import xf from './xfetch' class GoogleDrive { constructor(auth) { this.auth = auth this.expires = 0 this._getIdCache = new Map() } async initializeClient() { // any method that do api call must call this beforehand if ( < this.expires) return const resp = await xf .post('', { urlencoded: { client_id: this.auth.client_id, client_secret: this.auth.client_secret, refresh_token: this.auth.refresh_token, grant_type: 'refresh_token' } }) .json() this.client = xf.extend({ baseURI: '', headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${resp.access_token}` } }) this.expires = + 3500 * 1000 // normally, it should expiers after 3600 seconds } async listDrive() { await this.initializeClient() return this.client.get('drives').json() } async download(id, range = '') { await this.initializeClient() return this.client.get(`files/${id}`, { qs: { includeItemsFromAllDrives: true, supportsAllDrives: true, alt: 'media' }, headers: { Range: range } }) } async downloadByPath(path, rootId = 'root', range = '') { const id = await this.getId(path, rootId) if (!id) return null return, range) } async getMeta(id) { await this.initializeClient() return this.client .get(`files/${id}`, { qs: { includeItemsFromAllDrives: true, supportsAllDrives: true, fields: '*' } }) .json() } async getMetaByPath(path, rootId = 'root') { const id = await this.getId(path, rootId) if (!id) return null return this.getMeta(id) } async listFolder(id) { await this.initializeClient() const getList = pageToken => { const qs = { includeItemsFromAllDrives: true, supportsAllDrives: true, q: `'${id}' in parents and trashed = false`, orderBy: 'folder,name,modifiedTime desc', fields: 'files(id,name,mimeType,size,modifiedTime),nextPageToken', pageSize: 1000 } if (pageToken) { qs.pageToken = pageToken } return this.client .get('files', { qs }) .json() } const files = [] let pageToken do { const resp = await getList(pageToken) files.push(...resp.files) pageToken = resp.nextPageToken } while (pageToken) return { files } } async listFolderByPath(path, rootId = 'root') { const id = await this.getId(path, rootId) if (!id) return null return this.listFolder(id) } async getId(path, rootId = 'root') { const toks = path.split('/').filter(Boolean) let id = rootId for (const tok of toks) { id = await this._getId(id, tok) } return id } async _getId(parentId, childName) { if (this._getIdCache.has(parentId + childName)) { return this._getIdCache.get(parentId + childName) } await this.initializeClient() childName = childName.replace(/\'/g, `\\'`) // escape single quote const resp = await this.client .get('files', { qs: { includeItemsFromAllDrives: true, supportsAllDrives: true, q: `'${parentId}' in parents and name = '${childName}' and trashed = false`, fields: 'files(id)' } }) .json() .catch(e => ({ files: [] })) // if error, make it empty if (resp.files.length === 0) { return null } this._getIdCache.has(parentId + childName) return resp.files[0].id // when there are more than 1 items, simply return the first one } async upload(parentId, name, file) { await this.initializeClient() const createResp = await '', { qs: { uploadType: 'resumable', supportsAllDrives: true }, json: { name, parents: [parentId] } } ) const putUrl = createResp.headers.get('Location') return this.client .put(putUrl, { body: file }) .json() } async uploadByPath(path, name, file, rootId = 'root') { const id = await this.getId(path, rootId) if (!id) return null return this.upload(id, name, file) } async delete(fileId) { return this.client.delete(`files/${fileId}`) } async deleteByPath(path, rootId = 'root') { const id = await this.getId(path, rootId) if (!id) return null return this.delete(id) } } export default GoogleDrive