit-nofile.description': 'Set the soft limit of open file descriptors. This open will only have effect when: a. The system supports it (posix). b. The limit does not exceed the hard limit. c. The specified limit is larger than the current soft limit. This is equivalent to setting nofile via ulimit, except that it will never decrease the limit. This option is only available on systems supporting the rlimit API.',
'': 'Enable Color in Terminal',
'enable-color.description': '',
'': '',
'enable-mmap.description': '',
'': '',
'event-poll.description': '',
'': '',
'file-allocation.description': '',
'': 'Enable MMap',
'enable-mmap.description': 'Map files into memory. This option may not work if the file space is not pre-allocated. See --file-allocation.',
'': 'Event Polling Method',
'event-poll.description': 'Specify the method for polling events. The possible values are epoll, kqueue, port, poll and select. For each epoll, kqueue, port and poll, it is available if system supports it. epoll is available on recent Linux. kqueue is available on various *BSD systems including Mac OS X. port is available on Open Solaris. The default value may vary depending on the system you use.',
'': 'File Allocation Method',
'file-allocation.description': 'Specify file allocation method. none doesn\'t pre-allocate file space. prealloc pre-allocates file space before download begins. This may take some time depending on the size of the file. If you are using newer file systems such as ext4 (with extents support), btrfs, xfs or NTFS(MinGW build only), falloc is your best choice. It allocates large(few GiB) files almost instantly. Don\'t use falloc with legacy file systems such as ext3 and FAT32 because it takes almost same time as prealloc and it blocks aria2 entirely until allocation finishes. falloc may not be available if your system doesn\'t have posix_fallocate(3) function. trunc uses ftruncate(2) system call or platform-specific counterpart to truncate a file to a specified length.',
'': 'Force Save',
'force-save.description': 'Save download with --save-session option even if the download is completed or removed. This option also saves control file in that situations. This may be useful to save BitTorrent seeding which is recognized as completed state.',
'': '',
'hash-check-only.description': '',
'': '',
'human-readable.description': '',
'': '',
'max-download-result.description': '',
'': '',
'max-mmap-limit.description': '',
'': '',
'max-resume-failure-tries.description': '',
'': '',
'min-tls-version.description': '',
'': '',
'': 'Hash Check Only',
'hash-check-only.description': 'If true is given, after hash check using --check-integrity option, abort download whether or not download is complete.',
'': 'Console Human Readable Output',
'human-readable.description': 'Print sizes and speed in human readable format (e.g., 1.2Ki, 3.4Mi) in the console readout.',
'': 'Max Download Result',
'max-download-result.description': 'Set maximum number of download result kept in memory. The download results are completed/error/removed downloads. The download results are stored in FIFO queue and it can store at most NUM download results. When queue is full and new download result is created, oldest download result is removed from the front of the queue and new one is pushed to the back. Setting big number in this option may result high memory consumption after thousands of downloads. Specifying 0 means no download result is kept.',
'': 'Max MMap Limit',
'max-mmap-limit.description': 'Set the maximum file size to enable mmap (see --enable-mmap option). The file size is determined by the sum of all files contained in one download. For example, if a download contains 5 files, then file size is the total size of those files. If file size is strictly greater than the size specified in this option, mmap will be disabled.',
'': 'Max Resume Failture Tries',
'max-resume-failure-tries.description': 'When used with --always-resume=false, aria2 downloads file from scratch when aria2 detects N number of URIs that does not support resume. If N is 0, aria2 downloads file from scratch when all given URIs do not support resume. See --always-resume option.',
'': 'Min TLS Version',
'min-tls-version.description': 'Specify minimum SSL/TLS version to enable.',
'': 'Log Level',
'log-level.description': '',
'': '',
'piece-length.description': '',
'': '',
'optimize-concurrent-downloads.description': '',
'': '',
'': 'Optimize Concurrent Downloads',
'optimize-concurrent-downloads.description': 'Optimizes the number of concurrent downloads according to the bandwidth available. aria2 uses the download speed observed in the previous downloads to adapt the number of downloads launched in parallel according to the rule N = A + B Log10(speed in Mbps). The coefficients A and B can be customized in the option arguments with A and B separated by a colon. The default values (A=5, B=25) lead to using typically 5 parallel downloads on 1Mbps networks and above 50 on 100Mbps networks. The number of parallel downloads remains constrained under the maximum defined by the --max-concurrent-downloads parameter.',
'': 'Piece Length',
'piece-length.description': 'Set a piece length for HTTP/FTP downloads. This is the boundary when aria2 splits a file. All splits occur at multiple of this length. This option will be ignored in BitTorrent downloads. It will be also ignored if Metalink file contains piece hashes.',
'': 'Show Console Output',
'show-console-readout.description': '',
'': '',
'summary-interval.description': '',
'': 'Download Summary Output Interval',
'summary-interval.description': 'Set interval in seconds to output download progress summary. Setting 0 suppresses the output.',
'': 'Global Max Download Limit',
'max-overall-download-limit.description': 'Set max overall download speed in bytes/sec. 0 means unrestricted. You can append K or M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).',
'': 'Max Download Limit',
'max-download-limit.description': 'Set max download speed per each download in bytes/sec. 0 means unrestricted. You can append K or M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).',
'': '',
'': 'Disable Configuration File',
'no-conf.description': '',
'': '',
'no-file-allocation-limit.description': '',
'': '',
'parameterized-uri.description': '',
'': '',
'': 'No File Allocation Limit',
'no-file-allocation-limit.description': 'No file allocation is made for files whose size is smaller than SIZE. You can append K or M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).',
'': 'Enable Parameterized URI',
'parameterized-uri.description': 'Enable parameterized URI support. You can specify set of parts: http://{sv1,sv2,sv3}/foo.iso. Also you can specify numeric sequences with step counter: http://host/image[000-100:2].img. A step counter can be omitted. If all URIs do not point to the same file, such as the second example above, -Z option is required.',
'': 'Disable Console Output',
'quiet.description': '',
'': '',
'realtime-chunk-checksum.description': '',
'': '',
'remove-control-file.description': '',
'': '',
'save-session.description': '',
'': '',
'save-session-interval.description': '',
'': '',
'socket-recv-buffer-size.description': '',
'': '',
'stop.description': '',
'': '',
'truncate-console-readout.description': ''
'': 'Realtime Data Chunk Validation',
'realtime-chunk-checksum.description': 'Validate chunk of data by calculating checksum while downloading a file if chunk checksums are provided.',
'': 'Remove Control File',
'remove-control-file.description': 'Remove control file before download. Using with --allow-overwrite=true, download always starts from scratch. This will be useful for users behind proxy server which disables resume.',
'': 'Save Session',
'save-session.description': 'Save error/unfinished downloads to FILE on exit. You can pass this output file to aria2c with --input-file option on restart. If you like the output to be gzipped append a .gz extension to the file name. Please note that downloads added by aria2.addTorrent() and aria2.addMetalink() RPC method and whose meta data could not be saved as a file are not saved. Downloads removed using aria2.remove() and aria2.forceRemove() will not be saved.',
'': 'Save Session Interval',
'save-session-interval.description': 'Save error/unfinished downloads to a file specified by --save-session option every SEC seconds. If 0 is given, file will be saved only when aria2 exits.',
'': 'Socket Receive Buffer Size',
'socket-recv-buffer-size.description': 'Set the maximum socket receive buffer in bytes. Specifing 0 will disable this option. This value will be set to socket file descriptor using SO_RCVBUF socket option with setsockopt() call.',
'': 'Auto Shutdown Time',
'stop.description': 'Stop application after SEC seconds has passed. If 0 is given, this feature is disabled.',
'': 'Truncate Console Output',
'truncate-console-readout.description': 'Truncate console readout to fit in a single line.'