{ lib, stdenv, fetchzip, zlib }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "unxwb"; version = "0.3.6"; src = fetchzip { # upstream URL (https://aluigi.altervista.org/papers/unxwb.zip) is not stable url = "https://web.archive.org/web/20210401211235if_/http://aluigi.altervista.org/papers/unxwb.zip"; sha256 = "1i7m7dacfnjs22d0vk49ljmszxcvrqfr6x9brpp0qfggvqdfaw55"; stripRoot = false; }; buildInputs = [ zlib ]; buildPhase = '' runHook preBuild gcc -lz -I. -O3 -o ${pname} ${pname}.c runHook postBuild ''; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall install -D ${pname} $out/bin/${pname} runHook postInstall ''; meta = with lib; { description = "A tool for extracting the data contained in XWB archives"; homepage = "https://aluigi.altervista.org/papers.htm"; license = with licenses; [ gpl2Plus ]; maintainers = with maintainers; [ sbruder ]; platforms = platforms.all; }; }