{ pkgs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # top like tools bandwhich # network monitor bmon # network monitor gotop # fancy top iotop # top for io mtr # interactive traceroute # batch processing/automation jq # sed for json parallel # parallel batch processing yq # sed for yaml # unix tools on steroids curlie # better httpie (easier curl) exa # better ls fd # better find ripgrep # better grep # file tools dos2unix # convert CRLF (dos) or CR (classic mac) line endings to LF (unix) fdupes # find duplicate files file # file type hexyl # user friendly hex file viewer hyperfine # cli benchmarking megatools # cli for mega.nz minio-client # client for s3 compatible storage systems mktorrent # bittorrent seed file generator rclone # rsync for cloud storage rename # sed for filenames restic # backup tool rsync # incremental file transfer tokei # fast cloc wget # download tool xdelta # binary diff # file format tools p7zip # 7z cli pdftk # pdf multitool sqlite # cli for sqlite databses upx # executable packer # network tools dnsutils # dig gatling # high performance web serve iperf iperf2 # bandwidth measurement tool sshfs # mount remote host vnstat # client for vnstatd whois # whois client # system tools libva-utils # vainfo ncdu # interactive du reptyr # move process to current terminal smartmontools # hard drive monitoring # clients drone-cli # client for drone ci hcloud # cli for Hetzner Cloud libnotify # notify-send # function eye candy fzf # fuzzy finder pv # monitor progress in pipe starship # zsh prompt # end user programs apacheHttpd # for htpasswd libqalculate # flexible calculator for humans scrcpy # stream/control android phones over adb taskwarrior # todo list manager # passwords pass-wayland #passExtensions.pass-otp # password manager (FIXME: otp collides with main) pwgen pwgen-secure # password generator unstable.xkcdpass # memorable password generator # misc toilet # free figlet python38Packages.ipython # better python repl (useful for one-liners) # vim neovim-remote # controlling another neovim process universal-ctags # ctags # direnv direnv # per-directory environment nix-direnv # per-directory environment for nix # git gitAndTools.git-annex gitAndTools.git-annex-remote-rclone # git for non source files gitAndTools.pre-commit # pre-commit hook for git ]; programs.adb.enable = true; environment.pathsToLink = [ "/share/nix-direnv" ]; }