fzf: Get solarized colors from common.nix

Simon Bruder 2021-07-25 09:13:22 +02:00
parent a67ec1b22f
commit 4fc2015ee9
Signed by: simon
GPG Key ID: 8D3C82F9F309F8EC
1 changed files with 20 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{ lib, nixosConfig, pkgs, ... }:
solarized = (import ../common.nix).colorschemes.solarized;
dircolors-solarized = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "seebi";
repo = "dircolors-solarized";
@ -26,9 +28,24 @@ in
defaultCommand = "fd --color always";
defaultOptions = [
(n: v: "${n}:${v}")
(with solarized; {
"bg" = base03;
"bg+" = base02;
"fg" = base0;
"fg+" = base2;
"header" = blue;
"hl" = blue;
"hl+" = blue;
"info" = yellow;
"marker" = cyan;
"pointer" = cyan;
"prompt" = yellow;
"spinner" = cyan;
fileWidgetCommand = "fd --color always --type f";
fileWidgetOptions = [ "--preview 'head -n 100 {}'" ];