(function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('ariaNg').controller('MainController', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$route', '$window', '$location', '$document', '$interval', 'clipboard', 'aria2RpcErrors', 'ariaNgCommonService', 'ariaNgNotificationService', 'ariaNgLocalizationService', 'ariaNgSettingService', 'ariaNgMonitorService', 'ariaNgTitleService', 'aria2TaskService', 'aria2SettingService', function ($rootScope, $scope, $route, $window, $location, $document, $interval, clipboard, aria2RpcErrors, ariaNgCommonService, ariaNgNotificationService, ariaNgLocalizationService, ariaNgSettingService, ariaNgMonitorService, ariaNgTitleService, aria2TaskService, aria2SettingService) { var pageTitleRefreshPromise = null; var globalStatRefreshPromise = null; var refreshPageTitle = function () { $document[0].title = ariaNgTitleService.getFinalTitleByGlobalStat($scope.globalStat); }; var refreshGlobalStat = function (silent, callback) { return aria2SettingService.getGlobalStat(function (response) { if (!response.success && response.data.message === aria2RpcErrors.Unauthorized.message) { $interval.cancel(globalStatRefreshPromise); return; } if (response.success) { $scope.globalStat = response.data; ariaNgMonitorService.recordGlobalStat(response.data); } if (callback) { callback(response); } }, silent); }; if (ariaNgSettingService.getBrowserNotification()) { ariaNgNotificationService.requestBrowserPermission(); } $scope.globalStatusContext = { isEnabled: ariaNgSettingService.getGlobalStatRefreshInterval() > 0, data: ariaNgMonitorService.getGlobalStatsData() }; $scope.enableDebugMode = function () { return ariaNgSettingService.isEnableDebugMode(); }; $scope.quickSettingContext = null; $scope.rpcSettings = ariaNgSettingService.getAllRpcSettings(); $scope.isTaskSelected = function () { return $rootScope.taskContext.getSelectedTaskIds().length > 0; }; $scope.isSingleUrlTaskSelected = function () { var selectedTask = $rootScope.taskContext.getSelectedTasks(); if (selectedTask.length !== 1) { return false; } return !!selectedTask[0].singleUrl; }; $scope.isSpecifiedTaskSelected = function () { var selectedTasks = $rootScope.taskContext.getSelectedTasks(); if (selectedTasks.length < 1) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < selectedTasks.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < arguments.length; j++) { if (selectedTasks[i].status === arguments[j]) { return true; } } } return false; }; $scope.isSpecifiedTaskShowing = function () { var tasks = $rootScope.taskContext.list; if (tasks.length < 1) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < arguments.length; j++) { if (tasks[i].status === arguments[j]) { return true; } } } return false; }; $scope.changeTasksState = function (state) { var gids = $rootScope.taskContext.getSelectedTaskIds(); if (!gids || gids.length < 1) { return; } var invoke = null; if (state === 'start') { invoke = aria2TaskService.startTasks; } else if (state === 'pause') { invoke = aria2TaskService.pauseTasks; } else { return; } $rootScope.loadPromise = invoke(gids, function (response) { if (response.hasError && gids.length > 1) { ariaNgLocalizationService.showError('Failed to change some tasks state.'); } if (!response.hasSuccess) { return; } refreshGlobalStat(true); if (!response.hasError && state === 'start') { if ($location.path() === '/waiting') { $location.path('/downloading'); } else { $route.reload(); } } else if (!response.hasError && state === 'pause') { if ($location.path() === '/downloading') { $location.path('/waiting'); } else { $route.reload(); } } }, (gids.length > 1)); }; $scope.retryTask = function (task) { ariaNgLocalizationService.confirm('Confirm Retry', 'Are you sure you want to retry the selected task? AriaNg will create same task after clicking OK.', 'info', function () { $rootScope.loadPromise = aria2TaskService.retryTask(task.gid, function (response) { if (!response.success) { ariaNgLocalizationService.showError('Failed to retry this task.'); return; } refreshGlobalStat(true); var actionAfterRetryingTask = ariaNgSettingService.getAfterRetryingTask(); if (response.success && response.data) { if (actionAfterRetryingTask === 'task-list-downloading') { if ($location.path() !== '/downloading') { $location.path('/downloading'); } else { $route.reload(); } } else if (actionAfterRetryingTask === 'task-detail') { $location.path('/task/detail/' + response.data); } else { $route.reload(); } } }, false); }); }; $scope.isTaskRetryable = function (task) { return task && task.status === 'error' && task.errorDescription && !task.bittorrent; }; $scope.isSelectedTaskRetryable = function () { var selectedTasks = $rootScope.taskContext.getSelectedTasks(); if (selectedTasks.length < 1) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < selectedTasks.length; i++) { if (!$scope.isTaskRetryable(selectedTasks[i])) { return false; } } return true; }; $scope.retryTasks = function () { var tasks = $rootScope.taskContext.getSelectedTasks(); if (!tasks || tasks.length < 1) { return; } else if (tasks.length === 1) { return $scope.retryTask(tasks[0]); } var retryableTasks = []; var skipCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) { if ($scope.isTaskRetryable(tasks[i])) { retryableTasks.push(tasks[i]); } else { skipCount++; } } ariaNgLocalizationService.confirm('Confirm Retry', 'Are you sure you want to retry the selected task? AriaNg will create same task after clicking OK.', 'info', function () { $rootScope.loadPromise = aria2TaskService.retryTasks(retryableTasks, function (response) { refreshGlobalStat(true); ariaNgLocalizationService.showInfo('Operation Result', '{{successCount}} tasks have been retried and {{failedCount}} tasks are failed.', function () { var actionAfterRetryingTask = ariaNgSettingService.getAfterRetryingTask(); if (response.hasSuccess) { if (actionAfterRetryingTask === 'task-list-downloading') { if ($location.path() !== '/downloading') { $location.path('/downloading'); } else { $route.reload(); } } else { $route.reload(); } } }, { textParams: { successCount: response.successCount, failedCount: response.failedCount, skipCount: skipCount } }); }, false); }, true); }; $scope.removeTasks = function () { var tasks = $rootScope.taskContext.getSelectedTasks(); if (!tasks || tasks.length < 1) { return; } ariaNgLocalizationService.confirm('Confirm Remove', 'Are you sure you want to remove the selected task?', 'warning', function () { $rootScope.loadPromise = aria2TaskService.removeTasks(tasks, function (response) { if (response.hasError && tasks.length > 1) { ariaNgLocalizationService.showError('Failed to remove some task(s).'); } if (!response.hasSuccess) { return; } refreshGlobalStat(true); if (!response.hasError) { if ($location.path() !== '/stopped') { $location.path('/stopped'); } else { $route.reload(); } } }, (tasks.length > 1)); }); }; $scope.clearStoppedTasks = function () { ariaNgLocalizationService.confirm('Confirm Clear', 'Are you sure you want to clear stopped tasks?', 'warning', function () { $rootScope.loadPromise = aria2TaskService.clearStoppedTasks(function (response) { if (!response.success) { return; } refreshGlobalStat(true); if ($location.path() !== '/stopped') { $location.path('/stopped'); } else { $route.reload(); } }); }); }; $scope.isAllTasksSelected = function () { return $rootScope.taskContext.isAllSelected(); }; $scope.selectAllTasks = function () { $rootScope.taskContext.selectAll(); }; $scope.copySelectedOneTaskDownloadLink = function () { var selectedTask = $rootScope.taskContext.getSelectedTasks(); if (selectedTask.length === 1) { clipboard.copyText(selectedTask[0].singleUrl); } }; $scope.changeDisplayOrder = function (type, autoSetReverse) { var oldType = ariaNgCommonService.parseOrderType(ariaNgSettingService.getDisplayOrder()); var newType = ariaNgCommonService.parseOrderType(type); if (autoSetReverse && newType.type === oldType.type) { newType.reverse = !oldType.reverse; } ariaNgSettingService.setDisplayOrder(newType.getValue()); }; $scope.isSetDisplayOrder = function (type) { var orderType = ariaNgCommonService.parseOrderType(ariaNgSettingService.getDisplayOrder()); var targetType = ariaNgCommonService.parseOrderType(type); return orderType.equals(targetType); }; $scope.showQuickSettingDialog = function (type, title) { $scope.quickSettingContext = { type: type, title: title }; }; $scope.switchRpcSetting = function (setting) { if (setting.isDefault) { return; } ariaNgSettingService.setDefaultRpcSetting(setting); $window.location.reload(); }; if (ariaNgSettingService.getTitleRefreshInterval() > 0) { pageTitleRefreshPromise = $interval(function () { refreshPageTitle(); }, ariaNgSettingService.getTitleRefreshInterval()); } if (ariaNgSettingService.getGlobalStatRefreshInterval() > 0) { globalStatRefreshPromise = $interval(function () { refreshGlobalStat(true); }, ariaNgSettingService.getGlobalStatRefreshInterval()); } $scope.$on('$destroy', function () { if (pageTitleRefreshPromise) { $interval.cancel(pageTitleRefreshPromise); } if (globalStatRefreshPromise) { $interval.cancel(globalStatRefreshPromise); } }); refreshGlobalStat(true, function () { refreshPageTitle(); }); }]); }());