Simon Bruder 94dabbbe89
neovim: Remove vim-nix
Most of its functionalty is now provided by tree-sitter. Also, it
somehow causes errors for vimtex‽
2023-03-24 13:14:07 +01:00

68 lines
1.9 KiB

final: prev:
inherit (prev) callPackage;
bwrap-helper = callPackage ./bwrap-helper { };
co2_exporter = callPackage ./co2_exporter { };
osu-lazer = callPackage ./osu-lazer { inherit (prev) osu-lazer; };
osu-lazer-sandbox = callPackage ./osu-lazer-sandbox { };
wordclock-dimmer = prev.python3Packages.callPackage ./wordclock-dimmer { };
sbruder = prev.recurseIntoAttrs {
contact = callPackage ./contact-page { };
imprint = callPackage ./imprint { };
libbluray = prev.libbluray.override {
withAACS = true;
withBDplus = true;
grml-zsh-config = prev.grml-zsh-config.overrideAttrs (o: o // {
postPatch = (o.postPatch or "") + ''
substituteInPlace etc/zsh/zshrc \
--replace 'isgrmlcd && HISTSIZE=500 || HISTSIZE=5000' "" \
--replace 'isgrmlcd && SAVEHIST=1000 || SAVEHIST=10000' ""
# FIXME: remove once manghud > 0.6.8 is in nixpkgs/intel arc works
mangohud = prev.mangohud.overrideAttrs (o: {
version = "unstable-2023-02-05";
src = prev.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "flightlessmango";
repo = "MangoHud";
rev = "319077808668c589523853313d028cf81837ce72";
fetchSubmodules = true;
sha256 = "sha256-FHm5CcLKpD6R2XmGvlQrIU/OlkX1TGEN/ld3vrms2Lk=";
mesonFlags = o.mesonFlags ++ [
"-Dappend_libdir_mangohud=false" # new default incompatible with current packaging
"-Dtests=disabled" # tests require new subproject
# FIXME: Remove once khal from unstable passes tests again.
khal = prev.khal.overridePythonAttrs (o: { doCheck = false; });
mumble = prev.mumble.overrideAttrs (o: rec {
version = "1.5.517";
src = prev.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "mumble-voip";
repo = "mumble";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-NkpX1whtXDX3Q3UPnEO/Fq2LUX2MaJ/NI0oF7HudP+I=";
fetchSubmodules = true;
patches = [ ];