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        <section data-background-image="img/cinema.jpg">
          Muldimedia manipulation made easy
          <aside class="notes">
              <li>I’d like to tell you about…</li>
              <li>You might not know it</li>
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            <h2>What is FFmpeg?</h2>
            <aside class="notes">
                <li>You might ask yourself:</li>
                <li>Why do I have to know something about ffmpeg?</li>
                <li>Very popular video sites like YouTube use it</li>
                <li>I’m going to start with a quick introduction to ffmpeg</li>
          <section data-background-image="img/cat.jpg">
            <h3>A/V manipulation</h3>
              <li class="fragment fade-down">one <em>format</em> to another</li>
              <li class="fragment fade-down">reduce the file size (and quality)</li>
              <li class="fragment fade-down">draw text on some fancy graphics while playing music</li>
            <aside class="notes">
                <li>main purpose: Manipulation</li>
                <li>manipulation is not bad!</li>
                <li>can be as simple as: one format to another</li>
                <li>no time to explain, why format does not fit well</li>
                <li>more compex case: reduce the file size and obviously the quality</li>
                <li>another compex case: draw text on some fancy graphics while playing music</li>
          <section data-background-image="img/construction.jpg">
            <h3>practical examples</h3>
            <pre class="fragment"><code class="bash" data-trim>
              ffmpeg -i foo.mp4 bar.mp4
            <pre class="fragment"><code class="bash" data-trim>
              ffmpeg -i foo.mp4 -c:v libx264 -crf 28 \
                     -vf "scale=-2:720" -c:a aac -b:a 128k bar.mp4
            <pre class="fragment"><code class="bash" data-trim>
              ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -b:v 1800k -minrate 900k -maxrate 2160k \
                     -tile-columns 2 -g 240 -threads 8 -deadline good \
                     -crf 31 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus -ac 2 -vbr on \
                     -b:a 96k -c:s copy -map 0 -pass 1 -cpu-used 1 out.mkv
            <pre class="fragment"><code class="bash" data-trim>
              ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -b:v 1800k -minrate 900k -maxrate 2160k \
                     -tile-columns 4 -g 240 -threads 8 -deadline good \
                     -crf 31 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus -ac 2 -vbr on \
                     -b:a 96k -c:s copy -map 0 -pass 2 -cpu-used 1 out.mkv
            <aside class="notes">
                <li>so let’s get our hands dirty</li>
                <li>the first is mostly quite useless</li>
                <li>the second one basically reduces the file size</li>
                <li>the big ones are used in my production setup</li>
                <li>they change the format of the video and optimize it to achieve smaller sizes with only little quality loss</li>
        <section data-background-video="img/facepalm.mp4">
          <aside class="notes">
              <li>so finally, we are at the end</li>
              <li>You’ll most likely say: “I’ll never use ffmpeg”</li>
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