use derive_builder::Builder; use derive_more::{Deref, Display, From}; use num_derive::ToPrimitive; /// The representation of one screen pixel when osu! is running in 640x480 resolution. /// /// osupixels are one of the main coordinate systems used in osu!, and apply to hit circle /// placement and storyboard screen coordinates (these pixels are scaled over a 4:3 ratio to fit /// your screen). /// /// ([osu! knowledge base: Glossary: osupixel]( #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deref, Display, From, PartialEq)] pub struct OsuPixel(i16); impl OsuPixel { /// Converts osu!mania column to x position pub fn from_mania_column(column: u8, columns: u8) -> Self { Self((512 * i16::from(column) + 256) / i16::from(columns)) } } /// Special case of [`OsuPixel`] for sliders as they require additional precision. /// /// [`OsuPixel`]: type.OsuPixel.html pub type DecimalOsuPixel = f32; /// Stores time in milliseconds pub type Time = u32; /// Special case of [`Time`] for [`General::preview_time`] which has a magic default value of `-1`. /// /// [`Time`]: type.Time.html /// [`General::preview_time`]: struct.General.html#structfield.preview_time pub type SignedTime = i32; #[derive(ToPrimitive, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Countdown { No = 0, Normal = 1, Half = 2, Double = 3, } impl Default for Countdown { fn default() -> Self { Self::Normal } } #[derive(ToPrimitive, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Mode { Normal = 0, Taiko = 1, Catch = 2, Mania = 3, } impl Default for Mode { fn default() -> Self { Self::Normal } } #[derive(ToPrimitive, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum SampleSet { BeatmapDefault = 0, Normal = 1, Soft = 2, Drum = 3, } impl Default for SampleSet { fn default() -> Self { Self::BeatmapDefault } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deref, Display, PartialEq)] pub struct RangeSetting(f32); impl From for RangeSetting { fn from(value: f32) -> Self { Self(value) } } impl RangeSetting { pub const MIN: f32 = 0.0; pub const MAX: f32 = 10.0; pub fn validate(&self) -> bool { self.0 >= Self::MIN && self.0 <= Self::MAX } } /// The sounds played when the object is hit /// /// By default, no sound is set to `true`, which [uses the normal hitsound]( ///!_File_Formats/Osu_(file_format)#hitsounds) #[derive(Builder, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)] #[builder(default)] pub struct HitSound { #[builder(default)] pub normal: bool, #[builder(default)] pub whistle: bool, #[builder(default)] pub finish: bool, #[builder(default)] pub clap: bool, } #[derive(Builder, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)] #[builder(default)] pub struct HitSample { pub normal_set: SampleSet, pub addition_set: SampleSet, pub index: u32, pub volume: u8, #[builder(setter(into))] pub filename: String, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum CurveType { /// Bézier B, /// Centripetal catmull-rom C, /// Linear L, /// Perfect circle P, } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn defaults() { assert_eq!(Countdown::default(), Countdown::Normal); assert_eq!(Mode::default(), Mode::Normal); assert_eq!(SampleSet::default(), SampleSet::BeatmapDefault); assert_eq!( HitSound::default(), HitSound { normal: false, whistle: false, finish: false, clap: false, } ) } #[test] fn range_setting_from_f32() { assert_eq!(RangeSetting::from(5.0), RangeSetting(5.0)); } #[test] fn range_setting_validate() { assert_eq!(RangeSetting(-0.1).validate(), false); assert_eq!(RangeSetting(0.0).validate(), true); assert_eq!(RangeSetting(5.0).validate(), true); assert_eq!(RangeSetting(10.0).validate(), true); assert_eq!(RangeSetting(10.1).validate(), false); } #[test] fn osu_pixel_from_mania_column() { assert_eq!(OsuPixel::from_mania_column(0, 4), OsuPixel(64)); assert_eq!(OsuPixel::from_mania_column(3, 4), OsuPixel(448)); assert_eq!(OsuPixel::from_mania_column(0, 8), OsuPixel(32)); assert_eq!(OsuPixel::from_mania_column(5, 8), OsuPixel(352)); assert_eq!(OsuPixel::from_mania_column(7, 8), OsuPixel(480)); } }