let pkgs = import ./nixpkgs.nix {}; # reproducible source gitignoreSrc = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "hercules-ci"; repo = "gitignore"; rev = "c4662e662462e7bf3c2a968483478a665d00e717"; sha256 = "sha256:1npnx0h6bd0d7ql93ka7azhj40zgjp815fw2r6smg8ch9p7mzdlx"; }; inherit (import gitignoreSrc { inherit (pkgs) lib; }) gitignoreSource; python = (pkgs.python38.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ CommonMark jinja2 pyyaml ])); texlive = pkgs.texlive.combine { inherit (pkgs.texlive) scheme-medium appendixnumberbeamer beamertheme-focus beamertheme-metropolis biber biblatex datetime datetime2 datetime2-german enumitem fmtcount multirow pgfopts; }; in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "presis"; nativeBuildInputs = [ python texlive ]; src = gitignoreSource ./.; FONTCONFIG_FILE = pkgs.makeFontsConf { fontDirectories = with pkgs; [ fira iosevka ]; }; enableParallelBuilding = true; dontFixup = true; installPhase = '' cp -r . $out; ''; }