{ lib, pkgs, ... }: let inherit ((import ../common.nix).colorschemes) solarized; in { systemd.user.services.swaync = { Unit.PartOf = [ "sway-session.target" ]; Install.WantedBy = [ "sway-session.target" ]; Service = { ExecStart = "${pkgs.swaynotificationcenter}/bin/swaync"; Restart = "on-failure"; }; }; xdg.configFile = { "swaync/config.json".text = lib.generators.toJSON { } { positionX = "right"; positionY = "top"; timeout = 10; timeout-low = 5; timeout-critical = 0; notification-window-width = 480; fit-to-screen = false; keyboard-shortcuts = true; image-visibility = "when-available"; transition-time = 0; hide-on-clear = true; hide-on-action = true; }; "swaync/style.css".text = lib.concatStrings (lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (k: v: "@define-color ${k} ${v};\n") solarized) + /* less */ '' .control-center { background-color: @base03; color: #839496; } /* if the font is only set for .control-center, notifications do not use it */ window { font-family: "monospace"; } .control-center-list { background: transparent; } .control-center-clear-all { color: @base0; text-shadow: none; background: @base03; box-shadow: none; border-radius: 0px; border: 2px solid @base02; } .control-center-dnd { border-radius: 0px; border: none; box-shadow: none; background-color: @base02; } .control-center-dnd:checked { background: @green; } .control-center-dnd slider { background: @base0; border-radius: 0px; border: 2px solid @base02; box-shadow: none; } .control-center-dnd slider:checked { background: @green; } .floating-notifications { background: transparent; } .notification-row { outline: none; } .notification { border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none; margin: 3px 6px; padding: 0; } .notification:first-child { margin-top: 6px; } .low .summary { color: @base00; } .critical .summary { color: @red; } .notification-content { padding: 6px; border-radius: 0px; } /* hide close button (clicking on the notification does the same) */ .close-button { opacity: 0; } .notification-default-action, .notification-action { padding: 4px; margin: 0; box-shadow: none; background: @base03; border: 2px solid @base02; border-radius: 0px; } .notification-action { color: @base0; box-shadow: none; text-shadow: none; border-right: none; border-top: none; } /* re-add right border to last action */ .notification-action:last-child { border-right: 2px solid @base02; } .body-image { margin-top: 6px; background-color: @base0; } .summary, .time, .body, .top-action-title { color: @base0; text-shadow: none; } ''; }; }