Simon Bruder 2b59a11406
Remove outdated build argument from readme
This was left over from when I tried building external rulesets with an
onbuild hook.
2024-05-10 23:47:38 +02:00

675 B

osu!lazer in OCI container

How to use


Using podman/buildah:

buildah build --layers -t osu --build-arg OSU_VERSION=2024.412.1 --jobs 0

Change 2024.412.1 to the newest osu! version. By changing --jobs 0 to a positive integer N, at most N build stages will be run in parallel.


Place run.sh in a directory of your choice. On first run, the directories data and import will be created.

To import a beatmap, place it in the import directory, open a graphical file manager and drag-and-drop the file into osu!.

This is not an official product by ppy Pty Ltd. osu! is a registered trademark by ppy Pty Ltd.