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252 lines
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use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use anyhow::Result;
use log::{debug, info, warn};
use nom::bytes::complete::tag;
use nom::error::ParseError;
use nom::multi::count;
use nom::number::complete::{le_i32, le_u32};
use nom::{take_str, IResult};
use num_derive::FromPrimitive;
use num_traits::FromPrimitive;
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::utils;
use crate::utils::exec_nom_parser;
use crate::xact3::adpcm;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("{0:?} is not a supported format")]
#[derive(Clone, FromPrimitive, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum FormatTag {
PCM = 0,
XMA = 1,
ADPCM = 2,
WMA = 3,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Format {
tag: FormatTag,
channels: u16,
sample_rate: u32,
alignment: u8,
impl From<u32> for Format {
fn from(format: u32) -> Self {
Self {
tag: FormatTag::from_u32(format & ((1 << 2) - 1)).unwrap(),
channels: ((format >> 2) & ((1 << 3) - 1)) as u16,
sample_rate: (format >> 5) & ((1 << 18) - 1),
alignment: ((format >> 23) & ((1 << 8) - 1)) as u8,
impl TryInto<adpcm::WaveFormat> for Format {
type Error = Error;
fn try_into(self) -> Result<adpcm::WaveFormat, Error> {
if self.tag != FormatTag::ADPCM {
return Err(Error::UnsupportedFormat(self.tag));
let n_block_align = (self.alignment as u16 + 22) * self.channels;
let n_samples_per_block =
(((n_block_align - (7 * self.channels)) * 8) / (4 * self.channels)) + 2;
let n_avg_bytes_per_sec =
(self.sample_rate / n_samples_per_block as u32) * n_block_align as u32;
Ok(adpcm::WaveFormat {
n_channels: self.channels,
n_samples_per_sec: self.sample_rate,
struct SegmentPosition {
start: usize,
end: usize,
impl SegmentPosition {
fn get_from<'a>(&self, data: &'a [u8]) -> &'a [u8] {
fn parse<'a, E: ParseError<&'a [u8]>>(input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Self, E> {
let (input, offset) = le_u32(input)?;
let (input, length) = le_u32(input)?;
let (start, end) = utils::offset_length_to_start_end(offset as usize, length as usize);
Ok((input, Self { start, end }))
struct Header {
segment_positions: Vec<SegmentPosition>,
impl Header {
fn parse(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Self> {
let (input, _magic) = tag("WBND")(input)?;
let (input, version) = le_u32(input)?;
debug!("Recognised file (version {})", version);
if version != 43 {
warn!("The provided file has an unsupported version ({})", version);
let (input, _header_version) = le_u32(input)?;
let (_input, segment_positions) = count(SegmentPosition::parse, 5)(input)?;
// difference between first segment and parsed bytes of header
&input[8 * 5 + 12..segment_positions[0].start],
Self { segment_positions },
struct Info {
entry_count: usize,
name: String,
impl Info {
fn parse(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Self> {
let (input, _flags) = le_u32(input)?;
let (input, entry_count) = le_u32(input)?;
let (input, name) = take_str64(input)?;
let (input, _entry_meta_data_element_size) = le_u32(input)?;
let (input, _entry_name_element_size) = le_u32(input)?;
let (input, _alignment) = le_u32(input)?;
let (input, _compact_format) = le_i32(input)?;
let (input, _build_time) = le_u32(input)?;
Self {
entry_count: entry_count as usize,
struct Entry {
name: String,
format: Format,
data_offset: usize,
data_length: usize,
impl Entry {
fn parse(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Self> {
let (input, _flags_and_duration) = le_u32(input)?;
let (input, format) = le_u32(input)?;
let (input, data_offset) = le_u32(input)?;
let (input, data_length) = le_u32(input)?;
let (input, _loop_start) = le_u32(input)?;
let (input, _loop_length) = le_u32(input)?;
Self {
name: "".to_string(),
format: format.into(),
data_offset: data_offset as usize,
data_length: data_length as usize,
fn take_str(input: &[u8], len: usize) -> IResult<&[u8], String> {
let (input, parsed) = take_str!(input, len)?;
Ok((input, parsed.replace("\0", "")))
fn take_str64(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], String> {
take_str(input, 64)
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct WaveBank<'a> {
pub name: String,
pub sounds: HashMap<String, Sound<'a>>,
impl WaveBank<'_> {
pub fn parse(data: &'_ [u8]) -> Result<WaveBank> {
debug!("Parsing header");
let header = exec_nom_parser(Header::parse, data)?;
debug!("Getting segments from file");
let segments: Vec<&'_ [u8]> = header
.map(|x| x.get_from(data))
debug!("Parsing info (length {})", segments[0].len());
let info = exec_nom_parser(Info::parse, segments[0])?;
debug!("Parsing entries (length {})", segments[1].len());
let entries = exec_nom_parser(count(Entry::parse, info.entry_count as usize), segments[1])?;
debug!("Parsing entry names (length {})", segments[3].len());
let entry_names = if segments[3].len() == info.entry_count as usize * 64 {
exec_nom_parser(count(take_str64, info.entry_count as usize), segments[3])?
} else {
warn!("Wave bank does not have name entries");
(|x| x.to_string()).collect()
let mut wave_bank = WaveBank {
sounds: HashMap::new(),
for (entry, name) in entries.iter().zip(entry_names.iter()) {
let (start, end) =
utils::offset_length_to_start_end(entry.data_offset, entry.data_length);
name.replace("\0", "").to_string(),
Sound {
format: entry.format.clone(),
data: &segments[4][start..end],
size: end - start,
info!("Parsed WaveBank with {} sounds", wave_bank.sounds.len());
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Sound<'a> {
format: Format,
data: &'a [u8],
pub size: usize,
impl Sound<'_> {
pub fn to_wav(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
match &self.format.tag {
FormatTag::ADPCM => adpcm::build_wav(self.format.clone().try_into()?,,
_ => Err(Error::UnsupportedFormat(self.format.tag.clone()).into()),