#!/usr/bin/env bash # This reads wg-quick compatible configuration files from # /etc/wireguard/mullvad-LOCATION.conf # # Since they are autogenerated by nix and therefore world-readable, they do not # include secrets like the private key and client address. Instead, they are # manually added after wg-quick set up the tunnel by retrieving them with # pass(1) from web/mullvad.net/wireguard. # # Format of pass entry: # PrivateKey: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa= # Address4: # Address6: fd00::1/128 set -euo pipefail if (( $# < 1 )); then echo "USAGE: $0 LOCATION|off" >&2 exit 1 fi INTERFACE="mullvad-$1" cmd() { echo "[#] $*" >&2 sudo "$@" } # Make sure gpg-agent is unlocked so the period where the interface exists but # no private key is set is minised. pass web/mullvad.net/wireguard >/dev/null for interface in /sys/class/net/*; do interface="${interface#/sys/class/net/}" [[ $interface =~ ^mullvad-(v6-)?[a-z]{2}[0-9]*$ ]] && cmd wg-quick down "$interface" done if [ "$1" != "off" ]; then cmd wg-quick up "$INTERFACE" pass web/mullvad.net/wireguard | while read -r line; do key="${line%%: *}" value="${line#*: }" case "$key" in PrivateKey) cmd wg set "$INTERFACE" private-key /dev/stdin <<< "$value" continue ;; Address4) cmd ip -4 address add "$value" dev "$INTERFACE" continue ;; Address6) cmd ip -6 address add "$value" dev "$INTERFACE" continue ;; *) echo "Invalid key '$key'" exit 1 esac done fi