# Deploy with: nix build -f ./deploy.nix HOSTNAME && ./result let sources = import ./nix/sources.nix; krops = sources.krops; lib = import "${krops}/lib"; kropsPkgs = import "${krops}/pkgs" { }; kropsDeploy = { hostname , target ? null , extraSources ? { } }: let source = lib.evalSource [ ({ nixpkgs.git = { ref = sources.nixpkgs.rev; url = https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs; shallow = true; }; config.file = toString ./.; nixos-config.symlink = "config/machines/${hostname}/configuration.nix"; secrets.pass = { dir = toString ~/.password-store; name = "nixos/machines/${hostname}"; }; } // extraSources) ]; in kropsPkgs.krops.writeDeploy "deploy-${hostname}" { source = source; target = lib.mkTarget (if target == null then "root@${hostname}" else target) // { extraOptions = [ # force allocation of tty to allow aborting with ^C and to show build progress "-t" ]; }; }; in builtins.mapAttrs (hostname: configuration: kropsDeploy { inherit hostname; } // configuration) { nunotaba = { }; sayuri = { }; }