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3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Simon Bruder fa0afa040f
Clean up tools/programs
I haven’t really used some of them, so they don’t need to take space up
in the environment.
2022-09-11 01:21:59 +02:00
Simon Bruder ea43e14792
Add often used tools to environment
I often find myself running them inside a nix shell. Having them
available in the environment makes using them easier and also is
possible when no internet connection is available, which is especially
useful for tools like wl-mirror.
2022-09-11 01:02:30 +02:00
Simon Bruder ac70f97776
mayushii: Adjust charge thresholds
Because I most of the time use it with a charger connected, this avoids
it charging after begin unplugged for a short amount of time and just
barely falling below the threshold.
2022-09-11 00:50:56 +02:00
4 changed files with 15 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
services.tlp = {
enable = true;
settings = {
USB_DENYLIST = lib.concatStringsSep " " [

View File

@ -24,13 +24,12 @@
dos2unix # convert CRLF (dos) or CR (classic mac) line endings to LF (unix)
file # file type
ncdu # interactive du
pipe-rename # interactive (in editor) renaming
rename # sed for filenames
sqlite-interactive # cli for sqlite databses
sqlite-interactive # cli for sqlite databases
wget # download tool
# encryption tools
age # modern encryption tool
rage # rust implementation of age
ssh-to-pgp # convert ssh host-key to pgp key
# network tools

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@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ in
yq # sed for yaml
# unix tools on steroids
curlie # better httpie (easier curl)
du-dust # intuitive du
exa # better ls
fd # better find
@ -39,11 +38,8 @@ in
# file tools
aria # multithreaded http/ftp/bittorrent download manager
fdupes # find duplicate files
hexyl # user friendly hex file viewer
hyperfine # cli benchmarking
megatools # cli for
minio-client # client for s3 compatible storage systems
mktorrent # bittorrent seed file generator
qrencode # qr code generator
rclone # rsync for cloud storage
@ -58,6 +54,7 @@ in
# network tools
dnsutils # dig
dogdns # better dig
miniserve # small http server
sshfs # mount remote host
vnstat # client for vnstatd
whois # whois client
@ -67,7 +64,6 @@ in
libva-utils # vainfo
# clients
drone-cli # client for drone ci
hcloud # cli for Hetzner Cloud
libnotify # notify-send
@ -88,22 +84,13 @@ in
# misc
bwrap-helper # helper to create bubblewrap containers
dynamic-colors # on-the-fly color scheme switching
python38Packages.ipython # better python repl (useful for one-liners)
python3Packages.ipython # better python repl (useful for one-liners)
toilet # free figlet
# vim
neovim-remote # controlling another neovim process
universal-ctags # ctags
# git # nicer diff
gitAndTools.git-annex-remote-rclone # git for non source files
gitAndTools.pre-commit # pre-commit hook for git
# nix tools
niv # depdendency manager
nix-diff # diff for nix derivations
nixpkgs-fmt # format nix expressions
nixpkgs-review # review nixpkgs pull request
@ -118,7 +105,6 @@ in
# audio
cyanrip # cd ripper
deemix # deeezer downloader
flac # flac encoder
opusTools # opus encoder
shntool # split audio with cue
@ -176,12 +162,14 @@ in
remmina # remote desktop client
scrcpy # stream/control android phones over adb
v4l-utils # video4linux configuration
wev # wayland event monitor
wl-clipboard # not really gui, but cli tool to manage wayland clipboard
xfce.thunar # graphical file manager
] ++ lib.optionals (nixosConfig.sbruder.full) [
# tools
gdb # debugger (for coredumpctl debug)
gdrive # cli downloader for google drive
] ++ lib.optionals (nixosConfig.sbruder.gui.enable && nixosConfig.sbruder.full) [
# communication
ungoogled-chromium # useful for exporting pages as pdf
ungoogled-chromium # for most webrtc applications and for cross-browser testing
# creative/design
blender # 3d animation
@ -190,6 +178,7 @@ in
# audio
audacity # audio editor
easyeffects # signal processing for pipewire
picard # musicbrainz tagger
# office

View File

@ -356,5 +356,8 @@ in
sway-contrib.grimshot # screenshots
waypipe # forward application over ssh
wdisplays # graphical output manager
wev # wayland event monitor
wl-clipboard # cli tool to manage wayland clipboard
wl-mirror # emulation for “mirror display” mode