@book{burke-hermanns-bruder, author = {William Hastings Burke}, title = {Hermanns Bruder}, subtitle = {Wer war Albert Göring?}, location = {Berlin}, publisher = {Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag}, translator = {Gesine Schröder}, year = 2014, pagetotal = 237, isbn = {9783746626741}, } @book{wyllie-warlord-renegade, author = {James Wyllie}, title = {The Warlord and the Renegade}, subtitle = {The Story of Hermann and Albert Goering}, location = {Cheltenham}, publisher = {Sutton Publishing}, year = 2006, pagetotal = 248, isbn = {0750940255}, } @book{freitag-ritter-reichsmarschall-revoluzzer, author = {Christian H. Freitag}, title = {Ritter, Reichsmarschall \& Revoluzzer}, subtitle = {Aus der Geschichte eines Berliner Landhauses}, location = {Berlin}, publisher = {edition Friedenauer Brücke}, year = 2015, pagetotal = 87, isbn = {9783981613025}, } @book{lustiger-rettungswiderstand, author = {Arno Lustiger}, title = {Rettungswiderstand}, subtitle = {Über die Judenretter in Europa während der NS-Zeit}, location = {Göttingen}, publisher = {Wallstein Verlag}, year = 2012, pagetotal = 462, isbn = {9783835321502}, } @article{spörlgl, author = {Gerhard Spörl}, title = {Görings Liste}, journal = {DER SPIEGEL}, number = 10, year = 2013, pages = {150--153}, url = {https://magazin.spiegel.de/EpubDelivery/spiegel/pdf/91346615}, urldate = {2021-04-22}, } @article{winer-surkes-yad-vashem, author = {Stuart Winer and Sue Surkes}, title = {Top Israeli honor eludes Goering’s brother, who heroically saved Jews}, journal = {The Times of Israel}, date = {2016-01-25}, url = {https://www.timesofisrael.com/top-israeli-honor-eludes-goerings-brother-who-heroically-saved-jews/}, urldate = {2021-06-26}, } @article{paterson-göring-schindler, author = {Tony Paterson}, title = {Göring’s brother was another Schindler}, journal = {The Independent}, date = {2012-04-28}, url = {https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/goring-s-brother-was-another-schindler-7687516.html}, urldate = {2021-06-26}, } @inbook{nara-report, title = {Goering, Albert}, author = {Paul Kubala}, maintitle = {Reports, Interrogations, and Other Records Received from Various Allied Military Agencies, 1945 - 1947}, series = {National Archives Collection of World War II War Crimes Records, 1933 - 1949}, publisher = {National Archives at College Park}, location = {College Park}, keywords = {Quelle}, url = {https://catalog.archives.gov/id/57339937}, urldate = {2021-04-29}, } @inbook{nara-verhör, title = {Goering, Albert}, author = {John H. Amen and Ensign Jackson}, maintitle = {Interrogations, Summaries of Interrogations, and Related Records, 1945 - 1946}, series = {National Archives Collection of World War II War Crimes Records, 1933 - 1949}, publisher = {National Archives at College Park}, location = {College Park}, keywords = {Quelle}, url = {https://catalog.archives.gov/id/57321728}, urldate = {2021-04-29}, }