{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let mkMount = remote: { port ? 22, ro ? true, idmap ? null }: assert !(isNull idmap) -> lib.elem idmap.type [ "simple" ]; { device = remote; fsType = "sshfs"; options = [ "allow_other" "_netdev" "x-systemd.idle-timeout=5min" "x-systemd.automount" "port=${toString port}" "reconnect" "ServerAliveInterval=15" "ServerAliveCountMax=1" "IdentityFile=${config.sops.secrets.media-ssh-key.path}" ] ++ lib.optionals ro [ "ro" ] ++ lib.optionals (!ro) [ "default_permissions" # if it is writable, permissions should be checked ] ++ lib.optionals (!(isNull idmap)) ([ "idmap=${if lib.elem idmap.type [ "file" "user" ] then idmap.type else "file"}" "nomap=ignore" ] ++ lib.optionals (idmap.type == "simple") [ "uidfile=${pkgs.writeText "uidfile" '' ${idmap.username}:${toString idmap.uid} ''}" "gidfile=${pkgs.writeText "gidfile" '' ${idmap.groupname}:${toString idmap.gid} ''}" ]); }; in lib.mkIf config.sbruder.gui.enable { sops.secrets.media-ssh-key = { }; system.fsPackages = with pkgs; [ sshfs ]; fileSystems = { "/home/simon/mounts/media" = mkMount "media@fuuko.home.sbruder.de:/data/cold/media" { }; "/home/simon/mounts/torrent" = mkMount "media@fuuko.home.sbruder.de:/data/hot/torrent" { }; "/home/simon/mounts/storagebox" = mkMount "u313368@personal.storagebox.sbruder.de:" { port = 23; ro = false; idmap = { type = "simple"; username = "simon"; groupname = "users"; uid = 313368; gid = 313368; }; }; }; systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d /home/simon/mounts 0750 simon users - -" ]; }