translate bt settings

This commit is contained in:
MaysWind 2016-06-05 17:06:30 +08:00
parent 8ed39380e5
commit 06b0d8d7d3
4 changed files with 195 additions and 179 deletions

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
"Upload Speed": "上传速度", "Upload Speed": "上传速度",
"Overview": "总览", "Overview": "总览",
"Blocks": "区块信息", "Blocks": "区块信息",
"File List": "文件列表", "Files": "文件列表",
"Peers": "连接状态", "Peers": "连接状态",
"Task Status": "任务状态", "Task Status": "任务状态",
"Error Description": "错误描述", "Error Description": "错误描述",
@ -135,28 +135,28 @@
"": "最大同时下载数", "": "最大同时下载数",
"max-concurrent-downloads.description": "", "max-concurrent-downloads.description": "",
"": "检查完整性", "": "检查完整性",
"check-integrity.description": "通过对文件的每个分块或整个文件进行哈希验证来检查文件的完整性. 此选项仅对BT、磁及设置了 --checksum 选项的 HTTP(S)/FTP 链接.", "check-integrity.description": "通过对文件的每个分块或整个文件进行哈希验证来检查文件的完整性. 此选项仅对BT、磁链及设置了 --checksum 选项的 HTTP(S)/FTP 链接生效.",
"": "断点续传", "": "断点续传",
"continue.description": "继续下载部分完成的文件. 启用此选项可以继续下载从浏览器或其他程序按顺序下载的文件. 此选项目前只支持 HTTP(S)/FTP 下载的文件.", "continue.description": "继续下载部分完成的文件. 启用此选项可以继续下载从浏览器或其他程序按顺序下载的文件. 此选项目前只支持 HTTP(S)/FTP 下载的文件.",
"": "代理服务器", "": "代理服务器",
"all-proxy.description": "设置所有协议的代理服务器地址. 如果覆盖之前设置的代理服务器, 使用 \"\" 即可. 您还可以针对特定的协议覆盖此参数, 即使用 --http-proxy, --https-proxy 和 --ftp-proxy 参数. 此设置将会影响所有下载. 代理服务器地址的格式为 [http://][USER:PASSWORD@]HOST[:PORT].", "all-proxy.description": "设置所有协议的代理服务器地址. 如果覆盖之前设置的代理服务器, 使用 \"\" 即可. 您还可以针对特定的协议覆盖此选项, 即使用 --http-proxy, --https-proxy 和 --ftp-proxy 选项. 此设置将会影响所有下载. 代理服务器地址的格式为 [http://][USER:PASSWORD@]HOST[:PORT].",
"": "代理服务器用户名", "": "代理服务器用户名",
"all-proxy-user.description": "", "all-proxy-user.description": "",
"": "代理服务器密码", "": "代理服务器密码",
"all-proxy-passwd.description": "", "all-proxy-passwd.description": "",
"": "连接超时时间", "": "连接超时时间",
"connect-timeout.description": "设置建立 HTTP/FTP/代理服务器 连接的超时时间(秒). 当连接建立后, 此选项不再生效, 请使用 --timeout 参数.", "connect-timeout.description": "设置建立 HTTP/FTP/代理服务器 连接的超时时间(秒). 当连接建立后, 此选项不再生效, 请使用 --timeout 选项.",
"": "模拟运行", "": "模拟运行",
"dry-run.description": "如果设置为是, aria2 将仅检查远程文件是否存在而不会下载文件内容. 此选项仅对 HTTP/FTP 下载生效. 如果设置为 true, BT 下载将会直接取消.", "dry-run.description": "如果设置为\"\", aria2 将仅检查远程文件是否存在而不会下载文件内容. 此选项仅对 HTTP/FTP 下载生效. 如果设置为 true, BT 下载将会直接取消.",
"": "最小速度限制", "": "最小速度限制",
"lowest-speed-limit.description": "当下载速度低于此选项设置的值(B/s) 时将会关闭连接. 0 表示不设置最小速度限制. 您增加数值的单位 K 或 M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). 此选项不会影响 BT 下载.", "lowest-speed-limit.description": "当下载速度低于此选项设置的值(B/s) 时将会关闭连接. 0 表示不设置最小速度限制. 您可以增加数值的单位 K 或 M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). 此选项不会影响 BT 下载.",
"": "单服务器最大连接数", "": "单服务器最大连接数",
"max-connection-per-server.description": "", "max-connection-per-server.description": "",
"": "文件未找到重试次数", "": "文件未找到重试次数",
"max-file-not-found.description": "如果 aria2 从远程 HTTP/FTP 服务器收到 \"文件未找到\" 的状态超过此选项设置的次数后下载将会失败. 设置为 0 将会禁用此选项. 此选项仅影响 HTTP/FTP 服务器. 重试时同时会记录重试次数, 所以也需要设置 --max-tries 这个参数.", "max-file-not-found.description": "如果 aria2 从远程 HTTP/FTP 服务器收到 \"文件未找到\" 的状态超过此选项设置的次数后下载将会失败. 设置为 0 将会禁用此选项. 此选项仅影响 HTTP/FTP 服务器. 重试时同时会记录重试次数, 所以也需要设置 --max-tries 这个选项.",
"": "最大尝试次数", "": "最大尝试次数",
"max-tries.description": "设置最大尝试次数. 0 表示不限制.", "max-tries.description": "设置最大尝试次数. 0 表示不限制.",
"": "文件最小分割大小", "": "最小文件分片大小",
"": ".netrc 文件路径", "": ".netrc 文件路径",
"netrc-path.description": "", "netrc-path.description": "",
"": "禁用 netrc", "": "禁用 netrc",
@ -164,6 +164,7 @@
"": "不使用代理服务器列表", "": "不使用代理服务器列表",
"no-proxy.description": "设置不使用代理服务器的主机名, 域名, 包含或不包含子网掩码的网络地址, 多个使用逗号分隔.", "no-proxy.description": "设置不使用代理服务器的主机名, 域名, 包含或不包含子网掩码的网络地址, 多个使用逗号分隔.",
"": "代理服务器请求方法", "": "代理服务器请求方法",
"proxy-method.description": "设置用来请求代理服务器的方法. 方法可设置为 get 或 tunnel. HTTPS 下载将忽略此选项并总是使用 tunnel.",
"": "获取服务器文件时间", "": "获取服务器文件时间",
"remote-time.description": "从 HTTP/FTP 服务获取远程文件的时间戳, 如果可用将设置到本地文件", "remote-time.description": "从 HTTP/FTP 服务获取远程文件的时间戳, 如果可用将设置到本地文件",
"": "URI 复用", "": "URI 复用",
@ -171,8 +172,11 @@
"": "重试等待时间", "": "重试等待时间",
"retry-wait.description": "设置重试间隔时间(秒). 当此选项的值大于 0 时, aria2 在 HTTP 服务器返回 503 响应时将会重试.", "retry-wait.description": "设置重试间隔时间(秒). 当此选项的值大于 0 时, aria2 在 HTTP 服务器返回 503 响应时将会重试.",
"": "服务器状态保存文件", "": "服务器状态保存文件",
"server-stat-of.description": "指定用来保存服务器状态的文件名. 您可以使用 --server-stat-if 参数读取保存的数据.",
"": "服务器状态超时", "": "服务器状态超时",
"": "文件分割数量", "server-stat-timeout.description": "指定服务器状态的过期时间 (单位为秒).",
"": "单任务连接数",
"split.description": "下载时使用 N 个连接. 如果提供超过 N 个 URI 地址, 则使用前 N 个地址, 剩余的地址将作为备用. 如果提供的 URI 地址不足 N 个, 这些地址多次使用以保证同时建立 N 个连接. 同一服务器的连接数会被 --max-connection-per-server 选项限制.",
"": "分片选择算法", "": "分片选择算法",
"": "超时时间", "": "超时时间",
"timeout.description": "", "timeout.description": "",
@ -180,8 +184,11 @@
"": "检查证书", "": "检查证书",
"check-certificate.description": "", "check-certificate.description": "",
"": "支持 GZip", "": "支持 GZip",
"": "HTTP 认证质询", "http-accept-gzip.description": "如果远程服务器的响应头中包含 Content-Encoding: gzip 或 Content-Encoding: deflate , 将发送包含 Accept: deflate, gzip 的请求头并解压缩响应.",
"": "认证质询",
"http-auth-challenge.description": "仅当服务器需要时才发送 HTTP 认证请求头. 如果设置为\"否\", 每次都会发送认证请求头. 例外: 如果用户名和密码包含在 URI 中, 将忽略此选项并且每次都会发送认证请求头.",
"": "禁用缓存", "": "禁用缓存",
"http-no-cache.description": "发送的请求头中将包含 Cache-Control: no-cache 和 Pragma: no-cache header 以避免内容被缓存. 如果设置为\"否\", 上述请求头将不会发送, 同时您也可以使用 --header 选项将 Cache-Control 请求头添加进去.",
"": "HTTP 默认用户名", "": "HTTP 默认用户名",
"http-user.description": "", "http-user.description": "",
"": "HTTP 默认密码", "": "HTTP 默认密码",
@ -199,6 +206,7 @@
"": "HTTPS 代理服务器密码", "": "HTTPS 代理服务器密码",
"https-proxy-passwd.description": "", "https-proxy-passwd.description": "",
"": "请求来源", "": "请求来源",
"referer.description": "设置 HTTP 请求来源 (Referer). 此选项将影响所有 HTTP/HTTPS 下载. 如果设置为 *, 请求来源将设置为下载链接. 此选项可以配合 --parameterized-uri 选项使用.",
"": "启用持久连接", "": "启用持久连接",
"enable-http-keep-alive.description": "启用 HTTP/1.1 持久连接.", "enable-http-keep-alive.description": "启用 HTTP/1.1 持久连接.",
"": "启用 HTTP 管线化", "": "启用 HTTP 管线化",
@ -206,6 +214,7 @@
"": "自定义请求头", "": "自定义请求头",
"header.description": "增加 HTTP 请求头内容.", "header.description": "增加 HTTP 请求头内容.",
"": "Cookies 保存路径", "": "Cookies 保存路径",
"save-cookies.description": "以 Mozilla/Firefox(1.x/2.x)/Netscape 格式将 Cookies 保存到文件中. 如果文件已经存在, 将被覆盖. 会话过期的 Cookies 也将会保存, 其过期时间将会设置为 0.",
"": "启用 HEAD 方法", "": "启用 HEAD 方法",
"use-head.description": "第一次请求 HTTP 服务器时使用 HEAD 方法.", "use-head.description": "第一次请求 HTTP 服务器时使用 HEAD 方法.",
"": "自定义 User Agent", "": "自定义 User Agent",
@ -215,7 +224,7 @@
"": "FTP 默认密码", "": "FTP 默认密码",
"ftp-passwd.description": "如果 URI 中包含用户名单不包含密码, aria2 首先会从 .netrc 文件中获取密码. 如果在 .netrc 文件中找到密码, 则使用该密码. 否则, 使用此选项设置的密码.", "ftp-passwd.description": "如果 URI 中包含用户名单不包含密码, aria2 首先会从 .netrc 文件中获取密码. 如果在 .netrc 文件中找到密码, 则使用该密码. 否则, 使用此选项设置的密码.",
"": "被动模式", "": "被动模式",
"ftp-pasv.description": "在 FTP 中使用被动模式. 如果设置为否, 则使用主动模式. 此选项不适用于 SFTP 传输.", "ftp-pasv.description": "在 FTP 中使用被动模式. 如果设置为\"\", 则使用主动模式. 此选项不适用于 SFTP 传输.",
"": "FTP 代理服务器", "": "FTP 代理服务器",
"ftp-proxy.description": "", "ftp-proxy.description": "",
"": "FTP 代理服务器用户名", "": "FTP 代理服务器用户名",
@ -227,78 +236,78 @@
"": "连接复用", "": "连接复用",
"ftp-reuse-connection.description": "", "ftp-reuse-connection.description": "",
"": "SSH 公钥校验和", "": "SSH 公钥校验和",
"": "", "": "分离仅做种任务",
"bt-detach-seed-only.description": "", "bt-detach-seed-only.description": "统计当前活动下载任务(详见 -j 选项) 时排除仅做种的任务. 这意味着, 如果参数设置为 -j3, 此选项打开并且当前有 3 个正在活动的任务, 并且其中有 1 个进入做种模式, 那么其会从正在下载的数量中排除(即数量会变为 2), 在队列中等待的下一个任务将会开始执行. 但要知道, 在 RPC 方法中, 做种的任务仍然被认为是活动的下载任务.",
"": "", "": "启用哈希检查完成事件",
"bt-enable-hook-after-hash-check.description": "", "bt-enable-hook-after-hash-check.description": "允许 BT 下载哈希检查(详见 -V 选项) 完成后调用命令. 默认情况下, 当哈希检查成功后, 通过 --on-bt-download-complete 设置的命令将会被执行. 如果要禁用此行为, 请设置为\"否\".",
"": "", "": "启用本地节点发现 (LPD)",
"bt-enable-lpd.description": "", "bt-enable-lpd.description": "",
"": "", "": "BT 排除服务器地址",
"bt-exclude-tracker.description": "", "bt-exclude-tracker.description": "逗号分隔的 BT 排除服务器地址. 您可以使用 * 匹配所有地址, 因此将排除所有服务器地址. 当在 shell 命令行使用 * 时, 需要使用转义符或引号.",
"": "", "": "外部 IP 地址",
"bt-external-ip.description": "", "bt-external-ip.description": "指定用来报告给 BT 服务器的外部 IP 地址. 虽然这个方法叫外部, 但其可以接受各种类型的 IP 地址. IP 地址需要使用数字类型的地址.",
"": "", "": "强制加密",
"bt-force-encryption.description": "", "bt-force-encryption.description": "BT 消息中的内容需要使用 arc4 加密. 此选项是设置 --bt-require-crypto --bt-min-crypto-level=arc4 这两个选项的快捷方式. 此选项不会修改上述两个选项的内容. 如果设置为\"是\", 将拒绝以前的 BT 握手, 并仅使用模糊握手及加密消息.",
"": "", "": "做种前检查文件哈希",
"bt-hash-check-seed.description": "", "bt-hash-check-seed.description": "如果设置为\"是\", 当使用 --check-integrity 选项完成哈希检查及文件完成后才继续做种. 如果您希望仅当文件损坏或未完成时检查文件, 请设置为\"否\". 此选项仅对 BT 下载有效",
"": "", "": "最多打开文件数",
"bt-max-open-files.description": "", "bt-max-open-files.description": "设置 BT/磁链 下载全局打开的最大文件数.",
"": "", "": "最大连接节点数",
"bt-max-peers.description": "", "bt-max-peers.description": "设置每个 BT 下载的最大连接节点数. 0 表示不限制.",
"": "", "": "仅下载种子文件",
"bt-metadata-only.description": "", "bt-metadata-only.description": "仅下载种子文件. 种子文件中描述的文件将不会下载. 此选项仅对磁链生效.",
"": "", "": "最低加密级别",
"bt-min-crypto-level.description": "", "bt-min-crypto-level.description": "设置加密方法的最小级别. 如果节点提供多种加密方法, aria2 将选择满足给定级别的最低级别.",
"": "", "": "优先下载",
"bt-prioritize-piece.description": "", "bt-prioritize-piece.description": "尝试先下载每个文件开头或结尾的分片. 此选项有助于预览文件. 参数可以包括两个关键词: head 和 tail. 如果包含两个关键词, 需要使用逗号分隔. 每个关键词可以包含一个参数, SIZE. 例如, 如果指定 head=SIZE, 每个文件的最前 SIZE 数据将会获得更高的优先级. tail=SIZE 表示每个文件的最后 SIZE 数据. SIZE 可以包含 K 或 M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).",
"": "", "": "删除未选择的文件",
"bt-remove-unselected-file.description": "", "bt-remove-unselected-file.description": "当 BT 任务完成后删除未选择的文件. 要选择需要下载的文件, 请使用 --select-file 选项. 如果没有选择, 则所有文件都默认为需要下载. 此选项会从磁盘上直接删除文件, 请谨慎使用此选项.",
"": "", "": "需要加密",
"bt-require-crypto.description": "", "bt-require-crypto.description": "如果设置为\"是\", aria 将不会接受以前的 BitTorrent 握手协议(\\19BitTorrent 协议)并建立连接. 因此 aria2 总是模糊握手.",
"": "", "": "期望下载速度",
"bt-request-peer-speed-limit.description": "", "bt-request-peer-speed-limit.description": "如果一个 BT 下载的整体下载速度低于此选项设置的值, aria2 会临时提高连接数以提高下载速度. 在某些情况下, 设置期望下载速度可以提高您的下载速度. 您可以增加数值的单位 K 或 M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).",
"": "", "": "保存种子文件",
"bt-save-metadata.description": "", "bt-save-metadata.description": "保存种子文件为 \".torrent\" 文件. 此选项仅对磁链生效. 文件名为十六进制编码后的哈希值及 \".torrent\"后缀. 保存的目录与下载文件的目录相同. 如果相同的文件已存在, 种子文件将不会保存.",
"": "", "": "不检查已经下载的文件",
"bt-seed-unverified.description": "", "bt-seed-unverified.description": "不检查之前下载文件中每个分片的哈希值.",
"": "", "": "无速度时自动停止时间",
"bt-stop-timeout.description": "", "bt-stop-timeout.description": "当 BT 任务下载速度持续为 0, 达到本选项设置的时间后停止下载. 如果设置为 0, 本功能将禁用",
"": "", "": "BT 服务器地址",
"bt-tracker.description": "", "bt-tracker.description": "逗号分隔的 BT 服务器地址. 如果服务器地址在 --bt-exclude-tracker 选项中, 其将不会生效.",
"": "", "": "BT 服务器连接超时时间",
"bt-tracker-connect-timeout.description": "", "bt-tracker-connect-timeout.description": "设置 BT 服务器的连接超时时间 (秒). 当连接建立后, 此选项不再生效, 请使用 --bt-tracker-timeout 选项.",
"": "", "": "BT 服务器连接间隔时间",
"bt-tracker-interval.description": "", "bt-tracker-interval.description": "设置请求 BT 服务器的间隔时间 (秒). 此选项将完全覆盖服务器返回的最小间隔时间和间隔时间, aria2 仅使用此选项的值.如果设置为 0, aria2 将根据服务器的响应情况和下载进程决定时间间隔.",
"": "", "": "BT 服务器超时时间",
"bt-tracker-timeout.description": "", "bt-tracker-timeout.description": "",
"": "", "": "DHT (IPv4) 文件",
"dht-file-path.description": "", "dht-file-path.description": "修改 IPv4 DHT 路由表文件路径.",
"": "", "": "DHT (IPv6) 文件",
"dht-file-path6.description": "", "dht-file-path6.description": "修改 IPv6 DHT 路由表文件路径.",
"": "", "": "DHT 监听端口",
"dht-listen-port.description": "", "dht-listen-port.description": "设置 DHT (IPv4, IPv6) 和 UDP 服务器使用的 UCP 端口. 多个端口可以使用逗号 \",\" 分隔, 例如: 6881,6885. 您还可以使用短横线 \"-\" 表示范围: 6881-6999, 或可以一起使用: 6881-6889, 6999.",
"": "", "": "DHT 消息超时时间",
"dht-message-timeout.description": "", "dht-message-timeout.description": "",
"": "", "": "启用 DHT (IPv4)",
"enable-dht.description": "", "enable-dht.description": "启用 IPv4 DHT 功能. 此选项同时会启用 UDP 服务器支持. 如果种子设置为私有, 即使此选项设置为\"是\", aria2 也不会启用 DHT.",
"": "", "": "启用 DHT (IPv6)",
"enable-dht6.description": "", "enable-dht6.description": "启用 IPv6 DHT 功能. 如果种子设置为私有, 即使此选项设置为\"是\", aria2 也不会启用 DHT. 使用 --dht-listen-port 选项设置监听的端口.",
"": "", "": "启用节点交换",
"enable-peer-exchange.description": "", "enable-peer-exchange.description": "启用节点交换扩展. 如果种子设置为私有, 即使此选项设置为\"是\", aria2 也不会启用此功能.",
"": "", "": "下载种子文件中的文件",
"follow-torrent.description": "", "follow-torrent.description": "如果设置为\"是\"或\"仅内存\", 当后缀为 .torrent 或内容类型为 application/x-bittorrent 的文件下载完成时, aria2 将按种子文件读取并下载该文件中提到的文件. 如果设置为\"仅内存\", 该种子文件将不会写入到磁盘中, 而仅会存储在内存中. 如果设置为\"否\", 则 .torrent 文件会下载到磁盘中, 但不会按种子文件读取并且不会按其中的内容进行下载.",
"": "", "": "监听端口",
"listen-port.description": "", "listen-port.description": "设置 BT 下载的 TCP 端口. 多个端口可以使用逗号 \",\" 分隔, 例如: 6881,6885. 您还可以使用短横线 \"-\" 表示范围: 6881-6999, 或可以一起使用: 6881-6889, 6999.",
"": "", "": "全局最大上传速度",
"max-overall-upload-limit.description": "", "max-overall-upload-limit.description": "设置全局最大上传速度 (字节/秒). 0 表示不限制. 您可以增加数值的单位 K 或 M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).",
"": "", "": "最大上传速度",
"max-upload-limit.description": "", "max-upload-limit.description": "设置每个任务的最大上传速度 (字节/秒). 0 表示不限制. 您可以增加数值的单位 K 或 M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).",
"": "", "": "节点 ID 前缀",
"peer-id-prefix.description": "", "peer-id-prefix.description": "指定节点 ID 的前缀. BT 中节点 ID 长度为 20 字节. 如果超过 20 字节, 将仅使用前 20 字节. 如果少于 20 字节, 将在其后不足随机的数据保证为 20 字节.",
"": "", "": "最小分享率",
"seed-ratio.description": "", "seed-ratio.description": "指定分享率. 当分享率达到此选项设置的值时会完成做种. 强烈建议您将此选项设置为大于等于 1.0. 如果您想不限制分享比率, 可以设置为 0.0. 如果同时设置了 --seed-time 选项, 当任意一个条件满足时将停止做种.",
"": "", "": "最小做种时间",
"seed-time.description": "", "seed-time.description": "此选项设置为 0 时, 将在 BT 任务下载完成后不进行做种.",
"": "", "": "",
"follow-metalink.description": "", "follow-metalink.description": "",
"": "", "": "",
@ -317,18 +326,18 @@
"metalink-enable-unique-protocol.description": "", "metalink-enable-unique-protocol.description": "",
"": "启用 JSON-RPC/XML-RPC 服务器", "": "启用 JSON-RPC/XML-RPC 服务器",
"enable-rpc.description": "", "enable-rpc.description": "",
"": "元数据下载完后暂停", "": "种子文件下载完后暂停",
"pause-metadata.description": "当元数据下载完成后暂停后续的下载. 在 aria2 中有三种类型的元数据下载: (1) 下载 .torrent 文件. (2) 通过磁链下载种子元数据. (3) 下载磁链文件. 这些元数据下载完后会根据元数据内容进行下载. 这个选项会暂停这些后续的下载. 此选项仅当 --enable-rpc 启用时生效.", "pause-metadata.description": "当种子文件下载完成后暂停后续的下载. 在 aria2 中有 3 种种子文件的下载类型: (1) 下载 .torrent 文件. (2) 通过磁链下载的种子文件. (3) 下载磁链文件. 这些种子文件下载完后会根据文件内容继续进行下载. 这个选项会暂停这些后续的下载. 此选项仅当 --enable-rpc 选项启用时生效.",
"": "接受所有远程请求", "": "接受所有远程请求",
"rpc-allow-origin-all.description": "在 RPC 响应头增加 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 字段, 值为 * .", "rpc-allow-origin-all.description": "在 RPC 响应头增加 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 字段, 值为 * .",
"": "在所有网卡上监听", "": "在所有网卡上监听",
"rpc-listen-all.description": "在所有网络适配器上监听 JSON-RPC/XML-RPC 的请求, 如果设置为否, 仅监听本地网络的请求.", "rpc-listen-all.description": "在所有网络适配器上监听 JSON-RPC/XML-RPC 的请求, 如果设置为\"\", 仅监听本地网络的请求.",
"": "监听端口", "": "监听端口",
"rpc-listen-port.description": "", "rpc-listen-port.description": "",
"": "最大请求大小", "": "最大请求大小",
"rpc-max-request-size.description": "设置 JSON-RPC/XML-RPC 最大的请求大小. 如果 aria2 检测到请求超过设定的字节数, 会直接取消连接.", "rpc-max-request-size.description": "设置 JSON-RPC/XML-RPC 最大的请求大小. 如果 aria2 检测到请求超过设定的字节数, 会直接取消连接.",
"": "保存上传的元数据", "": "保存上传的种子文件",
"rpc-save-upload-metadata.description": "在 dir 参数设置的目录中保存上传的种子文件或磁链的元数据. 文件名包括 SHA-1 哈希后的元数据和扩展名两部分. 对于种子文件, 扩展名为 '.torrent'. 对于磁链为 '.meta4'. 如果此选项设置为否, 通过 aria2.addTorrent() 或 aria2.addMetalink() 方法添加的下载将无法通过 --save-session 选项保存.", "rpc-save-upload-metadata.description": "在 dir 选项设置的目录中保存上传的种子文件或磁链文件. 文件名包括 SHA-1 哈希后的元数据和扩展名两部分. 对于种子文件, 扩展名为 '.torrent'. 对于磁链为 '.meta4'. 如果此选项设置为\"\", 通过 aria2.addTorrent() 或 aria2.addMetalink() 方法添加的下载将无法通过 --save-session 选项保存.",
"": "启用 SSL/TLS", "": "启用 SSL/TLS",
"rpc-secure.description": "RPC 将通过 SSL/TLS 加密传输. RPC 客户端需要使用 https 协议连接服务器. 对于 WebSocket 客户端, 使用 wss 协议. 使用 --rpc-certificate 和 --rpc-private-key 选项设置服务器的证书和私钥.", "rpc-secure.description": "RPC 将通过 SSL/TLS 加密传输. RPC 客户端需要使用 https 协议连接服务器. 对于 WebSocket 客户端, 使用 wss 协议. 使用 --rpc-certificate 和 --rpc-private-key 选项设置服务器的证书和私钥.",
"": "", "": "",
@ -371,8 +380,8 @@
"event-poll.description": "", "event-poll.description": "",
"": "", "": "",
"file-allocation.description": "", "file-allocation.description": "",
"": "", "": "强制保存",
"force-save.description": "", "force-save.description": "即使任务完成或删除时使用 --save-session 选项时也保存该任务. 此选项在这种情况下还会保存控制文件. 此选项可以保存被认为已经完成但正在做种的 BT 任务.",
"": "", "": "",
"hash-check-only.description": "", "hash-check-only.description": "",
"": "", "": "",
@ -395,10 +404,10 @@
"show-console-readout.description": "", "show-console-readout.description": "",
"": "", "": "",
"summary-interval.description": "", "summary-interval.description": "",
"": "", "": "全局最大下载速度",
"max-overall-download-limit.description": "", "max-overall-download-limit.description": "设置全局最大下载速度 (字节/秒). 0 表示不限制. 您可以增加数值的单位 K 或 M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).",
"": "", "": "最大下载速度",
"max-download-limit.description": "", "max-download-limit.description": "设置每个任务的最大下载速度 (字节/秒). 0 表示不限制. 您可以增加数值的单位 K 或 M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).",
"": "", "": "",
"no-conf.description": "", "no-conf.description": "",
"": "", "": "",

View file

@ -57,7 +57,9 @@
type: 'boolean' type: 'boolean'
}, },
'no-proxy': { 'no-proxy': {
type: 'string' type: 'string',
split: ',',
showCount: true
}, },
'proxy-method': { 'proxy-method': {
type: 'option', type: 'option',
@ -233,7 +235,8 @@
type: 'boolean' type: 'boolean'
}, },
'bt-request-peer-speed-limit': { 'bt-request-peer-speed-limit': {
type: 'string' type: 'string',
suffix: 'Bytes'
}, },
'bt-save-metadata': { 'bt-save-metadata': {
type: 'boolean' type: 'boolean'
@ -299,10 +302,12 @@
readonly: true readonly: true
}, },
'max-overall-upload-limit': { 'max-overall-upload-limit': {
type: 'string' type: 'string',
suffix: 'Bytes'
}, },
'max-upload-limit': { 'max-upload-limit': {
type: 'string' type: 'string',
suffix: 'Bytes'
}, },
'peer-id-prefix': { 'peer-id-prefix': {
type: 'string', type: 'string',
@ -494,10 +499,12 @@
readonly: true readonly: true
}, },
'max-overall-download-limit': { 'max-overall-download-limit': {
type: 'string' type: 'string',
suffix: 'Bytes'
}, },
'max-download-limit': { 'max-download-limit': {
type: 'string' type: 'string',
suffix: 'Bytes'
}, },
'no-conf': { 'no-conf': {
type: 'boolean', type: 'boolean',

View file

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
'Upload Speed': 'Upload Speed', 'Upload Speed': 'Upload Speed',
'Overview': 'Overview', 'Overview': 'Overview',
'Blocks': 'Blocks', 'Blocks': 'Blocks',
'File List': 'File List', 'Files': 'Files',
'Peers': 'Peers', 'Peers': 'Peers',
'Task Status': 'Task Status', 'Task Status': 'Task Status',
'Error Description': 'Error Description', 'Error Description': 'Error Description',
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
'': 'Max Connection Per Server', '': 'Max Connection Per Server',
'max-connection-per-server.description': '', 'max-connection-per-server.description': '',
'': 'Max File Not Found Try Times', '': 'Max File Not Found Try Times',
'max-file-not-found.description': '', 'max-file-not-found.description': 'If aria2 receives "file not found" status from the remote HTTP/FTP servers NUM times without getting a single byte, then force the download to fail. Specify 0 to disable this option. This options is effective only when using HTTP/FTP servers. The number of retry attempt is counted toward --max-tries, so it should be configured too.',
'': 'Max Try Times', '': 'Max Try Times',
'max-tries.description': 'Set number of tries. 0 means unlimited.', 'max-tries.description': 'Set number of tries. 0 means unlimited.',
'': 'Min Split Size', '': 'Min Split Size',
@ -175,13 +175,13 @@
'': 'Reuse Uri', '': 'Reuse Uri',
'reuse-uri.description': 'Reuse already used URIs if no unused URIs are left.', 'reuse-uri.description': 'Reuse already used URIs if no unused URIs are left.',
'': 'Retry Wait', '': 'Retry Wait',
'retry-wait.description': 'Set the seconds to wait between retries. When SEC > 0, aria2 will retry downloads when the HTTP server returns a 503 response. ', 'retry-wait.description': 'Set the seconds to wait between retries. When SEC > 0, aria2 will retry downloads when the HTTP server returns a 503 response.',
'': 'Server Stat Output', '': 'Server Stat Output',
'server-stat-of.description': 'Specify the file name to which performance profile of the servers is saved. You can load saved data using --server-stat-if option.', 'server-stat-of.description': 'Specify the file name to which performance profile of the servers is saved. You can load saved data using --server-stat-if option.',
'': 'Server Stat Timeout', '': 'Server Stat Timeout',
'server-stat-timeout.description': 'Specifies timeout in seconds to invalidate performance profile of the servers since the last contact to them.', 'server-stat-timeout.description': 'Specifies timeout in seconds to invalidate performance profile of the servers since the last contact to them.',
'': 'Split Count', '': 'Split Count',
'split.description': 'Download a file using N connections. If more than N URIs are given, first N URIs are used and remaining URIs are used for backup. If less than N URIs are given, those URIs are used more than once so that N connections total are made simultaneously. The number of connections to the same host is restricted by the --max-connection-per-server option. See also the --min-split-size option.', 'split.description': 'Download a file using N connections. If more than N URIs are given, first N URIs are used and remaining URIs are used for backup. If less than N URIs are given, those URIs are used more than once so that N connections total are made simultaneously. The number of connections to the same host is restricted by the --max-connection-per-server option.',
'': 'Piece Selection Algorithm', '': 'Piece Selection Algorithm',
'stream-piece-selector.description': 'Specify piece selection algorithm used in HTTP/FTP download. Piece means fixed length segment which is downloaded in parallel in segmented download. If default is given, aria2 selects piece so that it reduces the number of establishing connection. This is reasonable default behavior because establishing connection is an expensive operation. If inorder is given, aria2 selects piece which has minimum index. Index=0 means first of the file. This will be useful to view movie while downloading it. --enable-http-pipelining option may be useful to reduce re-connection overhead. Please note that aria2 honors --min-split-size option, so it will be necessary to specify a reasonable value to --min-split-size option. If random is given, aria2 selects piece randomly. Like inorder, --min-split-size option is honored. If geom is given, at the beginning aria2 selects piece which has minimum index like inorder, but it exponentially increasingly keeps space from previously selected piece. This will reduce the number of establishing connection and at the same time it will download the beginning part of the file first. This will be useful to view movie while downloading it.', 'stream-piece-selector.description': 'Specify piece selection algorithm used in HTTP/FTP download. Piece means fixed length segment which is downloaded in parallel in segmented download. If default is given, aria2 selects piece so that it reduces the number of establishing connection. This is reasonable default behavior because establishing connection is an expensive operation. If inorder is given, aria2 selects piece which has minimum index. Index=0 means first of the file. This will be useful to view movie while downloading it. --enable-http-pipelining option may be useful to reduce re-connection overhead. Please note that aria2 honors --min-split-size option, so it will be necessary to specify a reasonable value to --min-split-size option. If random is given, aria2 selects piece randomly. Like inorder, --min-split-size option is honored. If geom is given, at the beginning aria2 selects piece which has minimum index like inorder, but it exponentially increasingly keeps space from previously selected piece. This will reduce the number of establishing connection and at the same time it will download the beginning part of the file first. This will be useful to view movie while downloading it.',
'': 'Timeout', '': 'Timeout',
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
'check-certificate.description': '', 'check-certificate.description': '',
'': 'Accept GZip', '': 'Accept GZip',
'http-accept-gzip.description': 'Send Accept: deflate, gzip request header and inflate response if remote server responds with Content-Encoding: gzip or Content-Encoding: deflate.', 'http-accept-gzip.description': 'Send Accept: deflate, gzip request header and inflate response if remote server responds with Content-Encoding: gzip or Content-Encoding: deflate.',
'': 'HTTP Auth Challenge', '': 'Auth Challenge',
'http-auth-challenge.description': 'Send HTTP authorization header only when it is requested by the server. If false is set, then authorization header is always sent to the server. There is an exception: if user name and password are embedded in URI, authorization header is always sent to the server regardless of this option.', 'http-auth-challenge.description': 'Send HTTP authorization header only when it is requested by the server. If false is set, then authorization header is always sent to the server. There is an exception: if user name and password are embedded in URI, authorization header is always sent to the server regardless of this option.',
'': 'No Cache', '': 'No Cache',
'http-no-cache.description': 'Send Cache-Control: no-cache and Pragma: no-cache header to avoid cached content. If false is given, these headers are not sent and you can add Cache-Control header with a directive you like using --header option.', 'http-no-cache.description': 'Send Cache-Control: no-cache and Pragma: no-cache header to avoid cached content. If false is given, these headers are not sent and you can add Cache-Control header with a directive you like using --header option.',
@ -244,78 +244,78 @@
'ftp-reuse-connection.description': '', 'ftp-reuse-connection.description': '',
'': 'SSH Public Key Checksum', '': 'SSH Public Key Checksum',
'ssh-host-key-md.description': 'Set checksum for SSH host public key. TYPE is hash type. The supported hash type is sha-1 or md5. DIGEST is hex digest. For example: sha-1=b030503d4de4539dc7885e6f0f5e256704edf4c3. This option can be used to validate server\'s public key when SFTP is used. If this option is not set, which is default, no validation takes place.', 'ssh-host-key-md.description': 'Set checksum for SSH host public key. TYPE is hash type. The supported hash type is sha-1 or md5. DIGEST is hex digest. For example: sha-1=b030503d4de4539dc7885e6f0f5e256704edf4c3. This option can be used to validate server\'s public key when SFTP is used. If this option is not set, which is default, no validation takes place.',
'': '', '': 'Detach Seed Only',
'bt-detach-seed-only.description': '', 'bt-detach-seed-only.description': 'Exclude seed only downloads when counting concurrent active downloads (See -j option). This means that if -j3 is given and this option is turned on and 3 downloads are active and one of those enters seed mode, then it is excluded from active download count (thus it becomes 2), and the next download waiting in queue gets started. But be aware that seeding item is still recognized as active download in RPC method.',
'': '', '': 'Enable Hook After Hash Check',
'bt-enable-hook-after-hash-check.description': '', 'bt-enable-hook-after-hash-check.description': 'Allow hook command invocation after hash check (see -V option) in BitTorrent download. By default, when hash check succeeds, the command given by --on-bt-download-complete is executed. To disable this action, give false to this option.',
'': '', '': 'Enable Local Peer Discovery (LPD)',
'bt-enable-lpd.description': '', 'bt-enable-lpd.description': 'Enable Local Peer Discovery. If a private flag is set in a torrent, aria2 doesn\'t use this feature for that download even if true is given.',
'': '', '': 'BitTorrent Exclude Trackers',
'bt-exclude-tracker.description': '', 'bt-exclude-tracker.description': 'Comma separated list of BitTorrent tracker\'s announce URI to remove. You can use special value * which matches all URIs, thus removes all announce URIs. When specifying * in shell command-line, don\'t forget to escape or quote it.',
'': '', '': 'External IP',
'bt-external-ip.description': '', 'bt-external-ip.description': 'Specify the external IP address to report to a BitTorrent tracker. Although this function is named external, it can accept any kind of IP addresses. IPADDRESS must be a numeric IP address.',
'': '', '': 'Force Encryption',
'bt-force-encryption.description': '', 'bt-force-encryption.description': 'Requires BitTorrent message payload encryption with arc4. This is a shorthand of --bt-require-crypto --bt-min-crypto-level=arc4. This option does not change the option value of those options. If true is given, deny legacy BitTorrent handshake and only use Obfuscation handshake and always encrypt message payload.',
'': '', '': 'Hash Check Before Seeding',
'bt-hash-check-seed.description': '', 'bt-hash-check-seed.description': 'If true is given, after hash check using --check-integrity option and file is complete, continue to seed file. If you want to check file and download it only when it is damaged or incomplete, set this option to false. This option has effect only on BitTorrent download.',
'': '', '': 'Max Open Files',
'bt-max-open-files.description': '', 'bt-max-open-files.description': 'Specify maximum number of files to open in multi-file BitTorrent/Metalink download globally.',
'': '', '': 'Max Peers',
'bt-max-peers.description': '', 'bt-max-peers.description': 'Specify the maximum number of peers per torrent. 0 means unlimited.',
'': '', '': 'Download Metadata Only',
'bt-metadata-only.description': '', 'bt-metadata-only.description': 'Download meta data only. The file(s) described in meta data will not be downloaded. This option has effect only when BitTorrent Magnet URI is used.',
'': '', '': 'Min Crypto Level',
'bt-min-crypto-level.description': '', 'bt-min-crypto-level.description': 'Set minimum level of encryption method. If several encryption methods are provided by a peer, aria2 chooses the lowest one which satisfies the given level.',
'': '', '': 'Prioritize Piece',
'bt-prioritize-piece.description': '', 'bt-prioritize-piece.description': 'Try to download first and last pieces of each file first. This is useful for previewing files. The argument can contain 2 keywords: head and tail. To include both keywords, they must be separated by comma. These keywords can take one parameter, SIZE. For example, if head=SIZE is specified, pieces in the range of first SIZE bytes of each file get higher priority. tail=SIZE means the range of last SIZE bytes of each file. SIZE can include K or M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).',
'': '', '': 'Remove Unselected File',
'bt-remove-unselected-file.description': '', 'bt-remove-unselected-file.description': 'Removes the unselected files when download is completed in BitTorrent. To select files, use --select-file option. If it is not used, all files are assumed to be selected. Please use this option with care because it will actually remove files from your disk.',
'': '', '': 'Require Crypto',
'bt-require-crypto.description': '', 'bt-require-crypto.description': 'If true is given, aria2 doesn\'t accept and establish connection with legacy BitTorrent handshake(\\19BitTorrent protocol). Thus aria2 always uses Obfuscation handshake.',
'': '', '': 'Preferred Download Speed',
'bt-request-peer-speed-limit.description': '', 'bt-request-peer-speed-limit.description': 'If the whole download speed of every torrent is lower than SPEED, aria2 temporarily increases the number of peers to try for more download speed. Configuring this option with your preferred download speed can increase your download speed in some cases. You can append K or M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).',
'': '', '': 'Save Metadata',
'bt-save-metadata.description': '', 'bt-save-metadata.description': 'Save meta data as ".torrent" file. This option has effect only when BitTorrent Magnet URI is used. The file name is hex encoded info hash with suffix ".torrent". The directory to be saved is the same directory where download file is saved. If the same file already exists, meta data is not saved.',
'': '', '': 'Not Verify Downloaded Fileds',
'bt-seed-unverified.description': '', 'bt-seed-unverified.description': 'Seed previously downloaded files without verifying piece hashes.',
'': '', '': 'Stop Timeout',
'bt-stop-timeout.description': '', 'bt-stop-timeout.description': 'Stop BitTorrent download if download speed is 0 in consecutive SEC seconds. If 0 is given, this feature is disabled.',
'': '', '': 'BitTorrent Trackers',
'bt-tracker.description': '', 'bt-tracker.description': 'Comma separated list of additional BitTorrent tracker\'s announce URI. These URIs are not affected by --bt-exclude-tracker option because they are added after URIs in --bt-exclude-tracker option are removed.',
'': '', '': 'BitTorrent Tracker Connect Timeout',
'bt-tracker-connect-timeout.description': '', 'bt-tracker-connect-timeout.description': 'Set the connect timeout in seconds to establish connection to tracker. After the connection is established, this option makes no effect and --bt-tracker-timeout option is used instead.',
'': '', '': 'BitTorrent Tracker Connect Interval',
'bt-tracker-interval.description': '', 'bt-tracker-interval.description': 'Set the interval in seconds between tracker requests. This completely overrides interval value and aria2 just uses this value and ignores the min interval and interval value in the response of tracker. If 0 is set, aria2 determines interval based on the response of tracker and the download progress.',
'': '', '': 'BitTorrent Tracker Timeout',
'bt-tracker-timeout.description': '', 'bt-tracker-timeout.description': '',
'': '', '': 'DHT (IPv4) File',
'dht-file-path.description': '', 'dht-file-path.description': 'Change the IPv4 DHT routing table file to PATH.',
'': '', '': 'DHT (IPv6) File',
'dht-file-path6.description': '', 'dht-file-path6.description': 'Change the IPv6 DHT routing table file to PATH.',
'': '', '': 'DHT Listen Port',
'dht-listen-port.description': '', 'dht-listen-port.description': 'Set UDP listening port used by DHT(IPv4, IPv6) and UDP tracker. Multiple ports can be specified by using ,, for example: 6881,6885. You can also use - to specify a range: 6881-6999. , and - can be used together.',
'': '', '': 'DHT Message Timeout',
'dht-message-timeout.description': '', 'dht-message-timeout.description': '',
'': '', '': 'Enable DHT (IPv4)',
'enable-dht.description': '', 'enable-dht.description': 'Enable IPv4 DHT functionality. It also enables UDP tracker support. If a private flag is set in a torrent, aria2 doesn\'t use DHT for that download even if true is given.',
'': '', '': 'Enable DHT (IPv6)',
'enable-dht6.description': '', 'enable-dht6.description': 'Enable IPv6 DHT functionality. If a private flag is set in a torrent, aria2 doesn\'t use DHT for that download even if true is given. Use --dht-listen-port option to specify port number to listen on.',
'': '', '': 'Enable Peer Exchange',
'enable-peer-exchange.description': '', 'enable-peer-exchange.description': 'Enable Peer Exchange extension. If a private flag is set in a torrent, this feature is disabled for that download even if true is given.',
'': '', '': 'Follow Torrent',
'follow-torrent.description': '', 'follow-torrent.description': 'If true or mem is specified, when a file whose suffix is .torrent or content type is application/x-bittorrent is downloaded, aria2 parses it as a torrent file and downloads files mentioned in it. If mem is specified, a torrent file is not written to the disk, but is just kept in memory. If false is specified, the .torrent file is downloaded to the disk, but is not parsed as a torrent and its contents are not downloaded.',
'': '', '': 'Listen Port',
'listen-port.description': '', 'listen-port.description': 'Set TCP port number for BitTorrent downloads. Multiple ports can be specified by using ,, for example: 6881,6885. You can also use - to specify a range: 6881-6999. , and - can be used together: 6881-6889,6999.',
'': '', '': 'Global Max Upload Limit',
'max-overall-upload-limit.description': '', 'max-overall-upload-limit.description': 'Set max overall upload speed in bytes/sec. 0 means unrestricted. You can append K or M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).',
'': '', '': 'Max Upload Limit',
'max-upload-limit.description': '', 'max-upload-limit.description': 'Set max upload speed per each torrent in bytes/sec. 0 means unrestricted. You can append K or M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).',
'': '', '': 'Peer ID Prefix',
'peer-id-prefix.description': '', 'peer-id-prefix.description': 'Specify the prefix of peer ID. The peer ID in BitTorrent is 20 byte length. If more than 20 bytes are specified, only first 20 bytes are used. If less than 20 bytes are specified, random byte data are added to make its length 20 bytes.',
'': '', '': 'Min Share Ratio',
'seed-ratio.description': '', 'seed-ratio.description': 'Specify share ratio. Seed completed torrents until share ratio reaches RATIO. You are strongly encouraged to specify equals or more than 1.0 here. Specify 0.0 if you intend to do seeding regardless of share ratio. If --seed-time option is specified along with this option, seeding ends when at least one of the conditions is satisfied.',
'': '', '': 'Min Seed Time',
'seed-time.description': '', 'seed-time.description': 'Specifying --seed-time=0 disables seeding after download completed.',
'': '', '': '',
'follow-metalink.description': '', 'follow-metalink.description': '',
'': '', '': '',
@ -388,8 +388,8 @@
'event-poll.description': '', 'event-poll.description': '',
'': '', '': '',
'file-allocation.description': '', 'file-allocation.description': '',
'': '', '': 'Force Save',
'force-save.description': '', 'force-save.description': 'Save download with --save-session option even if the download is completed or removed. This option also saves control file in that situations. This may be useful to save BitTorrent seeding which is recognized as completed state.',
'': '', '': '',
'hash-check-only.description': '', 'hash-check-only.description': '',
'': '', '': '',
@ -412,10 +412,10 @@
'show-console-readout.description': '', 'show-console-readout.description': '',
'': '', '': '',
'summary-interval.description': '', 'summary-interval.description': '',
'': '', '': 'Global Max Download Limit',
'max-overall-download-limit.description': '', 'max-overall-download-limit.description': 'Set max overall download speed in bytes/sec. 0 means unrestricted. You can append K or M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).',
'': '', '': 'Max Download Limit',
'max-download-limit.description': '', 'max-download-limit.description': 'Set max download speed per each download in bytes/sec. 0 means unrestricted. You can append K or M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).',
'': '', '': '',
'no-conf.description': '', 'no-conf.description': '',
'': '', '': '',

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<a class="pointer-cursor" ng-click="context.currentTab = 'blocks'" translate>Blocks</a> <a class="pointer-cursor" ng-click="context.currentTab = 'blocks'" translate>Blocks</a>
</li> </li>
<li ng-class="{'active': context.currentTab == 'filelist'}"> <li ng-class="{'active': context.currentTab == 'filelist'}">
<a class="pointer-cursor" ng-click="context.currentTab = 'filelist'" translate>File List</a> <a class="pointer-cursor" ng-click="context.currentTab = 'filelist'" translate>Files</a>
</li> </li>
<li ng-class="{'active': context.currentTab == 'btpeers'}" ng-if="task && task.status == 'active' && task.bittorrent"> <li ng-class="{'active': context.currentTab == 'btpeers'}" ng-if="task && task.status == 'active' && task.bittorrent">
<a class="pointer-cursor" ng-click="context.currentTab = 'btpeers'" translate>Peers</a> <a class="pointer-cursor" ng-click="context.currentTab = 'btpeers'" translate>Peers</a>