# pokegb-nix A nixpkgs overlay for compiling/assembling Game Boy Pokémon ROMs. ## Usage If you have a Nix version with flake support, simply run a command like this: ```bash nix build ".#pokegb/red" # builds Pokémon Red/Blue nix build ".#pokegb/all" # builds all ROMs into one directory ``` For the legacy Nix UI you can use a command like this: ```bash nix-build -E 'import { overlays = [ (import ./default.nix) ]; }' -A pokegb.red ``` If you do not allow unfree packages globally, you might have to run the command with the environment variable `NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1` set. You can find a list of all packages provided by this overlay in `default.nix`. ## License [The MIT License](./LICENSE) This only applies to the package expressions, not the built packages. Patches may also be licensed differently, since they may be derivative works of the packages to which they apply. ##### Disclaimer This project is not affiliated with Nintendo or any of its subsidiaries. Pokémon is a registered trademark of Nintendo.