(function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('ariaNg').run(['$window', '$rootScope', '$location', '$document', 'ariaNgCommonService', 'ariaNgLocalizationService', 'ariaNgLogService', 'ariaNgSettingService', 'aria2TaskService', function ($window, $rootScope, $location, $document, ariaNgCommonService, ariaNgLocalizationService, ariaNgLogService, ariaNgSettingService, aria2TaskService) { var isUrlMatchUrl2 = function (url, url2) { if (url === url2) { return true; } var index = url2.indexOf(url); if (index !== 0) { return false; } var lastPart = url2.substring(url.length); if (lastPart.indexOf('/') === 0) { return true; } return false; }; var setLightTheme = function () { $rootScope.currentTheme = 'light'; angular.element('body').removeClass('theme-dark'); }; var setDarkTheme = function () { $rootScope.currentTheme = 'dark'; angular.element('body').addClass('theme-dark'); }; var setThemeBySystemSettings = function () { if (!ariaNgSettingService.isBrowserSupportDarkMode()) { setLightTheme(); return; } var matchPreferColorScheme = $window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'); ariaNgLogService.info('[root.setThemeBySystemSettings] system uses ' + (matchPreferColorScheme.matches ? 'dark' : 'light') + ' theme'); if (matchPreferColorScheme.matches) { setDarkTheme(); } else { setLightTheme(); } }; var initTheme = function () { if (ariaNgSettingService.getTheme() === 'system') { setThemeBySystemSettings(); } else if (ariaNgSettingService.getTheme() === 'dark') { setDarkTheme(); } else { setLightTheme(); } }; var initCheck = function () { var browserFeatures = ariaNgSettingService.getBrowserFeatures(); if (!browserFeatures.localStroage) { ariaNgLogService.warn('[root.initCheck] LocalStorage is not supported!'); } if (!browserFeatures.cookies) { ariaNgLogService.warn('[root.initCheck] Cookies is not supported!'); } if (!ariaNgSettingService.isBrowserSupportStorage()) { angular.element('body').prepend('
'); angular.element('.main-sidebar').addClass('blur'); angular.element('.navbar').addClass('blur'); angular.element('.content-body').addClass('blur'); ariaNgLocalizationService.notifyInPage('', 'You cannot use AriaNg because this browser does not meet the minimum requirements for data storage.', { type: 'error', delay: false }); throw new Error('You cannot use AriaNg because this browser does not meet the minimum requirements for data storage.'); } }; var initNavbar = function () { angular.element('section.sidebar > ul > li[data-href-match] > a').click(function () { angular.element('section.sidebar > ul li').removeClass('active'); angular.element(this).parent().addClass('active'); }); angular.element('section.sidebar > ul > li.treeview > ul.treeview-menu > li[data-href-match] > a').click(function () { angular.element('section.sidebar > ul li').removeClass('active'); angular.element(this).parent().addClass('active').parent().parent().addClass('active'); }); }; var setNavbarSelected = function (location) { angular.element('section.sidebar > ul li').removeClass('active'); angular.element('section.sidebar > ul > li[data-href-match]').each(function (index, element) { var match = angular.element(element).attr('data-href-match'); if (isUrlMatchUrl2(match, location)) { angular.element(element).addClass('active'); } }); angular.element('section.sidebar > ul > li.treeview > ul.treeview-menu > li[data-href-match]').each(function (index, element) { var match = angular.element(element).attr('data-href-match'); if (isUrlMatchUrl2(match, location)) { angular.element(element).addClass('active').parent().parent().addClass('active'); } }); }; var showSidebar = function () { angular.element('body').removeClass('sidebar-collapse').addClass('sidebar-open'); }; var hideSidebar = function () { angular.element('body').addClass('sidebar-collapse').removeClass('sidebar-open'); }; var isSidebarShowInSmallScreen = function () { return angular.element('body').hasClass('sidebar-open'); }; $rootScope.currentTheme = 'light'; $rootScope.searchContext = { text: '' }; $rootScope.taskContext = { rpcStatus: 'Connecting', list: [], selected: {}, enableSelectAll: false, getSelectedTaskIds: function () { var result = []; if (!this.list || !this.selected || this.list.length < 1) { return result; } for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { var task = this.list[i]; if (this.selected[task.gid]) { result.push(task.gid); } } return result; }, getSelectedTasks: function () { var result = []; if (!this.list || !this.selected || this.list.length < 1) { return result; } for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { var task = this.list[i]; if (this.selected[task.gid]) { result.push(task); } } return result; }, isAllSelected: function () { var isAllSelected = true; for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { var task = this.list[i]; if (!$rootScope.filterTask(task)) { continue; } if (!this.selected[task.gid]) { isAllSelected = false; break; } } return isAllSelected; }, hasRetryableTask: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { var task = this.list[i]; if (!$rootScope.filterTask(task)) { continue; } if ($rootScope.isTaskRetryable(task)) { return true; } } return false; }, hasCompletedTask: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { var task = this.list[i]; if (!$rootScope.filterTask(task)) { continue; } if (task.status === 'complete') { return true; } } return false; }, selectAll: function () { if (!this.list || !this.selected || this.list.length < 1) { return; } if (!this.enableSelectAll) { return; } var isAllSelected = this.isAllSelected(); for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { var task = this.list[i]; if (!$rootScope.filterTask(task)) { continue; } this.selected[task.gid] = !isAllSelected; } }, selectAllFailed: function () { if (!this.list || !this.selected || this.list.length < 1) { return; } if (!this.enableSelectAll) { return; } var isAllFailedSelected = true; for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { var task = this.list[i]; if (!$rootScope.filterTask(task)) { continue; } if (!$rootScope.isTaskRetryable(task)) { continue; } if (!this.selected[task.gid]) { isAllFailedSelected = false; } } for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { var task = this.list[i]; if (!$rootScope.filterTask(task)) { continue; } if (!$rootScope.isTaskRetryable(task)) { this.selected[task.gid] = false; continue; } this.selected[task.gid] = !isAllFailedSelected; } }, selectAllCompleted: function () { if (!this.list || !this.selected || this.list.length < 1) { return; } if (!this.enableSelectAll) { return; } var isAllFailedSelected = true; for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { var task = this.list[i]; if (!$rootScope.filterTask(task)) { continue; } if (task.status !== 'complete') { continue; } if (!this.selected[task.gid]) { isAllFailedSelected = false; } } for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { var task = this.list[i]; if (!$rootScope.filterTask(task)) { continue; } if (task.status !== 'complete') { this.selected[task.gid] = false; continue; } this.selected[task.gid] = !isAllFailedSelected; } } }; $rootScope.filterTask = function (task) { if (!task || !angular.isString(task.taskName)) { return false; } if (!$rootScope.searchContext || !$rootScope.searchContext.text) { return true; } return (task.taskName.toLowerCase().indexOf($rootScope.searchContext.text.toLowerCase()) >= 0); }; $rootScope.isTaskRetryable = function (task) { return task && task.status === 'error' && task.errorDescription && !task.bittorrent; }; $rootScope.swipeActions = { leftSwipe: function () { if (isSidebarShowInSmallScreen()) { hideSidebar(); return; } if (!this.extentLeftSwipe || (angular.isFunction(this.extentLeftSwipe) && !this.extentLeftSwipe())) { hideSidebar(); } }, rightSwipe: function () { if (!this.extentRightSwipe || (angular.isFunction(this.extentRightSwipe) && !this.extentRightSwipe())) { showSidebar(); } } }; $rootScope.refreshPage = function () { $window.location.reload(); }; $rootScope.setTheme = function (theme) { if (theme === 'system') { setThemeBySystemSettings(); } else if (theme === 'dark') { setDarkTheme(); } else { setLightTheme(); } }; ariaNgSettingService.onApplicationCacheUpdated(function () { ariaNgLocalizationService.notifyInPage('', 'Application cache has been updated, please reload the page for the changes to take effect.', { delay: false, type: 'info', templateUrl: 'views/notification-reloadable.html' }); }); ariaNgSettingService.onFirstAccess(function () { ariaNgLocalizationService.notifyInPage('', 'Tap to configure and get started with AriaNg.', { delay: false, onClose: function () { $location.path('/settings/ariang'); } }); }); aria2TaskService.onFirstSuccess(function (event) { ariaNgLocalizationService.notifyInPage('', 'is connected', { type: 'success', contentPrefix: event.rpcName + ' ' }); }); aria2TaskService.onConnectionSuccess(function () { if ($rootScope.taskContext.rpcStatus !== 'Connected') { $rootScope.taskContext.rpcStatus = 'Connected'; } }); aria2TaskService.onConnectionFailed(function () { if ($rootScope.taskContext.rpcStatus !== 'Disconnected') { $rootScope.taskContext.rpcStatus = 'Disconnected'; } }); aria2TaskService.onTaskCompleted(function (event) { ariaNgLocalizationService.notifyTaskComplete(event.task); }); aria2TaskService.onBtTaskCompleted(function (event) { ariaNgLocalizationService.notifyBtTaskComplete(event.task); }); aria2TaskService.onTaskErrorOccur(function (event) { ariaNgLocalizationService.notifyTaskError(event.task); }); $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function (event) { ariaNgCommonService.closeAllDialogs(); $rootScope.loadPromise = null; delete $rootScope.swipeActions.extentLeftSwipe; delete $rootScope.swipeActions.extentRightSwipe; if (angular.isArray($rootScope.taskContext.list) && $rootScope.taskContext.list.length > 0) { $rootScope.taskContext.list.length = 0; } if (angular.isObject($rootScope.taskContext.selected)) { $rootScope.taskContext.selected = {}; } $rootScope.taskContext.enableSelectAll = false; }); $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (event, next, current) { var location = $location.path(); setNavbarSelected(location); $document.unbind('keypress'); }); if (ariaNgSettingService.isBrowserSupportDarkMode()) { var matchPreferColorScheme = $window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'); matchPreferColorScheme.addEventListener('change', function (e) { ariaNgLogService.info('[root] system switches to ' + (e.matches ? 'dark' : 'light') + ' theme'); if (ariaNgSettingService.getTheme() === 'system') { if (e.matches) { setDarkTheme(); } else { setLightTheme(); } } }); } initTheme(); initCheck(); initNavbar(); }]); }());