use std::fmt; use std::str::FromStr; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use clap::Clap; use log::{debug, info, trace}; use crate::ddr::ssq; use crate::osu::beatmap; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ConfigRange(f32, f32); impl ConfigRange { /// Map value from 0 to 1 onto the range fn map_from(&self, value: f32) -> f32 { (value * (self.1 - self.0)) + self.0 } } impl fmt::Display for ConfigRange { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}:{}", self.0, self.1) } } impl FromStr for ConfigRange { type Err = anyhow::Error; fn from_str(string: &str) -> Result { match string.split(':').collect::>()[..] { [start, end] => Ok(ConfigRange(start.parse::()?, end.parse::()?)), _ => Err(anyhow!("Invalid range format (expected start:end)")), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clap)] pub struct Config { #[clap(skip = "audio.wav")] pub audio_filename: String, #[clap( long, default_value = "180", about = "Offset in milliseconds", display_order = 5 )] pub offset: i32, #[clap( long = "no-stops", about = "Disable stops", parse(from_flag = std::ops::Not::not), display_order = 5 )] pub stops: bool, #[clap( arg_enum, long, default_value = "step", about = "What to do with shocks", display_order = 5 )] pub shock_action: ShockAction, #[clap( long = "hp", about = "Range of HP drain (beginner:challenge)", default_value = "4:8" )] pub hp_drain: ConfigRange, #[clap( long = "acc", about = "Range of Accuracy (beginner:challenge)", default_value = "7:8" )] pub accuracy: ConfigRange, #[clap(flatten)] pub metadata: ConfigMetadata, } #[derive(Clap, Debug)] pub struct ConfigMetadata { #[clap(long, about = "Song title to use in beatmap", display_order = 6)] pub title: String, #[clap(long, about = "Artist name to use in beatmap", display_order = 6)] pub artist: String, #[clap( long, default_value = "Dance Dance Revolution", about = "Source to use in beatmap", display_order = 6 )] pub source: String, } impl fmt::Display for Config { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "ddr2osu (+{}ms{} shock→{:?} hp{} acc{})", self.offset, if self.stops { " stops" } else { "" }, self.shock_action, self.hp_drain, self.accuracy ) } } #[derive(Clap, Clone, Debug)] pub enum ShockAction { Ignore, Step, //Static(Vec), } struct ShockStepGenerator { last: u8, columns: u8, mode: ShockAction, } impl Iterator for ShockStepGenerator { type Item = Vec; fn next(&mut self) -> Option> { match &self.mode { ShockAction::Ignore => None, ShockAction::Step => { let columns = match self.last { 0 | 3 => vec![0, 3], 1 | 2 => vec![1, 2], 4 | 7 => vec![4, 7], 5 | 6 => vec![5, 6], _ => vec![], }; self.last = (self.last + 1) % self.columns; Some(columns) } //ShockAction::Static(columns) => Some(columns.clone()), } } } impl ShockStepGenerator { fn new(columns: u8, mode: ShockAction) -> Self { Self { last: 0, columns, mode, } } } fn get_time_from_beats(beats: f32, tempo_changes: &[ssq::TempoChange]) -> Result { for tempo_change in tempo_changes { // For TempoChanges that are infinitely short but exactly cover that beat, use the start // time of that TempoChange if (beats - tempo_change.start_beats).abs() < 0.001 && (beats - tempo_change.end_beats).abs() < 0.001 { return Ok(tempo_change.start_ms); } if beats < tempo_change.end_beats { return Ok(tempo_change.start_ms + ((beats - tempo_change.start_beats) * tempo_change.beat_length) as i32); } } Err(anyhow!( "Conversion of Step to HitObject failed: Beat lies outside of TimingPoints range" )) } impl From for beatmap::TimingPoint { fn from(tempo_change: ssq::TempoChange) -> Self { beatmap::TimingPoint { time: tempo_change.start_ms, beat_length: if tempo_change.beat_length == f32::INFINITY { 10000.0 } else { tempo_change.beat_length }, meter: 4, sample_set: beatmap::SampleSet::BeatmapDefault, sample_index: 0, volume: 100, uninherited: true, effects: beatmap::TimingPointEffects { kiai_time: false, omit_first_barline: false, }, } } } impl ssq::Step { fn to_hit_objects( &self, num_columns: u8, tempo_changes: &ssq::TempoChanges, shock_step_generator: &mut ShockStepGenerator, ) -> Result> { let mut hit_objects = Vec::new(); match self { ssq::Step::Step { beats, row } => { let time = get_time_from_beats(*beats, &tempo_changes.0)?; let columns: Vec = row.clone().into(); for (column, active) in columns.iter().enumerate() { if *active { hit_objects.push(beatmap::HitObject::HitCircle { x: beatmap::column_to_x(column as u8, num_columns), y: 192, time, hit_sound: beatmap::HitSound { normal: true, whistle: false, finish: false, clap: false, }, new_combo: false, skip_combo_colours: 0, hit_sample: beatmap::HitSample { normal_set: 0, addition_set: 0, index: 0, volume: 0, filename: "".to_string(), }, }) } } } ssq::Step::Freeze { start, end, row } => { let time = get_time_from_beats(*start, &tempo_changes.0)?; let end_time = get_time_from_beats(*end, &tempo_changes.0)?; let columns: Vec = row.clone().into(); for (column, active) in columns.iter().enumerate() { if *active { hit_objects.push(beatmap::HitObject::Hold { column: column as u8, columns: num_columns, time, end_time, hit_sound: beatmap::HitSound { normal: true, whistle: false, finish: true, clap: false, }, new_combo: false, skip_combo_colours: 0, hit_sample: beatmap::HitSample { normal_set: 0, addition_set: 0, index: 0, volume: 0, filename: "".to_string(), }, }) } } } ssq::Step::Shock { beats } => { let columns = match { Some(columns) => columns, None => vec![], }; for column in columns { hit_objects.push(beatmap::HitObject::HitCircle { x: beatmap::column_to_x(column as u8, num_columns), y: 192, time: get_time_from_beats(*beats, &tempo_changes.0)?, hit_sound: beatmap::HitSound { normal: true, whistle: false, finish: false, clap: false, }, new_combo: false, skip_combo_colours: 0, hit_sample: beatmap::HitSample { normal_set: 0, addition_set: 0, index: 0, volume: 0, filename: "".to_string(), }, }) } } } Ok(hit_objects) } } struct ConvertedChart { difficulty: ssq::Difficulty, hit_objects: beatmap::HitObjects, timing_points: beatmap::TimingPoints, } impl ConvertedChart { fn to_beatmap(&self, config: &Config) -> beatmap::Beatmap { beatmap::Beatmap { version: 14, general: beatmap::General { audio_filename: config.audio_filename.clone(), audio_lead_in: 0, preview_time: 0, countdown: beatmap::Countdown::No, sample_set: beatmap::SampleSet::Soft, mode: beatmap::Mode::Mania, }, editor: beatmap::Editor {}, metadata: beatmap::Metadata { title: config.metadata.title.clone(), artist: config.metadata.artist.clone(), creator: format!("{}", config), version: format!("{}", self.difficulty), source: config.metadata.source.clone(), tags: vec![], }, difficulty: beatmap::Difficulty { hp_drain_rate: config.hp_drain.map_from(self.difficulty.clone().into()), circle_size: self.difficulty.players as f32 * 4.0, overall_difficulty: config.accuracy.map_from(self.difficulty.clone().into()), approach_rate: 8.0, slider_multiplier: 0.64, slider_tick_rate: 1.0, }, events: beatmap::Events(vec![]), timing_points: self.timing_points.clone(), colours: beatmap::Colours(vec![]), hit_objects: self.hit_objects.clone(), } } } impl ssq::SSQ { pub fn to_beatmaps(&self, config: &Config) -> Result> { debug!("Configuration: {:?}", config); let mut timing_points = Vec::new(); timing_points.push(beatmap::TimingPoint { time: 0, beat_length: config.offset as f32, meter: 4, sample_set: beatmap::SampleSet::BeatmapDefault, sample_index: 0, volume: 0, uninherited: true, effects: beatmap::TimingPointEffects { kiai_time: false, omit_first_barline: false, }, }); for entry in &self.tempo_changes.0 { if config.stops || entry.beat_length != f32::INFINITY { trace!("Converting {:?} to to timing point", entry); let timing_point: beatmap::TimingPoint = entry.clone().into(); timing_points.push(timing_point); } } debug!( "Converted {} tempo changes to timing points", self.tempo_changes.0.len() ); let mut converted_charts = Vec::new(); for chart in &self.charts { debug!("Converting chart {} to beatmap", chart.difficulty); let mut hit_objects = beatmap::HitObjects(Vec::new()); let mut shock_step_generator = ShockStepGenerator::new(chart.difficulty.players * 4, config.shock_action.clone()); for step in &chart.steps.0 { trace!("Converting {:?} to hit object", step); let mut step_hit_objects = step.to_hit_objects( chart.difficulty.players * 4, &self.tempo_changes, &mut shock_step_generator, )?; hit_objects.0.append(&mut step_hit_objects); } let converted_chart = ConvertedChart { difficulty: chart.difficulty.clone(), hit_objects, timing_points: beatmap::TimingPoints(timing_points.clone()), }; debug!( "Converted to beatmap with {} hit objects", converted_chart.hit_objects.0.len(), ); converted_charts.push(converted_chart); } let mut beatmaps = Vec::new(); for converted_chart in converted_charts { let beatmap = converted_chart.to_beatmap(config); beatmaps.push(beatmap); } info!("Converted {} step charts to beatmaps", beatmaps.len()); Ok(beatmaps) } }