{ pkgs, ... }: { home.file.".ghc/ghci.conf".text = /* haskell */ '' :seti -XOverloadedStrings -- IDE-like features (from https://wiki.haskell.org/GHC/GHCi) dotGHCI_escapeShellArg arg = "'" ++ concatMap (\c -> if c == '\''' then "'\\'''" else [c]) arg ++ "'" -- Lambdabot lb s1 s2 = return $ ":!lambdabot -n -e " ++ dotGHCI_escapeShellArg s1 ++ "\\ " ++ dotGHCI_escapeShellArg s2 :def! lb lb "" -- runs arbitrary lambdabot commands :def! pl lb "pl" -- converts code to point-free (aka pointless) form :def! unpl lb "unpl" -- converts back from point-free (aka pointless) form :def! do lb "do" -- converts binds to do notation :def! undo lb "undo" -- converts do blocks to bind notation :def! index lb "index" -- finds the module that defines the given identifier :def! instances lb "instances" -- finds all instances of a given type class :def! src lb "src" -- tries to find the source code for the given identifier :def! oeis lb "oeis" -- looks up the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (https://oeis.org/) -- Hoogle :def! hoogle return . (":!hoogle -q --count=15 --color " ++) . dotGHCI_escapeShellArg :def! search return . (":!hoogle -q --count=3 --color " ++) . dotGHCI_escapeShellArg :def! doc return . (":!hoogle -q --color --info " ++) . dotGHCI_escapeShellArg ''; home.file.".haskeline".text = '' completionType: MenuCompletion maxHistorySize: Just 10000 historyDuplicates: IgnoreAll ''; home.packages = with pkgs; [ # GHC has a huge closure size, instead use nix-shell (ad-hoc or per-project) #ghc #haskellPackages.hoogle #lambdabot ]; }