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2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Simon Bruder <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
2024-07-11 01:12:34 +02:00
use actix_web::{error, get, post, web, Responder};
use maud::html;
2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
use uuid::Uuid;
2024-07-11 01:12:34 +02:00
use super::templates::{self, forms, TemplateConfig};
2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
use crate::manage;
use crate::models::*;
use crate::DbPool;
2024-07-11 01:12:34 +02:00
const FORM_ENSURE_PARENT: templates::helpers::Js = templates::helpers::Js::Inline(
(() => {
document.getElementById("type").addEventListener("change", e => {
let parentInput = document.getElementById("parent")
switch ( {
case "generic":
parentInput.disabled = true
parentInput.value = ""
case "specific":
parentInput.disabled = false
console.error("invalid type!")
2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
pub fn config(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) {
async fn show_item_class(
pool: web::Data<DbPool>,
path: web::Path<Uuid>,
) -> actix_web::Result<impl Responder> {
let id = path.into_inner();
let item_class = manage::item_class::get(&mut pool.clone().get().await.unwrap(), id)
2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
// TODO: Once async closures are stable, use map_or on item_class.parent instead
let parent = match item_class.parent {
Some(id) => manage::item_class::get(&mut pool.get().await.unwrap(), id)
None => None,
2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
2024-07-11 01:12:34 +02:00
let mut title =;
title.push_str(" Item Details");
2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
2024-07-11 01:12:34 +02:00
TemplateConfig {
path: &format!("/item-class/{}",,
title: Some(&title),
page_title: Some(Box::new(,
page_actions: vec![
(templates::helpers::PageAction {
href: &format!("/item-class/{}/edit",,
name: "Edit",
html! {
table .table {
tr {
th { "UUID" }
td { ( }
tr {
th { "Name" }
td { ( }
tr {
th { "Type" }
td { (item_class.r#type) }
@if let Some(parent) = parent {
tr {
th { "Parent" }
td { a href={ "/item-class/" ( } { ( } }
2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
2024-07-11 01:12:34 +02:00
async fn list_item_classes(pool: web::Data<DbPool>) -> actix_web::Result<impl Responder> {
2024-07-08 20:54:57 +02:00
let item_classes = manage::item_class::get_all_as_map(&mut pool.get().await.unwrap())
2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
2024-07-11 01:12:34 +02:00
TemplateConfig {
path: "/item-classes",
title: Some("Item Class List"),
page_title: Some(Box::new("Item Class List")),
page_actions: vec![
(templates::helpers::PageAction {
href: "/item-classes/add",
name: "Add",
html! {
table .table {
thead {
tr {
th { "Name" }
th { "Parents" }
tbody {
@for item_class in item_classes.values() {
tr {
td { a href={ "/item-class/" ( } { ( } }
td {
@if let Some(parent) = item_class.parent {
@let parent = item_classes.get(&parent).unwrap();
a href={ "/item-class/" ( } { ( }
} @else {
2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
2024-07-11 01:12:34 +02:00
async fn add_item_class() -> actix_web::Result<impl Responder> {
TemplateConfig {
path: "/items-classes/add",
title: Some("Add Item Class"),
page_title: Some(Box::new("Add Item Class")),
extra_js: vec![FORM_ENSURE_PARENT],
html! {
form method="POST" {
(forms::InputGroup {
r#type: forms::InputType::Text,
name: "name",
title: "Name",
required: true,
// TODO: drop type in favour of determining it on whether parent is set
.mb-3 {
label .form-label for="type" { "Type" }
select .form-select #type name="type" required {
@for variant in ItemClassType::VARIANTS {
option { (variant) }
.mb-3 {
label .form-label for="parent" { "Parent" }
input .form-control #parent type="text" name="parent" disabled;
button .btn.btn-primary type="submit" { "Add" }
2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
async fn add_item_class_post(
data: web::Form<NewItemClass>,
pool: web::Data<DbPool>,
) -> actix_web::Result<impl Responder> {
let item = manage::item_class::add(&mut pool.get().await.unwrap(), data.into_inner())
2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
Ok(web::Redirect::to("/item-class/".to_owned() + &
async fn edit_item_class(
pool: web::Data<DbPool>,
path: web::Path<Uuid>,
) -> actix_web::Result<impl Responder> {
let id = path.into_inner();
let item_class = manage::item_class::get(&mut pool.get().await.unwrap(), id)
2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
2024-07-11 01:12:34 +02:00
let mut title =;
title.push_str(" Item Details");
TemplateConfig {
path: &format!("/items-class/{}/add", id),
title: Some(&title),
page_title: Some(Box::new(,
extra_js: vec![FORM_ENSURE_PARENT],
html! {
form method="POST" {
(forms::InputGroup {
r#type: forms::InputType::Text,
name: "id",
title: "UUID",
disabled: true,
required: true,
value: Some(,
(forms::InputGroup {
r#type: forms::InputType::Text,
name: "name",
title: "Name",
required: true,
value: Some(&,
// TODO: drop type in favour of determining it on whether parent is set
.mb-3 {
label .form-label for="type" { "Type" }
select .form-select #type name="type" required {
@for variant in ItemClassType::VARIANTS {
option selected[variant == item_class.r#type] { (variant) }
.mb-3 {
label .form-label for="parent" { "Parent" }
input .form-control #parent type="text" name="parent" disabled[item_class.parent.is_none()] value=[item_class.parent];
button .btn.btn-primary type="submit" { "Edit" }
2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
async fn edit_item_class_post(
pool: web::Data<DbPool>,
path: web::Path<Uuid>,
data: web::Form<NewItemClass>,
) -> actix_web::Result<impl Responder> {
let id = path.into_inner();
let item_class =
manage::item_class::update(&mut pool.get().await.unwrap(), id, data.into_inner())
2024-07-07 13:48:31 +02:00
Ok(web::Redirect::to("/item-class/".to_owned() + &