# Program aliases/env ## Aliases for programs if command -v exa >/dev/null; then alias exa="exa --git --binary" alias l="exa -l" alias la="exa -la" alias ll="exa -l" alias ls="exa" fi alias ipy="ipython3" alias vim="nvim" alias vimdiff="nvim -d" alias userctl="systemctl --user" ## Debian packages fd as fdfind command -v fdfind >/dev/null && alias fd="fdfind" ## include docker functions source ~/.zshrc.docker ## drone ci function drone-add-hub() { drone secret add --name docker_username --data sbruder "$1" drone secret add --name docker_password --data "$(pass devops/docker|head -n 1)" "$1" } function drone-add-registry() { drone secret add --name docker_username --data simon "$1" drone secret add --name docker_password --data "$(pass sbruder.de/account|head -n 1)" "$1" } function drone-add-netlify() { drone secret add --name netlify_auth_token --data "$(pass-field web/netlify.com Drone-Key)" "$1" } function drone-add-s3() { drone secret add --name aws_access_key_id --data "$(pass-field sbruder.de/minio/personal User)" "$1" drone secret add --name aws_secret_access_key --data "$(pass sbruder.de/minio/personal|head -n 1)" "$1" } function drone() ( export DRONE_SERVER="$(pass-field sbruder.de/drone Server)" export DRONE_TOKEN="$(pass sbruder.de/drone|head -n 1)" command drone $@ ) function docker-ls() ( export DOCKER_LS_PASSWORD="$(pass sbruder.de/account|head -n 1)" command docker-ls $@ ) function docker-rm() ( export DOCKER_LS_PASSWORD="$(pass sbruder.de/account|head -n 1)" command docker-rm $@ ) # Prompt command -v starship >/dev/null && eval $(starship init zsh) # Helpers ## resync pulseaudio bluetooth connection function btsync() ( card=$(pactl list cards short|grep -E -o "bluez_card.*[[:space:]]") pacmd set-card-profile $card off pacmd set-card-profile $card a2dp_sink ) ## get field from pass entry function pass-field() { pass "$1"|grep "$2"|cut -d: -f2-|tr -d ' ' } ## dircolors eval "$(dircolors -b $HOME/.dircolors)" ## fzf [ -e /usr/share/doc/fzf/examples/key-bindings.zsh ] && source /usr/share/doc/fzf/examples/key-bindings.zsh command -v fzf-share >/dev/null && source $(fzf-share)/key-bindings.zsh ## Color switcher alias dynamic-colors="~/.dynamic-colors/bin/dynamic-colors" ## Support for nix-shell source $HOME/.zsh/zsh-nix-shell/nix-shell.plugin.zsh ## Per-directory environment command -v direnv >/dev/null && eval "$(direnv hook zsh)" ## Helper to create nix-shell direnv function nixify() { if [ ! -e ./.envrc ]; then echo "use nix" > .envrc direnv allow fi if [[ ! -e shell.nix ]] && [[ ! -e default.nix ]]; then cat > shell.nix << EOF { pkgs ? import {} }: pkgs.mkShell { nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ ]; } EOF vim shell.nix fi } ## Timer function timer() ( if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "USAGE: $0 [u|f] TIME/DURATION" >&2 return 1 fi if [ "$1" != "u" ] && [ "$1" != "f" ]; then echo "Invalid mode “$1” supplied. Valid modes are: u|f" >&2 return 2 fi [ "$1" = "u" ] && mode="until" [ "$1" = "f" ] && mode="for" gosleep --${mode} "$2" if [ "$?" = 0 ]; then echo "Press CTRL-C to stop the alarm…" >&2 echo -en "\a" # highlight window paplay ~/Documents/sound/ringtones/Bergentrückung.wav else echo "The sleep command failed. Please check the options." >&2 return 3 fi ) function currency() ( amount=${1:-1} fromcurrency=${2:-USD} tocurrency=${3:-EUR} rate=$(curl -s "https://api.exchangeratesapi.io/latest?base=$fromcurrency&symbols=$tocurrency"|jq ".rates.$tocurrency") printf "$amount $fromcurrency: %.02f $tocurrency\n" $(($amount * $rate)) ) function urlencode() { python3 -c "import urllib.parse; print(urllib.parse.quote(open(0, 'rb').read()))" } function renumber() ( if (( $# < 2 )); then echo "USAGE: $0 DIGITS FILES" return 1 fi digits=$1 shift 1 i=1 for file in $@; do mv -n "$file" "$(dirname $file)/$(printf %0${digits}d $i).${file##*.}" i=$((i+1)) done ) function mkvextract-all-attachments() { mkvextract $1 attachments $(mkvmerge --identify $1|grep "Attachment ID"|sed "s/Attachment ID \([0-9]*\): .*/\1/") } function mkvpropedit-add-attachments() ( file="$1" shift for attachment in $@; do mkvpropedit --attachment-mime-type font/sfnt --add-attachment "$attachment" "$file" done ) function ssim() { ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -i "$1" -i "$2" -lavfi 'ssim=/dev/stdout' -f null - } function mullvad() ( if (( $# < 1 )); then echo "USAGE: $0 LOCATION|off" >&2 fi current_interfaces="$(ip -o a|grep -oE '[0-9]*:\ mullvad-(v6-)?[a-z][a-z][0-9]*'|uniq|cut -d: -f2|tr -d ' ')" for current_interface in $current_interfaces; do sudo wg-quick down "$current_interface" done if [ "$1" != "off" ]; then sudo wg-quick up mullvad-$1 fi ) # Audacious does not support symlinks; hack around that function audacious-hack() ( audtool playlist-clear IFS=$'\n' for dir in $@; do command ls -1 $dir/**/*.(flac|m4a|mp3|ogg|opus)(@) done|sort -Vd|tr '\n' '\0'|xargs -0 -- audacious --enqueue audacious --play )