" require vim set nocompatible """ BEGIN VUNDLE filetype off " initialize Vundle.vim set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim call vundle#begin() "" BEGIN VUNDLE PLUGINS " Install plugins with ›:PluginInstall‹ Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim' " require vundle itself Plugin 'ElmCast/elm-vim' Plugin 'Glench/Vim-Jinja2-Syntax' Plugin 'MarcWeber/vim-addon-local-vimrc' Plugin 'cespare/vim-toml' Plugin 'dart-lang/dart-vim-plugin' Plugin 'mechatroner/rainbow_csv' Plugin 'posva/vim-vue' "" END VUNDLE PLUGINS call vundle#end() filetype plugin indent on """ END VUNDLE " statusline if !has('nvim') python3 from powerline.vim import setup as powerline_setup python3 powerline_setup() python3 del powerline_setup set laststatus=2 " always show powerline endif " line numbers set number " show line after 80 chars set colorcolumn=80 " syntax highlighting syntax enable " solarized theme set t_Co=256 set background=dark colorscheme solarized " persistent undo set undofile set undodir=$HOME/.vim/undo set undolevels=4096 set undoreload=16384 " highlight and ignore case at search set hls ic " Autoload settings from file bottom set modeline " Highlight trailing spaces and spaces before tabs highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red autocmd BufWinEnter * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$\| \+\ze\t/ " tab settings set ai " jump to the last position if has("autocmd") au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") \| exe "normal! g`\"" | endif endif if has("gui_running") set guifont=Terminess\ Powerline endif