Simon Bruder 5563e08a37
Use mpv for downmixing to stereo
It supports different input channel configurations and does not require
a long string of magic numbers.
2021-04-18 15:11:57 +02:00

155 lines
5.5 KiB

# Media (General)
## Audio
### Split file with cue sheet and use filename from cue sheet
shnsplit -D -f file.cue -t "%n %t" -o "flac flac -8 -o %f -" file.flac
### Remove all tags except MusicBrainz tags from flac files
for i in *.flac; do tags=$(metaflac --export-tags-to=- $i | grep -E '^MUSICBRAINZ_'); metaflac --remove-all-tags $i; metaflac --import-tags-from=- $i <<< $tags; done
### Downmix 5.1/7.1 to 2.0
mpv --oac=flac --audio-channels=stereo --oacopts=compression_level=0 --o=outfile.flac infile.flac
### Record pulseaudio device to flac
parec [ -d DEVICE ] | flac --endian=little --channels=2 --bps=16 --sample-rate=48000 --sign=signed -o foo.flac -
## Video
### Copy DVD stream to file [with dvd already copied to local directory]
mpv --stream-dump=1.mkv dvd://1 [--dvd-device path/to/dvd]
## MKV
### Fix mimetype of font attachments
Some matroska files have the mimetype for font attachment for fonts set to
mkvpropedit --attachment-mime-type font/sfnt --update-attachment mime-type:application/octet-stream file.mkv
## FFmpeg
### Create color timeline image from video
(infile=in.mkv; outfile=out.png; rows=320; width=1920; height=1080; ffmpeg -i $infile -vf tblend=all_mode=average,fps=${rows}/$(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 $infile),scale=1:1,scale=${width}/${rows}:${height},setsar=1,tile=${rows}x1 -frames:v 1 $outfile)
### Show duration of file in seconds
ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 file.mkv
### Remove EIA-608 subtitles from video bitstream
ffmpeg -i infile.mkv -c copy -bsf:v "filter_units=remove_types=6" outfile.mkv
## QP file
replace 24/1.001 with framerate
ffprobe -i infile.mkv -print_format json -show_chapters -loglevel error | jq -r '.chapters[].start / 1000000000 * 24/1.001 | round | tostring + " I"' >> foo.qp
## Manga
### Convert greyscale images to actuual greyscale
For some reasons, many releases encode greyscale manga pages as yuv420. Sadly,
the chroma layers are not completely empty but include some (almost invisible)
noise. This fixes that for lower battery comsumption, a really small file size
gain and just because it seems right.
This only works for pages with the same size (image2/ffmpeg limitation), but
releases suffering from this mostly fulfill this requirement.
**WARNING**: This uses some heuristics (SSIM > 98) to determine if a page is
greyscale. This may not work all the time (it did for me though). Please verify
if all converted images actually are greyscale.
ffmpeg -loglevel error -f lavfi -i "movie=%03d.jpg:f=image2,split=2[orig][in2];[in2]extractplanes=y[grey];[orig][grey]ssim=-" -f null - >> ssim
while read frame;do (( $(cut -d' ' -f5 <<< $frame | cut -c 7-8) < 98 )) || {file=$(printf "%03d.jpg\n" $(cut -d' ' -f1 <<< $frame|cut -d: -f2)); echo $file; jpegtran -copy none -optimize -grayscale -outfile $file $file}; done < ssim
jpegoptim -s *.jpg
exiftool -overwrite_original -all= *.jpg
# print all converted images for verification
grep -E 'All:0.(9[0-8]|[0-8][0-9])' ssim
### Merge page spreads to single page
Use function `merge_pages right-page left-page` (without .jpg). Result will be
written to left-page-right-page.jpg`.
function merge_pages() {
convert ${2}.jpg ${1}.jpg +append ${1}-${2}.jpg
exiftool -overwrite_original -all= ${1}-${2}.jpg
# remove single pages
mkdir single_pages
for i in ???-???.jpg;do mv $(cut -d- -f1 <<< $i).jpg $(cut -d- -f2 <<< $i) single_pages;done
## mpv
### View thumbnails generated by [mpv-gallery-view](
mpv --pause --demuxer=rawvideo --demuxer-rawvideo-mp-format=bgra --demuxer-rawvideo-w=288 --demuxer-rawvideo-h=162 FILE
Convert to tiles
ffmpeg -codec:v rawvideo -pixel_format bgra -video_size 288:162 -f image2 -pattern_type glob -i '*' -vf tile=layout=10x10 tile-%04d.png
## Download
### Bilibili live recording
curl ''|jq -r '.data.list | map(.url) | to_entries[] | .value + "\n out=" + (.key|tostring) + ".flv"' | aria2c --auto-file-renaming=false -x 16 -j 10 -i -
mkvmerge '[' $(find . -name '*.flv'|sort -V) ']' -o merge.mkv
## PDF
### Downsample bitmap PDF
Useful for sending large 300/600 dpi scans as e-mail. Change `pdfimage32` to
`pdfimage8` for greyscale, `300` to the input DPI and `DownScaleFactor` to the
desired downscaling. For some reason fails when setting compression to JPEG.
gs -sDEVICE=pdfimage24 -r300 -dDownScaleFactor=2 -o downscaled.pdf document.pdf
Imagemagick supports JPEG. Set your desired output density and JPEG quality.
convert -density 300 -compress jpeg -quality 80 document.pdf downscaled.pdf
## Screen sharing
Since there is no good support for WebRTC screensharing with wayland, a virtual
webcam device can be used.
sudo modprobe v4l2loopback exclusive_caps=1 card_label=screensharing # only has to be done once
wf-recorder --muxer=v4l2 --codec=rawvideo --file=/dev/video2 -x yuv420p # adjust /dev/video2 to the actual device
To remove the virtual webcam device run `sudo modprobe -r v4l2loopback`