use std::convert::From; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::fmt; use std::io; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::io::Cursor; use byteorder::{ReadBytesExt, LE}; use log::{debug, info, trace, warn}; use thiserror::Error; use crate::mini_parser::{MiniParser, MiniParserError}; use crate::utils; const MEASURE_LENGTH: i32 = 4096; #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum Error { #[error("Not enough freeze data was found")] NotEnoughFreezeData, #[error(transparent)] IOError(#[from] io::Error), #[error(transparent)] TryFromIntError(#[from] std::num::TryFromIntError), #[error(transparent)] MiniParserError(#[from] MiniParserError), } /// Convert time offset to beats /// time offset is the measure times MEASURE_LENGTH fn measure_to_beats(metric: i32) -> f32 { 4.0 * metric as f32 / MEASURE_LENGTH as f32 } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct PlayerRow { pub left: bool, pub down: bool, pub up: bool, pub right: bool, } impl From for PlayerRow { fn from(byte: u8) -> Self { let columns = utils::byte_to_bitarray(byte); PlayerRow { left: columns[0], down: columns[1], up: columns[2], right: columns[3], } } } impl Into> for PlayerRow { fn into(self) -> Vec { vec![self.left, self.down, self.up, self.right] } } impl fmt::Display for PlayerRow { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "{}{}{}{}", if self.left { "←" } else { " " }, if self.down { "↓" } else { " " }, if self.up { "↑" } else { " " }, if self.right { "→" } else { " " }, ) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum Row { Single(PlayerRow), Double(PlayerRow, PlayerRow), } impl Into> for Row { fn into(self) -> Vec { match self { Self::Single(row) => row.into(), Self::Double(row1, row2) => { let mut row: Vec = Vec::new(); row.append(&mut row1.into()); row.append(&mut row2.into()); row } } } } impl fmt::Display for Row { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let player_rows = match self { Self::Single(player_row) => vec![player_row], Self::Double(player_row1, player_row2) => vec![player_row1, player_row2], }; write!(f, "{}", utils::join_display_values(player_rows, " ")) } } impl Row { fn new(byte: u8, players: u8) -> Self { match players { 1 => Self::Single(PlayerRow::from(byte)), 2 => Self::Double(PlayerRow::from(byte), PlayerRow::from(byte >> 4)), _ => unreachable!(), } } fn count_active(&self) -> u8 { let mut rows = Vec::::new(); match self { Self::Single(row) => { rows.append(&mut row.clone().into()); } Self::Double(player1, player2) => { rows.append(&mut player1.clone().into()); rows.append(&mut player2.clone().into()); } } rows.iter().map(|x| *x as u8).sum() } fn intersects(self, other: Self) -> bool { let rows: Vec<(Vec, Vec)> = match (self, other) { (Self::Single(self_row), Self::Single(other_row)) => { vec![(self_row.into(), other_row.into())] } (Self::Double(self_row1, self_row2), Self::Double(other_row1, other_row2)) => vec![ (self_row1.into(), other_row1.into()), (self_row2.into(), other_row2.into()), ], _ => vec![], }; for (self_row, other_row) in rows { for (self_col, other_col) in self_row.iter().zip(other_row.iter()) { if *self_col && self_col == other_col { return true; } } } false } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct TempoChange { pub start_ms: i32, pub start_beats: f32, pub end_beats: f32, pub beat_length: f32, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct TempoChanges(pub Vec); impl TempoChanges { fn parse(ticks_per_second: i32, data: &[u8]) -> Result { let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data); let count = cursor.read_u32::()?.try_into()?; let measure = cursor.read_n_u32(count)?; let tempo_data = cursor.read_n_u32(count)?; let mut entries = Vec::new(); let mut elapsed_ms = 0; let mut elapsed_beats = 0.0; for i in 1..count { let delta_measure = measure[i] - measure[i - 1]; let delta_ticks = tempo_data[i] - tempo_data[i - 1]; let length_ms = 1000 * delta_ticks / ticks_per_second; let length_beats = measure_to_beats(delta_measure); let beat_length = length_ms as f32 / length_beats; let entry = TempoChange { start_ms: elapsed_ms, start_beats: elapsed_beats, end_beats: elapsed_beats + length_beats, beat_length, }; entries.push(entry); elapsed_ms += length_ms; elapsed_beats += length_beats; } Ok(Self(entries)) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Step { Step { beats: f32, row: Row }, Freeze { start: f32, end: f32, row: Row }, Shock { beats: f32 }, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Chart { pub difficulty: Difficulty, pub steps: Vec, } impl Chart { fn parse(data: &[u8], parameter: u16) -> Result { let difficulty: Difficulty = parameter.into(); let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data); let count = cursor.read_u32::()?.try_into()?; let measures = cursor.read_n_u32(count)?; let mut steps = vec![0; count]; cursor.read_exact(&mut steps)?; let mut freeze_data = Vec::new(); cursor.read_to_end(&mut freeze_data)?; // freeze data can be padded with zeroes let mut freeze_data = freeze_data.iter().skip_while(|x| **x == 0).copied(); let mut parsed_steps = Vec::new(); // indices of (normal) steps that start a freeze (they are not needed after processing all // steps as they are already included in the freezes) let mut freeze_steps = Vec::new(); for step in 0..count { let beats = measure_to_beats(measures[step]); // check if either all eight bits are set (shock for double) or the first four (shock for // single) if steps[step] == 0xff || steps[step] == 0xf { // shock trace!("Shock arrow at {}", beats); parsed_steps.push(Step::Shock { beats }); } else if steps[step] == 0x00 { // extra data let columns =; let extra_type =; if extra_type == 1 { // freeze end (start is the last normal step in that column) trace!("Freeze arrow at {}", beats); let row = Row::new(columns, difficulty.players); if row.count_active() != 1 { warn!("Found freeze with not exactly one column, which is not implemented, skipping"); continue; } match Self::find_last(parsed_steps.clone(), &row) { Some(last_step) => { parsed_steps.push(Step::Freeze { start: if let Step::Step { beats, .. } = parsed_steps[last_step] { beats } else { unreachable!() }, end: beats, row, }); freeze_steps.push(last_step); } None => { warn!("Could not find previous step for freeze, adding normal step"); parsed_steps.push(Step::Step { beats, row }); } } } else { debug!( "Encountered unknown extra step with type {}, ignoring", extra_type ); } } else { // normal step trace!("Normal step at {}", beats); parsed_steps.push(Step::Step { beats, row: Row::new(steps[step], difficulty.players), }); } } // remove steps that start a freeze freeze_steps.dedup(); for i in freeze_steps.iter().rev() { parsed_steps.remove(*i); } debug!("Parsed {} steps", parsed_steps.len()); Ok(Self { difficulty, steps: parsed_steps, }) } fn find_last(steps: Vec, row: &Row) -> Option { for i in (0..steps.len()).rev() { if let Step::Step { row: step_row, .. } = &steps[i] { if step_row.clone().intersects(row.clone()) { return Some(i); } } } None } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Difficulty { pub players: u8, difficulty: u8, } impl From for Difficulty { fn from(parameter: u16) -> Self { Self { difficulty: ((parameter & 0xFF00) >> 8) as u8, players: (parameter & 0xF) as u8 / 4, } } } impl Into for Difficulty { fn into(self) -> f32 { match self.difficulty { 1 => 0.25, 2 => 0.5, 3 => 1.0, 4 => 0.0, 6 => 0.75, _ => 1.0, } } } impl fmt::Display for Difficulty { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let players = match self.players { 1 => "Single", 2 => "Double", _ => "Unknown Number of Players", }; let difficulty = match self.difficulty { 1 => "Basic", 2 => "Difficult", 3 => "Challenge", 4 => "Beginner", 6 => "Expert", _ => "Unknown Difficulty", }; write!(f, "{} {}", players, difficulty) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct SSQ { pub tempo_changes: TempoChanges, pub charts: Vec, } impl SSQ { pub fn parse(data: &[u8]) -> Result { let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data); let mut ssq = Self { tempo_changes: TempoChanges(Vec::new()), charts: Vec::new(), }; loop { let length = cursor.read_i32::()? as usize; trace!("Found chunk (length {})", length); if length == 0 { break; } let chunk_type = cursor.read_u16::()?; let parameter = cursor.read_u16::()?; // length without i32 and 2 × i16 let mut data = vec![0; length - 8]; cursor.read_exact(&mut data)?; match chunk_type { 1 => { debug!("Parsing tempo changes (ticks/s: {})", parameter); ssq.tempo_changes = TempoChanges::parse(parameter as i32, &data)?; } 3 => { debug!("Parsing step chunk ({})", Difficulty::from(parameter)); ssq.charts.push(Chart::parse(&data, parameter)?) } _ => { debug!( "Found extra chunk (type {}, length {})", chunk_type, data.len() ); } }; } info!("Parsed {} charts", ssq.charts.len()); Ok(ssq) } }