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2014-10-13 14:56:19 -07:00

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MumbleDJ Setup Guide

This setup guide is written for installation on an Ubuntu-based system. If I ever get the time I may also write a setup guide for Fedora and Arch Linux as I have gotten them to work on those distros as well.

NOTE: This installation guide is written from memory so if there is something wrong, please let me know!

Installing Dependencies

This is the bulk of the setup process. Most of the dependencies can be installed with the following apt-get commands:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install protobuf-c-compiler libprotobuf-c0-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libvorbis-dev libssl-dev libev-dev python-pip ffmpeg

Then just install the python module pafy with pip:

$ sudo pip install pafy

The rest of the dependencies will have to be compiled from source. First we will compile and install protobuf and protobuf-c.

protobuf & protobuf-c

$ wget
$ tar xzf protobuf-2.6.0.tar.gz
$ cd protobuf-2.6.0
$ ./configure && make && sudo make install && cd ..
$ wget
$ tar xzf protobuf-c-1.0.2.tar.gz
$ cd protobuf-c-1.0.2
$ ./configure && make && sudo make install && cd ..

You have now (hopefully) successfully installed protobuf and protobuf-c. Now we will install jshon, which is required for piepan.

jshon and jansson

jshon depends on jansson, so we will compile and install that beforehand.

$ wget
$ tar xzf jansson-2.7.tar.gz
$ rm jansson-2.7.tar.gz
$ cd jansson-2.7.tar.gz
$ ./configure && make && sudo make install && cd ..
$ wget
$ tar xzf jshon.tar.gz
$ cd jshon-*
$ make && sudo cp jshon /usr/local/bin && cd ..

Cool, we now have the necessary dependencies installed to compile piepan. We will now install piepan.


$ sudo ldconfig
$ git clone
$ cd piepan
$ make

Then cp the piepan executable into your bot's directory or /usr/local/bin.

NOTE: If your system cannot find lua on your system and complains of pkg-config stuff, try the following "fix":

$ cd piepan
$ make clean
$ nano Makefile

Replace the first like of the Makefile with the following:

CFLAGS = `pkg-config --libs --cflags libssl lua5.2 libprotobuf-c opus vorbis vorbisfile` -lev -pthread

If you recompile piepan it should work now.

Configuring & Running MumbleDJ

Now we're ready to finally use MumbleDJ! First clone the MumbleDJ project.

$ git clone

Within the mumbledj directory you will see another directory inside named mumbledj. Open that directory and edit config.lua to your liking.

When you're ready to use the bot, just use the following command (this assumes that the piepan executable is in the mumbledj/mumbledj directory):

./piepan -u NAME_OF_BOT -s SERVER_IP mumbledj.lua

####All done!