This repository has been archived on 2022-01-02. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
2016-06-04 15:41:36 +08:00

421 lines
20 KiB

"Simplified Chinese": "简体中文",
"Error": "错误",
"OK": "确定",
"Cancel": "取消",
"True": "是",
"true": "是",
"False": "否",
"false": "否",
"New": "新建",
"Start": "开始下载任务",
"Pause": "暂停下载任务",
"Delete": "删除下载任务",
"Select All": "全选",
"Display Order": "显示顺序",
"Search": "搜索",
"Default": "默认",
"Remove Task": "删除任务",
"Clear Finished Tasks": "清空已完成任务",
"By File Name": "按文件名",
"By File Size": "按文件大小",
"By Completed Percent": "按进度",
"By Remain Time": "按剩余时间",
"By Download Speed": "按下载速度",
"Download": "下载",
"Upload": "上传",
"Downloading": "正在下载",
"Seeding": "正在做种",
"Waiting": "正在等待",
"Paused": "已暂停",
"Completed": "已完成",
"Error Occurred": "发生错误",
"Removed": "已删除",
"Downloaded / Stopped": "已完成 / 已停止",
"Settings": "系统设置",
"AriaNg Settings": "AriaNg 设置",
"Aria2 Settings": "Aria2 设置",
"Basic Settings": "基本设置",
"HTTP Settings": "HTTP 设置",
"FTP/SFTP Settings": "FTP/SFTP 设置",
"BitTorrent Settings": "BitTorrent 设置",
"MegaLink Settings": "磁链设置",
"RPC Settings": "RPC 设置",
"Advanced Settings": "高级设置",
"Aria2 Status": "Aria2 状态",
"File Name": "文件名",
"File Size": "大小",
"Completed Percent": "进度",
"Remain Time": "剩余时间",
"Download Speed": "下载速度",
"Upload Speed": "上传速度",
"Overview": "总览",
"Blocks": "区块信息",
"File List": "文件列表",
"Peers": "连接状态",
"Task Status": "任务状态",
"Error Description": "错误描述",
"Health Percent": "健康度",
"Info Hash": "特征值",
"Seeders": "种子数",
"Connections": "连接数",
"Download Dir": "下载路径",
"Address": "地址",
"Status": "状态",
"Percent": "完成度",
"Download / Upload Speed": "下载 / 上传速度",
"No connected peers": "没有连接到其他节点",
"Confirm Remove": "确认删除",
"Are you sure you want to remove the selected task?": "您是否要删除选中的任务?",
"Confirm Clear": "确认清除",
"Are you sure you want to clear finished tasks?": "您是否要清除已完成的任务?",
"Language": "语言",
"Aria2 RPC Host": "Aria2 RPC 主机",
"Aria2 RPC Port": "Aria2 RPC 端口",
"Aria2 RPC Protocol": "Aria2 RPC 协议",
"Aria2 RPC Secret Token": "Aria2 RPC 密钥",
"Global Stat Refresh Interval": "全局状态刷新间隔",
"Download Task Refresh Interval": "下载任务刷新间隔",
"Aria2 Version": "Aria2 版本",
"Enabled Features": "已启用的功能",
"Toggle Navigation": "切换导航",
"Loading": "正在加载...",
"More Than One Day": "超过1天",
"Unknown": "未知",
"Bytes": "字节",
"Hours": "小时",
"Minutes": "分",
"Seconds": "秒",
"Milliseconds": "毫秒",
"Http": "Http",
"Https": "Https",
"WebSocket": "WebSocket",
"WebSocket (Security)": "WebSocket (安全)",
"Disabled": "禁用",
"Changes to the settings take effect after refreshing page.": "设置将在页面刷新后生效.",
"Type is illegal!": "类型错误!",
"none": "无",
"http": "Http",
"https": "Https",
"ftp": "Ftp",
"mem": "仅内存",
"plain": "明文",
"arc4": "ARC4",
"binary": "二进制",
"ascii": "ASCII",
"debug": "调试 (Debug)",
"info": "普通 (Info)",
"notice": "一般 (Notice)",
"warn": "警告 (Warn)",
"error": "错误 (Error)",
"format": {
"time.millisecond": "{{value}} 毫秒",
"time.milliseconds": "{{value}} 毫秒",
"time.second": "{{value}} 秒",
"time.seconds": "{{value}} 秒",
"time.minute": "{{value}} 分钟",
"time.minutes": "{{value}} 分钟",
"time.hour": "{{value}} 小时",
"time.hours": "{{value}} 小时",
"task.error-occurred": "发生错误 ({{errorcode}})",
"settings.file-count": "({{count}} 个文件)",
"": "(共计: {{count}}个)"
"options": {
"": "下载路径",
"dir.description": "",
"": "日志文件",
"log.description": "日志文件的路径. 如果设置为 \"-\", 日志则写入到 stdout. 如果设置为空字符串(\"\"), 日志将不会记录到磁盘上.",
"": "最大同时下载数",
"max-concurrent-downloads.description": "",
"": "检查完整性",
"check-integrity.description": "通过对文件的每个分块或整个文件进行哈希验证来检查文件的完整性. 此选项仅对于BT、磁力链接及设置了 --checksum 选项的 HTTP(S)/FTP 链接.",
"": "断点续传",
"continue.description": "继续下载部分完成的文件. 启用此选项可以继续下载从浏览器或其他程序按顺序下载的文件. 此选项目前只支持 HTTP(S)/FTP 下载的文件.",
"": "代理服务器",
"all-proxy.description": "设置所有协议的代理服务器地址. 如果覆盖之前设置的代理服务器, 使用 \"\" 即可. 您还可以针对特定的协议覆盖此参数, 即使用 --http-proxy, --https-proxy 和 --ftp-proxy 参数. 此设置将会影响所有下载. 代理服务器地址的格式为 [http://][USER:PASSWORD@]HOST[:PORT].",
"": "代理服务器用户名",
"all-proxy-user.description": "",
"": "代理服务器密码",
"all-proxy-passwd.description": "",
"": "连接超时时间",
"connect-timeout.description": "设置建立 HTTP/FTP/代理服务器 连接的超时时间(秒). 当连接建立后, 此选项不再生效, 请使用 --timeout 参数.",
"": "模拟运行",
"dry-run.description": "如果设置为是, aria2 将仅检查远程文件是否存在而不会下载文件内容. 此选项仅对 HTTP/FTP 下载生效. 如果设置为 true, BT 下载将会直接取消.",
"": "最小速度限制",
"lowest-speed-limit.description": "当下载速度低于此选项设置的值(B/s) 时将会关闭连接. 0 表示不设置最小速度限制. 您还增加数值的单位 K 或 M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). 此选项不会影响 BT 下载.",
"": "单服务器最大连接数",
"max-connection-per-server.description": "",
"": "文件未找到重试次数",
"max-file-not-found.description": "如果 aria2 从远程 HTTP/FTP 服务器收到 \"文件未找到\" 的状态超过此选项设置的次数后下载将会失败. 设置为 0 将会禁用此选项. 此选项仅影响 HTTP/FTP 服务器. 重试时同时会记录重试次数, 所以也需要设置 --max-tries 这个参数.",
"": "最大尝试次数",
"max-tries.description": "设置最大尝试次数. 0 表示不限制.",
"": "文件最小分割大小",
"": ".netrc 文件路径",
"netrc-path.description": "",
"": "禁用 netrc",
"no-netrc.description": "",
"": "不使用代理服务器列表",
"no-proxy.description": "设置不使用代理服务器的主机名, 域名, 包含或不包含子网掩码的网络地址, 多个使用逗号分隔.",
"": "代理服务器请求方法",
"": "获取服务器文件时间",
"remote-time.description": "从 HTTP/FTP 服务获取远程文件的时间戳, 如果可用将设置到本地文件",
"": "URI 复用",
"reuse-uri.description": "当所有给定的 URI 地址都已使用, 继续使用已经使用过的 URI 地址.",
"": "重试等待时间",
"retry-wait.description": "设置重试间隔时间(秒). 当此选项的值大于 0 时, aria2 在 HTTP 服务器返回 503 响应时将会重试.",
"": "服务器状态保存文件",
"": "服务器状态超时",
"": "文件分割数量",
"": "分片选择算法",
"": "超时时间",
"timeout.description": "",
"": "URI 选择算法",
"": "检查证书",
"check-certificate.description": "",
"": "支持 GZip",
"": "HTTP 认证质询",
"": "禁用缓存",
"": "HTTP 默认用户名",
"http-user.description": "",
"": "HTTP 默认密码",
"http-passwd.description": "",
"": "HTTP 代理服务器",
"http-proxy.description": "",
"": "HTTP 代理服务器用户名",
"http-proxy-user.description": "",
"": "HTTP 代理服务器密码",
"http-proxy-passwd.description": "",
"": "HTTPS 代理服务器",
"https-proxy.description": "",
"": "HTTPS 代理服务器用户名",
"https-proxy-user.description": "",
"": "HTTPS 代理服务器密码",
"https-proxy-passwd.description": "",
"": "请求来源",
"": "启用持久连接",
"enable-http-keep-alive.description": "启用 HTTP/1.1 持久连接.",
"": "启用 HTTP 管线化",
"enable-http-pipelining.description": "启用 HTTP/1.1 管线化.",
"": "自定义请求头",
"header.description": "增加 HTTP 请求头内容.",
"": "Cookies 保存路径",
"": "启用 HEAD 方法",
"use-head.description": "第一次请求 HTTP 服务器时使用 HEAD 方法.",
"": "自定义 User Agent",
"user-agent.description": "",
"": "FTP 默认用户名",
"ftp-user.description": "",
"": "FTP 默认密码",
"ftp-passwd.description": "如果 URI 中包含用户名单不包含密码, aria2 首先会从 .netrc 文件中获取密码. 如果在 .netrc 文件中找到密码, 则使用该密码. 否则, 使用此选项设置的密码.",
"": "被动模式",
"ftp-pasv.description": "在 FTP 中使用被动模式. 如果设置为否, 则使用主动模式. 此选项不适用于 SFTP 传输.",
"": "FTP 代理服务器",
"ftp-proxy.description": "",
"": "FTP 代理服务器用户名",
"ftp-proxy-user.description": "",
"": "FTP 代理服务器密码",
"ftp-proxy-passwd.description": "",
"": "传输类型",
"ftp-type.description": "",
"": "连接复用",
"ftp-reuse-connection.description": "",
"": "SSH 公钥校验和",
"": "",
"bt-detach-seed-only.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-enable-hook-after-hash-check.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-enable-lpd.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-exclude-tracker.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-external-ip.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-force-encryption.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-hash-check-seed.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-max-open-files.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-max-peers.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-metadata-only.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-min-crypto-level.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-prioritize-piece.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-remove-unselected-file.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-require-crypto.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-request-peer-speed-limit.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-save-metadata.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-seed-unverified.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-stop-timeout.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-tracker.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-tracker-connect-timeout.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-tracker-interval.description": "",
"": "",
"bt-tracker-timeout.description": "",
"": "",
"dht-file-path.description": "",
"": "",
"dht-file-path6.description": "",
"": "",
"dht-listen-port.description": "",
"": "",
"dht-message-timeout.description": "",
"": "",
"enable-dht.description": "",
"": "",
"enable-dht6.description": "",
"": "",
"enable-peer-exchange.description": "",
"": "",
"follow-torrent.description": "",
"": "",
"listen-port.description": "",
"": "",
"max-overall-upload-limit.description": "",
"": "",
"max-upload-limit.description": "",
"": "",
"peer-id-prefix.description": "",
"": "",
"seed-ratio.description": "",
"": "",
"seed-time.description": "",
"": "",
"follow-metalink.description": "",
"": "",
"metalink-base-uri.description": "",
"": "",
"metalink-language.description": "",
"": "",
"metalink-location.description": "",
"": "",
"metalink-os.description": "",
"": "",
"metalink-version.description": "",
"": "",
"metalink-preferred-protocol.description": "",
"": "",
"metalink-enable-unique-protocol.description": "",
"": "启用 JSON-RPC/XML-RPC 服务器",
"enable-rpc.description": "",
"": "元数据下载完后暂停",
"pause-metadata.description": "当元数据下载完成后暂停后续的下载. 在 aria2 中有三种类型的元数据下载: (1) 下载 .torrent 文件. (2) 通过磁链下载种子元数据. (3) 下载磁链文件. 这些元数据下载完后会根据元数据内容进行下载. 这个选项会暂停这些后续的下载. 此选项仅当 --enable-rpc 启用时生效.",
"": "接受所有远程请求",
"rpc-allow-origin-all.description": "在 RPC 响应头增加 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 字段, 值为 * .",
"": "在所有网卡上监听",
"rpc-listen-all.description": "在所有网络适配器上监听 JSON-RPC/XML-RPC 的请求, 如果设置为否, 仅监听本地网络的请求.",
"": "监听端口",
"rpc-listen-port.description": "",
"": "最大请求大小",
"rpc-max-request-size.description": "设置 JSON-RPC/XML-RPC 最大的请求大小. 如果 aria2 检测到请求超过设定的字节数, 会直接取消连接.",
"": "保存上传的元数据",
"rpc-save-upload-metadata.description": "在 dir 参数设置的目录中保存上传的种子文件或磁链的元数据. 文件名包括 SHA-1 哈希后的元数据和扩展名两部分. 对于种子文件, 扩展名为 '.torrent'. 对于磁链为 '.meta4'. 如果此选项设置为否, 通过 aria2.addTorrent() 或 aria2.addMetalink() 方法添加的下载将无法通过 --save-session 选项保存.",
"": "启用 SSL/TLS",
"rpc-secure.description": "RPC 将通过 SSL/TLS 加密传输. RPC 客户端需要使用 https 协议连接服务器. 对于 WebSocket 客户端, 使用 wss 协议. 使用 --rpc-certificate 和 --rpc-private-key 选项设置服务器的证书和私钥.",
"": "",
"allow-overwrite.description": "",
"": "",
"allow-piece-length-change.description": "",
"": "",
"always-resume.description": "",
"": "",
"async-dns.description": "",
"": "",
"auto-file-renaming.description": "",
"": "",
"auto-save-interval.description": "",
"": "",
"conditional-get.description": "",
"": "",
"conf-path.description": "",
"": "",
"console-log-level.description": "",
"": "",
"daemon.description": "",
"": "",
"deferred-input.description": "",
"": "",
"disable-ipv6.description": "",
"": "",
"disk-cache.description": "",
"": "",
"download-result.description": "",
"": "",
"dscp.description": "",
"": "",
"rlimit-nofile.description": "",
"": "",
"enable-color.description": "",
"": "",
"enable-mmap.description": "",
"": "",
"event-poll.description": "",
"": "",
"file-allocation.description": "",
"": "",
"force-save.description": "",
"": "",
"hash-check-only.description": "",
"": "",
"human-readable.description": "",
"": "",
"max-download-result.description": "",
"": "",
"max-mmap-limit.description": "",
"": "",
"max-resume-failure-tries.description": "",
"": "",
"min-tls-version.description": "",
"": "",
"log-level.description": "",
"": "",
"piece-length.description": "",
"": "",
"optimize-concurrent-downloads.description": "",
"": "",
"show-console-readout.description": "",
"": "",
"summary-interval.description": "",
"": "",
"max-overall-download-limit.description": "",
"": "",
"max-download-limit.description": "",
"": "",
"no-conf.description": "",
"": "",
"no-file-allocation-limit.description": "",
"": "",
"parameterized-uri.description": "",
"": "",
"quiet.description": "",
"": "",
"realtime-chunk-checksum.description": "",
"": "",
"remove-control-file.description": "",
"": "",
"save-session.description": "",
"": "",
"save-session-interval.description": "",
"": "",
"socket-recv-buffer-size.description": "",
"": "",
"stop.description": "",
"": "",
"truncate-console-readout.description": ""